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Everything posted by MustangNation448

  1. I said talk about it buddy you must be mad if fighting is on your mind
  2. Not at all sir an I havent had no tough talk but your more than welcome to get it an holler at me when your in town!! Let's talk about it
  3. All they keep saying is excuses excuses then they hit me with one lol your too dumb obviously to see the humor in that!!!
  4. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://amp.tennessean.com/amp/861063002&ved=2ahUKEwjH1u3219beAhWQmOAKHWYRDjAQFjAHegQIAhAB&usg=AOvVaw1M43V4TRYLoVlCE_fU4d8r&ampcf=1&cshid=1542295028514
  5. The quoting myself my mistake!! Newspaper is the Tennessean
  6. Yea I can post the newspaper article link if you would like to read about it yourself
  7. This Guy is so retarded he is on another schools thread talking bad when his team has a game Friday lol imagine that! Even you know where real foot ball is
  8. We wouldnt know yalls fan base the world just found out yall had a school last year
  9. Oh so yall actually played in the state Championship game I couldn't tell by the way they whooped yall
  10. Ask yourself why ain't none of these fans on the trenton thread?? Because nobody cares yall done lost to gibson county you cant even speak to us
  11. Why is this guy even in this thread oh because nobody is on one for pissbody an union city!!!!
  12. Well that's understandable when your history is losing there is nothing to boast about!!
  13. Lol yea that's what it is spoiled lol!!! Come Friday none of the talk will mean anything nobody's opinion will matter only thing that matters is on that field!!!!
  14. Well that's mighty nice of ya!!! Come on Fridayyyyyyyyyyy
  15. Friday all the talk will cease!!! Only one team moving on
  16. Stop being a pansy they been talking since Monday an you still wanna be friends!!
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