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Posts posted by Bzaller

  1. QUOTE(bulldawgs#1 @ Mar 12 2007 - 10:48 PM) 826409652[/snapback]"Your" shows posession. I think "you're" might be the contraction you're looking for. And no I'm not an idiot. I've played and watched basketball the last ten years or so in west tn. I've been to several state tournaments and played a lot of games in the summer against teams east of here. Proven fact that the west has better teams and are MUCH more athletic. This is not something new. Humboldt is a very good, very athletic team by west standards. Just gonna play the percentages and say that wartburg is the usual east tn that doesn't belong on the court with humboldt. Now anything can happen, they play the game for a reason. Humboldt has been known to underachieve at times. Anything can happen but odds are Humboldt wins BIG.




    I just think the kids from wartburg deserve more respect than what you guys are giving them. Saying that Wartburg doesnt belong on the same court as Humboldt is ridiculous, not from a basketball standpoint but a respect standpoint. This is a game. Just because you played and watched basketball for ten years doesnt mean you have the right to disrespect 17 and 18 year old kids.


    And for the record, its not a proven fact that the west has better teams and are much more athletic. Did you forget that temple is from East Tennessee as well? Humboldt might have Wartburg outmatched, but please, just show the kids some respect.

  2. QUOTE(westtennsports @ Mar 12 2007 - 09:36 AM) 826408717[/snapback]I will be glad for Wednesday around 3:15 to get here so the Wartburg people will get about 4-5 hours of "great season guys" and "we're really proud of you" and then get off the T. Maybe the Temple faithful will have more basketball sense.



    I graduated from Temple, so actually im a Temple fan. Im not for wartburg and im not for Humboldt...ive seen wartburg play some and I think they have a solid basketball team. All I said was that that dude was an idiot....because he is. Its idiotic to say Humboldt is 100 times better and more athletic than wartburg if he has never seen them play. Scratch that...he's never even HEARD of wartburg....let alone see them play. It just doesnt make sense to me.

  3. QUOTE(bulldawgs#1 @ Mar 11 2007 - 08:37 PM) 826408383[/snapback]Never heard of wartburg but I'll still guarantee Humboldt is 100 times more athletic and the better team. If the vikings play decent they will win by 30 if they played really bad they could lose but that's very unlikely. Epperson is the best athlete wartburg will have ever seen. He and Sain will dominate both will have a couple of dunks that will get Humboltds crowd in to it. The state championship was played a couple of weeks ago in Carroll County. If Humboldt plays decent they will have another gold ball.



    If you have never heard of a team, then how can you possibly make any logical comparisons to how the two teams will do against each other? How can you guarantee all this crap? Your an idiot

  4. Just because a player is confident and/or emotional doesnt mean that player lacks class. I think some people perceive emotion as flamboyance or showboating, and confidence is pretty important factor in this game. So just because Seth is confident and emotional, doesnt mean he lacks class.

  5. Didnt Broyde Croyle(Alabama) play at a really small christian school? I could be wrong....but if thats true then there is a case where a kid from a small school can play the game of football. If you can play, then you can play. It doesnt matter if its against Trousdale or Oakdale. The quarterbacks job is to put points on the board...and i think Smithson did a pretty good job of that.


    All Kevin can do is play football. Kevin doesnt make up the schedule and he doesnt decide what class Temple football is in. All Kevin did was strap it up, and put the ball in the hands of people who scored points.


    And one more thing....there is a reason why Volfromchatt isnt a football coach. Its because he has ISH for brains and doesnt know his head from his butt. His spelling can attest for that. Good luck to Kevin...

  6. Why are all of you getting mad about the concept Rackball. There is a picture of a rackball under my signature. I got this rackball from Coacht's website. He must like rackball.


    I could be wrong but I think i speak for everybody when i say this. Its not the concept that i hate, i just hate that in every post you make you use the word at least four times. You've already beat the dead horse.....twice. Then you dug it up again and made the mistake of asking everyone why they dislike the concept. Its not the concept that i dislike, i find myself saying it sometimes. At the game yesterday when somebody shot i said, 'rackem'. I dont think its a bad idea and i dont disagree with everything you say but lets bury the horse for the last time.

  7. Temple has the respect of people all around the state. Ok, I'm sure Grace does too since they have beaten Temple twice and beat them soundly one time. Smart comments? We'll address that later.

    Are you making smart comments now? Are you now wrong? Are we all wrong?


    Are we talking about Mr. Basketball nominations or are we talking about Temple/Grace? Nothing in your post even remotely refers to anything about Mr. Basketball. Lets try and stay on topic.....just a thought.

  8. Seth is a good player but should not have gotten the nomination. If anyone from Chattanooga should have gotten it should have been Davis Eldridge. Seth didnt even get district player of the year, Davis did. Seth didnt get region player of the year, Davis did. Hmm . . . I am very suprised but I guess the name helps... alot


    Davis is a good player and i have tons of respect for his game. That being said if i had to choose between the two of them, i would take Seth. At the same time thats a good decision to have to make. The thing about Seth is that he is such a tough matchup. He is either bigger or quicker than anybody who guards him. Im not saying he is going to win, but be honest, his last name has nothing to do with it. Dont try and take something away from Seth because his last name is Skogen. Just congratulate him because he has worked hard and he deserves it.

  9. Just because Rockwood beat Wartburg twice doesnt mean a lot. You beat Wartburg when it didnt matter. Congratulations. If i was Rockwood i would be nervous because you have got to beat Wartburg three times in one year. Good luck with all that. It was bull when you beat them the first time and the second time you beat them....you know what almost froze over. Just b/c Wartburg has had some tough losses this year doesnt mean you should forget about them.


    I personally think that Cosby has a very good team, but they havent played anybody. Yes they are talented, but are they battle tested? No. The thing that i like about Wartburg is that they are as talented as Cosby AND they are battle tested. Dont forget Wartburgs seniors have been through a lot and dont get rattled easily, this team will be very tough to beat. My predicton for Wartburg is that they will win the district and play Rockwood in the second round of the Region. If they win this game they will go to state. Im not sure who they would play in the sub-state but if its Unaka i know they are a little down this year.


    I sincerely think that this team will do more than what people think. I know most arent doubting them or overlooking them, but honestly, its wartburgs year.

  10. BluNWhiteH8Tribe you just went off on Temple and you havent even seen them play. It seems to me that if you havent seen Temple play, dont rank them. Or if you do rank them let everybody know you havent seen them play. From now on i think that if you rank the top ten, you should also list the teams that you have or haven't seen play.


    Temple went 34-2 last year. How many teams do you know of that would be able to repeat that type of year? People are saying that this will be a rebuilding year for Temple. That is fine, its hard to improve on a 34-2 record. What most people dont understand is that when Temple rebuilds, its goes to sub-state. I think its fair to say that if this team doesnt go to state, it will be a huge disapointment. That is Temples blessing and curse.

  11. Well, lets start at square one...I thought I had put McCallie in my poll and if u remember that post before I edited it, it also said everybody above McCallie give or take howard and east ridge would beat temple pretty easily...I saw this mistake and went back and changed the whole post...Yes, Grace IS in the Upper Echelons in this area...feel free to prove me wrong, or at least to try to...I believe Grace will have their way with Temple this year because according to sources I have in Chattanooga, Temple is really down this year...besides, I believe Grace is CAPABLE of competing in the Upper Echelons with the likes of McMinn Central, Bradley Central, and anyone else you wanna throw in that pile...I just don't believe Temple could compete with either of those schools...I strongly believe Grace could...to concrete my point, Grace plays a tougher schedule then Temple and so far, they are undefeated...Temple plays a far weaker schedule, but they have just one loss, so that isn't too bad I don't suppose...the point here I was trying to make before you came along and said what you said was where I had Temple ranked at, which was #10...everybody ranked ahead of Temple would beat them, in my oppinion...I know Bradley Central and McMinn Central would slaughter them...


    I just want to get one thing straight. How many teams in your top ten have you SEEN play?

  12. Im just posting my opinion..........and that is that Grace will be playing substate at home this year. :)Temple and Grace will most likely both win their sub state games. I never said Temple wasnt good, b/c they are, VERY good. I just said the they arent quite as good as us in my opinion this year and that the strength of their team has been the OFFENSE, not as much the defense.


    Now your makin more sense. I dont agree that Grace will host a sub-state game, but they very well might. I cant wait for January 13.....

  13. Grace does not have the advantage in the defensive department. Grace has several good defensive players but at Grace you get guarded by a player with Temple you get guarded by a team.


    I know we have had our problems in the past, but thank you for making an intelligent post!! Please back me up and tell Gracefan that no matter who you play (Temple or Grace) Defense wins championships.

  14. Bringing up the past again. and once again, the reason Temple won those years was b/c of offense, the defense has not been good since the 90's. When is the last time Temple held a GOOD team in the 30's? 1998 or 99. Temple's strength the last few years has been offense, and this year, Grace just has a better offense. Simple enough.


    What are talking about bringing up the past?? If we just completely ignored the past and forgot it immediatly after it happened we would never have a conversation. The past is important, because history repeats itself. oh wait.....what we were talking about.

  15. Which is in the past.........and those two state titles were not won by what you said (defense and coaching), they were won by great offensive talent.

    Yeah, your right i forgot. Defense doesnt win championships.

  16. Proof?? Your words dont prove anything. Half of them arent even true. Coach m. is just as good if not better than coach w. b/c he has done more with less talent in the past. the only reason coach w. looks so good is b/c of all the talent he has had the past few years. And Temple defense hasnt existed since the 90's. I mean cmon, Temple used to be known for keeping EVERYONE in the 30's in the 90's, now they cant even hold 21st Century to the 30's. Temple's defense is not that great. Grace has the advantage in that department too.


    Your right, my words dont prove anything. Two state championships should be proof enough. Proof is a 18-1 record against Grace in the last 19 games. Temple defense hasnt existed since the 90's?!? You dont win like Temple has unless you play defense.

  17. To say Grace has the best team in single A is a little much. Are they good? Yes. Better than Temple? Maybe, they DO have more raw talent. Best in the state? i will say i dont know b/c i havent seen all the good teams in the state play. have you? I know their must be good teams out west. I have seen Grace play and i know they are good, but the Best? You have to see all the competition to intelligently call them the best. Call them better than Temple if you want, but unless you've seen all the really good teams dont call them the best.


    As for the prognostication on the Temple-Grace game, you may be right. Temple will have to play good to win. Temple may not have the most talent, but i know they will work harder. I know this because i know Coach W. will make them bust it every day in practice. Temple is more disciplined, plays better team D, has a better coach, and KNOWS they can beat Grace. Grace has more talent, probably a better offensive attack, and THINKS they can beat Temple. The mental aspect of it may be bigger than most people think. Those Grace guys think they can win, but the Temple players know they can win. If Grace has an off shooting night(which eventually will happen) against a good team, they will struggle and probably lose. Grace will rely on offense, Temple will rely on defense.....that is proof that Temple has a better coach and will beat Grace when it counts.

  18. Dude? what is this some child on here responding? That figures. Whatever happened last year is in the past no one is whining about it. So when Temple and all of their "players rooming in the college dorms" come up here, don't get on here and whine about nothing because you will get a long, over due, spanking and i guarantee that! How the TSSAA allow this kind of blatant infraction of the rules with transferring of players to college dorm rooms is beyond me someone is getting some grease from somewhere! :thumb:


    You are one of the many people on coachT who have no idea what the deal is about that kid living in the dorm. You cannot have any idea about why that kid is in the dorm, because most people at Temple dont know the whole situation. Maybe just this once, something bigger than basketball was happening in that kids life. Maybe there was a problem that nobody knows about and that is why he transfered schools. Take a look at the whole picture before you go off on a kid that you dont know. You dont know him. You probably dont even know his name. You cant act mature enough for two minutes to see that something is more important than Clay County and Temple in a sub-state game. The only thing you know about the entire situation is that Temple has a transfer student that lives in the dorm. oh yeah, and he plays basketball. So you take that little piece of information and run with it. You go on to guarantee a spanking and spout off about how the TSSAA is terrible and something about grease. There obviously has to be some kind of infraction because Temple is involved. (Thats the school with all the Georgia license plates in it parking lot, aint it?) You can make a prediction about a game, that is fine. But dont go off on the kid living in the dorms. That aint right. Even the Grace people arent doing that. At least they have enough class to support their team and not go off about a kid.

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