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Posts posted by JustTheOpposite

  1. 16 hours ago, jcraigp23 said:

    Great? Far from it. I learned a lot through out my time in Metro and worked my tail off. So did my assistants and more importantly the young men I held accountable every single day. I’ve told my friends who think I would never come back to Never say Never. ;-)

    Got heeeeeeeem. Hahahahahahahahahaha

  2. Yes. You guys are absolutely right when it comes to Antioch. It has nothing to do with the new admin firing a sub par coach who could not get any good players interested in playing. She has a great plan but busing is taking it apart.

  3. The admin is way too strong to hire any coach based on skin. The admin does what is right. The admin would never give into the old concept of perception is reality. The admin has been one step ahead during the entire process. The future at Antioch could not brighter.  

    Trust the process.       

  4. Thanks workinprogress. That really makes me happy. However, I have a feeling that people on here think I am being sarcastic. Nothing could be further from the truth. My information is as legit as it gets. Trust the process.

  5. Going to try to respond to all the posts.

    Bleacher what coach has had a winning record at Antioch, not just recently like Hogan said, but ever. I'll wait on that one. Most good coaches of the past have done well just being .500 and making playoffs which is what Woodward did. He left to go to Brentwood with a very heavy heart but thought it was better for his career. He then got railroaded by the admin there because they wanted their hero to return. Guess what that hero only succeeded because of the work Woodward put in. Before Woodward the previous coach did not do anything in the weight room. He didn't do anything to get the younger kids ready to play. And as a parting gift he left a brutal schedule.

    Just the opposite I hope everyone realizes you are saying the opposite of what you really think.

    Hogan and dirtywave right on.

    Fan I really respect you and your opinion. I had a lot of fun with EN and PC. Hope your girls pull out a big win. The new director has mentioned multiple times metro needing a more diverse staff. Most people that he has personally hired have been of one race. To me that's not diverse. If he wants diversity start hiring Hispanics, Egyptians, Laotian's, Asians, etc. He has not done this. Metro kids deserve and need the best teachers and coaches possible. I don't care what race they are as long as they are the best.

    Finally, whoever said in five years metro coaches will have to pass a certain litmus test, I hope you are wrong. Race should never be involved in anything to do with education. I've always taught and coached in areas that were economically disadvantaged and the majority of kids were not of my own race. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with all kids. I would like to think those kids enjoyed being around me. A few probably didn't but that's because I made them work. I love my job. Very rarely have I ever felt like I was going to work. The great thing about kids is they just want someone to give them a little structure, a pat on the back when they succeed, a pat on the back when they struggle just to let them know you are there to help, and they don't care what color you are. To them it's the last thing on their minds. I wish as adults people kept that part of their inner child.

    Dang, I thought I was being clever. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

  6. Woodward had a losing record and left Antioch 4 yrs ago. Went to Brentwood, lost, and got fired. Should have never been rehired at Antioch, but was and went 3-8. Got fired again.


    As for the "protest" most of those kids never went to a game and could care less. They were just being dramatic for the TV cameras. The kid talking on camera actually quit football. He had another agenda...


    Finally a voice of truth. Thank you bleacher. I will take advantage of this time to join with you and contradict some more claims. The principal would never try to sabotage the football coach. She would never rip up a p.o. for jerseys. Certainly the football program was still in debt from the previous coach instead of having over 5 figures in the account. I assure you that she certainly did not then go to certain coaches of other sports and tell them to put together a wish list because she had money for them to spend.  

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