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Everything posted by nono

  1. but most teams barely playing 500 ball.what everyone dont like is not playing out the bracket the way it was drawn up.and if both coaches agreed to not playing each other for the championship the way it was posted ,then both should be reprimanded.
  2. yes 10 a day or 25 for 3 days.yes alot of disappointing fans and coaches from other teams.
  3. Siegel and Demopolis Alabama cares. alot of cleveland and bradley fans didnt know this.and if that true why print up brackets that way
  4. 10 dollars is a good price at Maryville and at Arbys classic and Greenville also. the Cleveland tournament had very weak teams,and they didnt go by the bracket the way it was
  5. I have been going to this tournament for the last 2 days. The bracket paper has Cleveland in one bracket, and Bradley in the other bracket. They both made it to play each other in the championship game. Then I find out that is not going to happen. They will each play the team that the other one beat, which was Siegel and Demopolis Alabama. All Cleveland, Bradley and Siegel fans that I spoke with did not like this. Neither did I because I have always liked watching Bradley play Cleveland for a championship of any kind. Does anyone know why they aren't going by the bracket and playing a championship game? The way they are doing it now, you will not even know who gets 3rd place. Another thing, last time I payed 10.00 to get in to a tournament game was at the Arby's Classic, there is alot of difference between that tournament and this one. Other teams should ask questions before getting in this tournament next year. I will not waste another 10.00 to go tomorrow since it will not be a championship game.
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