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Posts posted by Teslady

  1. Carter County Mom’s two cents:  My kids attended the County Schools.  Please understand, some of the elementary schools are tiny and go all the way through eighth grade.  There is no opportunity for the middle school experience.  Band consisted of practicing in whatever room they could find a space.  It was a Tough decision for a lot of us parents after fifth grade to switch to Elizabethton City or stay in county schools.  Mine stayed in the county and yes they had the most amazing teachers who loved them, guided them and almost two decades later still are there for their former students as friends and mentors.  However, you can’t blame a child who wants a different experience, one like most other students in this country take for granted.  Examples:  1. Going to a real middle school that actually has a marching band instead of waiting three more years to march in a band with 20 students versus 200 plus in the city high school.  2. Not Being in an elementary school environment until you start ninth grade.  3. So many opportunities academically and  athletically as well as vocational training they just can’t provide in the county.  Unaka won the State Championship in Basketball while my kids were students there, so yes, the County is competitive in sports.  It is a different dynamic in our area, I bet most Carter County parents have had this conversation with kids about whether to switch or not, especially every time  one of their friends announced they were “moving to the city schools”.  Most transitioned after fifth grade.  No one can “blame” these kids for their decision to want to be a part of the Cyclone family.

    The Cyclone football team is blessed with their coaching staff and to have a city that absolutely loves them.  Drive through town on  a Friday night game night and it is apparent that stadium (and all who fill it) is the heartbeat of Elizabethton.  I expect to see most of the population of Elizabethton in Cookeville supporting this amazingly talented team as well as the entire Witten family.   Coach Witten, Jason and their grandfather, Coach Rider, that entire family and coaching staff, inspire these players to be their best and to be the kind of men this world needs more of.  Those boys won’t just be carrying a Football down the field but decades of hopes and dreams for our entire community.  Good luck and God Bless you all.  Thanks for this thrilling adventure!  Safe travels for Cyclones, Jackets and fans!


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