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Posts posted by RavenCat

  1. I dont think you can call bwoodmoms question stupid. I just think its a sore and embarrassing subject. But I do question if the Indy coach is the person responsible for punishing the qb. I heard it may have been the principle. It would put the coach in a very difficult spot knowing a player NEEDS to be punished and taught a lesson but to punish the whole team I am not sure is the answer. What TC did last year was VERY serious and hopefully he learned a life lesson from it and it would have been terrible if the whole team would have suffered because of his STUPID unnessary decision. I feel pretty sure if he needed a pair of jeans his family could have afforded to pay for them. I just think there must be a way to make the player suffer without punishing the whole team maybe, what made the difference is one incident was on school grounds and one wasnt.


    TC was in fact off of the team...the Seniors went to Rector and requested that he reconsider...not from a football perspective...from a life perspective. He paid his legal price...and then he paid his team mates price....he did face a suspension...and he came in every Sat to clean his team mates lockers....and equipment.


    He didn't need the jeans...it was a cry for help...which he got...from his team and his family!


    Like my Raptor son put it...what was he doing in Parisian anyway...nobody under 50 shops there....one of lifes many lessons we all learn along the way!


    the lose to dickson county(an easier team than franklin)

    and then get shut out by Ravenwood 31-0

    come on!

    even centennial scored twice on ravenwood

    franklin game was a fluke

    cordell is overrated and is an idiot for stealin the hamburger

    their whole team has big heads and they need to realize they arent as good as they think



    Please don't give Centennial that much credit....Ravenwood was playing the 2nd team kids late in the 3rd and the JV for the whole 4th...the idiot that coaches Centennial left his starters in until late in the 4th.....I guess the score was more important than giving his other kids playing time

  3. Wow. Thought it would have been closer.

    If you guys go back to last spring and early fall..I told you that if this Ravenwood team started to click...this team will be better that than last years team....the defense is full speed and it showed tonight...the offense isn't there yet, but they're close.....if this team stays healthy.......they'll be fun to watch

  4. Gallatin was the 3-A state champion that year and there were only 3 classifications.

    GWAVE1 has spoken.....and that's the facts


    Just a warning...MLREB will soon call you a liar....if he doesn't like your facts or your facts don't fit his fairyland world or is just too dumb to look something up...he calls you a liar and says Maryville will beat anyone by three scores....that's all he knows


    Just ignore him like the rest of us should have done...!

  5. [quote name='RavenCat' date='Jun 13 2006 - 07:51 PM' post='826067413']

    God I love stupid people.....and now we know how young you are...go back to the record....I believe 1993....likely the year you were born....TSSAA went from 3 classifications to 5....Oak Ridge had 1050 students....a 3A school under the new catagory....As the outgoing booster president...I was part of the discussion regarding the classification we would compete in.....no discussion...OR would play up and compete in 5A.....Maryville was playing 2A but had about the same number of students.....they chose not to go to 5A...(no balls at all)...but to play at their classification...not up. Do the research son....then you won't look so....inexperienced.....!

    I have no way of proving the accuracy of this statement regarding Oak Ridge but based on your previous post I am confident this is another lie from you. Maryville did not have the same number of students as again you assume wrong. I seem to remember OR being in the 2,000 student range but again I have no way to prove it. I can't believe Maryville chose to play in 4A since they were 3A under your description.....you lied again. I would have expected them to seek out college competition. :D

    You are right...."no balls"..

    In 1976 Maryville had the numbers to play single A but chose to participate in 2A. BTW they did win a state championship that year.


    Only someone who knows nothing about the game would ever consider a scrimage to be a game....


    Let me assure you when the Ridgers outscored Maryville in the 2003 scrimmage all that was heard was how OR beat MHS. Were coaches trying different things....sure...on both sides but the shear dominance of the Maryville team was all I needed to see to feel very comfortable with my statements. After watching the state games there was nothing shown by either OR or Ravenwood that left any doubt who the best team in the state was.

    BTW....as far as a real game...the Ridgers treated it that way...took a gate...had the radio station airing the scrimmage.. :D


    to win or loose....every team has a plan of things to evaluate during a scrimage.....Maryville has a wonderful coaching staff...I can assure you they were not concerned about the score...or popped off to anyone about thumping OR....they certainly know what a scrimage is.....who knows what key players were missing or what Stanton's plan was...only their staff could answer that question. Didn't OR have a new coaching staff at that time? It would have been interesting to know what they were looking at.


    Had OR won the scrimmage, or even played it close, then I could accept your points but in the end all your typing is nothing but a pile of BS.


    Regarding your Ravenwood reference...I am an Oak Ridger...I played for OR...my two oldest sons played for OR...my #4 son was the RT on the Ravenwood team...I love both programs....per position...Ravenwood was a bigger, faster, stronger, more athletic team....and they also may have been outcoached...concerning your Ravenwood - Maryville prediction...not worthy of another response! Either play with the big boys or shut-up...by that I mean a real game!

    I guess you watched the game through Ravenwood colored glasses. I would agree that Ravenwood was more athletic, certainly better coached, and faster but in no way were they bigger or stronger. That statement was so stupid I laughed out loud when I read that. OR was 0-8 on third down conversions. Most of the failures could be equated to a poor offensive plan. Sending one receiver out in the pass pattern on thrid and long was comical. While I think Staton is a great man he is just an average coach....JMO though.


    Maryville would have beat Ravenwood by a minimum three scores!


    As for your assumptions you are "O" fer ever how many you have made. As for your continued lying....maybe you should seek help for that issue. I bet you are an Alabama fan.


    I am done with you...you are way to ignorant of the game to waste valuable discussion time with..... :(



    You should be done...your BS has to be running on fumes......How do you prove anything...you look it up dummy....it's on your schools web site. OR never had 2000 students...one of the largest classes was mine..1967 there was 1800.....in 91 there was 1050...next year OR projects 1430 and your Maryville site lists 1450 students


    We can only assume that if your facts are wrong...everything else you say is also wrong.....I won't call you a liar...you're just stupid!

  6. First of all I don't think Alcoa, last or any recent year could hang with Oak Ridge or many others above 3A. You won't find many Maryville fans putting Alcoa into the argument of this thread. 2A in TN is very weak, espically in East TN.


    Now on to the subject of this thread. You can keep fooling yourself that Maryville is chicken or afraid of 5A. 5A being Tennessee's top class is weak as well compaired to other states. There are about 5-6 teams in 5A that could hang with Maryville some years over the past 10 but not many. Oak Ridge during last years State game was weak and they were not ready to be there.


    Let’s see. Oak Ridge vs. Ravenwood. OR had 183 yards of total offence 0-8 on third down conversions and had the ball for 21 minuets of a 48 min game. Wow 41 offensive plays for a total of 183 yards offences. Seven points. Impressive! Real powerhouse performance. Ravenwood had two kids get over 1oo yards on the ground.


    Simply put Oak Ridge got embarrassed, out coached and out played by a team that made its first trip to the big game! A team that had one loss, OR had 2!


    Now you can keep fooling yourself if you think Maryville can’t play with the so called big boys but you better be careful what you wish for because you might just get it. Then 5A in East Tennessee will have to compete with a true dominate dynasty that Maryville clearly is to any thinking football fan.


    Maryville is poised and ready to defend it's crown, OR will be lucky to win their region this year. I respect the school and commuinity, but Oak Ridge has proven nothing speical this decade! Maryville would have beaten Oak Ridge the last six years like a dusty rug or like a rented mule!


    I got rings to polish!



    I'll bet your mules name is MLREB.......


    wouldas and couldas......


    I live in Brentwood...we never polish our own rings...

  7. OK i was going to stay off here but as most Maryville people know I just cannot keep my mouth shut when Maryville is being bashed....if you want someone to get their facts straight then you should start with your own...in 1992 i know there were 5 classes because for a fact where I used to live played Maryville in the playoffs and won (which was the last year that that team beaet Maryville since then) and also beat OR in that same year...and went to the 4A state championships where we lost to Gallatin...Maryville was 4A then and is 4A now...those are the facts prove me wrong if I am....GO REBELS!


    BTW...have any goal posts been torn down lately...just wondering...hahahahahahaha



    and I thought MLREB and PEPVOL were the only stupid people from East TN.....go to the TSSAA web site, to the history page.....Gallatin did win that game 21 to 13 and were the AAA Champs. If you had done the research first...you wouldn't look like an idiot.................Lincoln County was the 5A champs in 93...they won that game 20 to 7. See...now REB will have to call you a liar....because he's also too lazy to look anything up. Don't be like those clowns...do the research.


    TSSAA proved you wrong............now those are the facts....!


    Yah..yah..yah...I know REB....the TSSAA is also a liar.....and a scrimage is a real game because the score board is on...


    Here's a guarantee for you.......none of you three clowns has ever put on a pad and taken a snap..........guaranteed...!!!!


    Play real games with the big boys or shut the **** up!

  8. I love it when assumptions are made with absolutely zero fact behind them. First of all a scrimmage was all to go on and yes Maryville stomped OR.


    Yes I watched the OR - Ravenwood game and yes Maryville would have beat Ravenwood by three scores. OR was actually a better team than Ravenwood but RW was without question a better coached and better prepared team.


    Was that Maryville's best team? Nope most likely wasn't but it was Maryville's best defense since 98 and maybe ever. I doubt Ravenwood would have scored on that Maryville defense and if so it would have been minimal.


    Oak Ridge had the opportunity to step down?......why did you make that up? Maryviile chose to step down?.... again why did you make that up? Maryville has played and been a 4A team for several year. You were doing so good until you decided to flat out lie. Hard to understand that unless your points were so weak. Since all have been questioned and basically disproven I will go with weak points.


    BTW - loved you linebacker. Was he a senior or is he back. If a senior where did he go. Ravenwood is a heck of a success story. Nice uniforms too


    God I love stupid people.....and now we know how young you are...go back to the record....I believe 1993....likely the year you were born....TSSAA went from 3 classifications to 5....Oak Ridge had 1050 students....a 3A school under the new catagory....As the outgoing booster president...I was part of the discussion regarding the classification we would compete in.....no discussion...OR would play up and compete in 5A.....Maryville was playing 2A but had about the same number of students.....they chose not to go to 5A...(no balls at all)...but to play at their classification...not up. Heck, even Anderson County chose to play up....although they did drop back a few years later.


    Do the research son....then you won't look so....inexperienced.....!


    Only someone who knows nothing about the game would ever consider a scrimage to be a game....to win or loose....every team has a plan of things to evaluate during a scrimage.....Maryville has a wonderful coaching staff...I can assure you they were not concerned about the score...or popped off to anyone about thumping OR....they certainly know what a scrimage is.....who knows what key players were missing or what Stanton's plan was...only their staff could answer that question. Didn't OR have a new coaching staff at that time? It would have been interesting to know what they were looking at.


    Regarding your Ravenwood reference...I am an Oak Ridger...I played for OR...my two oldest sons played for OR...my #4 son was the RT on the Ravenwood team...I love both programs....per position...Ravenwood was a bigger, faster, stronger, more athletic team....and they also may have been outcoached...concerning your Ravenwood - Maryville prediction...not worthy of another response! Either play with the big boys or shut-up...by that I mean a real game!

  9. :thumb::D:thumb::D That is hilarious. I love this board but there is more stupid than should be allowed at times. Let me enlighten you just a bit. Maryville was the best team in the state last year, at least in public schools. No way I can compare versus the privates since I didn't see them last year. Maryville would have beaten Ravenwood by a minimal of three scores. The team that Ravenwood squeaked by was convincingly THUMPED by the Red machine. Not to worry.....your education will come yea of very little football knowledge. 2009 can't get here soon enough. :lol:

    You're right about the Stupid...just wrong about the source....yea of no football knowledge...! It's hard to believe that anyone would make that reference...what 'squeaked by' game are you referencing? What team did they thump that would have played the Raptors? Surely you're not another one of these goof-balls making a prediction based on a scrimage....


    I'll bet you didn't even see Ravenwood play....I did see Maryville play...not the best Rebel team I've seen. When you look at the matchups by position....doesn't favor Maryville! Not fast enough....


    I do think Maryville will be able to compete in 5A....they won't dominate. Please don't wave your flag over the move to 5A.....you've had the opportunity to step up and didn't......Oak Ridge had the opportunity to step down and chose not too! Maryville chose to step down for a reason........State Championships...had they gone to 5A...they likely would have none....So count your blessings...!

  10. Yes.

    Leroy Banks-----WR/CB-----Whitehaven

    Daniel Becker----FB/LB------Ravenwood

    Mike Berry-------OT/DT------Brentwood Academy

    Branden Binkley---TE/LB----David Lipscomb

    Josh Boyd---------TB/LB-----Camden

    Cameron Boga----WR/CB---Memphis East

    Dewayne Caldwell--TB/DB---Ooltewah

    Clint Casteel--------LB-------Cheatham County

    Devin Carthorn-----RB/CB---Notre Dame

    Tyrone Cobb-------FB/DB----Knox.Fulton

    Revel Coffey-------WR/CB---Oak Ridge

    Keelyn Craddock---ATH.-----Chatt.Tyner

    Malcolm Crawford---OT/DT---Memphis Kingsbury

    Darin Fizer----------OT--------Creekwood

    Davis Bodie---------OL--------Knox.Catholic

    Johnny Douglas----WR/FS----Brighton

    Marlon Douglas----WR/CB----Memphis White Station

    Charles Green-----DE---------Chatt.McCallie

    Spencer Gulmire---TB/LB-----Oak Ridge

    Drew Hayes----------QB-------McKenzie

    Justin Hilliard--------DE--------Rhea County

    T.C. Jennings-------QB/FS-----Ravenwood

    Charlie Jordan-----RB/LB------Memphis White Station

    Justin Joslin--------WR/FS------Johnson City Science Hill

    Daniel Kilgore-----C/DT-------Kingsport Dobyns-Bennett

    Ricky Ladd---------RB/LB------White House

    Greg Magnifco-----OT---------Cordova

    Lane Maynard------PK/FS-----Collierville

    Darrius McDonald---OT/DT----Chatt.Howard

    Rob Meadows------OT/DE------Jackson Christian

    Russell Noles-------OT/DT------Bruceton Hollow-Rock

    Antonio Robinson---WR/FS-----South Pittsburg

    Lonas Sieber IV-----PK/P-------Knox.Central

    Charlie Seivers-----TE/DE------Knox.Webb

    Tyler Sinclair--------LB----------Brentwood

    Dylan Stevens------OL/DL------Morristown West

    Michael Sweatt------DE---------MBA

    David Sutton--------G/LB-------Germantown Houston

    Ryan Tallent--------RB/CB------Maryville

    Gary Tucker--------OL/DL-------Maryville

    Cody Watts---------QB/FS-------Knox.Powell

    Chad Williams--------OT---------Morristown West

    Tyler Wolf-----------WR/FS------Cookeville

    THE SQUAD :blink:



    Thanks...we seem to have missed a few notable programs...MUS, Franklin, Ridgeway...maybe they had kids that were invited but couldn't attend


    Do you know how these deserving kids are selected?

  11. Well, gosh, if we're going to use "comparison" and "crap" in the same sentence, do you think, to keep everything equal, we should apply the "no pay/no play" theory to the public schools?

    Where are you going with that......I guess based on some of your past posts...I should first ask if you have an understanding of the workings of public schools....then maybe I'd understand what you were thinking.....no pay/no play in the public schools?

  12. Good post.

    Pepvol, I agree with you. Some of us get tired of it too. I think Hitch is just trying to be the high school equivalent of "Mike" who is always talking about UT.


    I think the real fans who understand, played and respect the game know that it takes a lot of hard work to win at any level, and not just because of the size of your school or classification.


    The funny thing is that we have all these experts, but none of them coach anywere, but they no everthing there is about football and winning. Hmmm!

    You seem to imply that one has to be a coach to know anything about winning football......I hope I read that wrong....because that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard......You'll find quite a few folks on here that understand the game very well....not all, but quite a few. Teaching and coaching doesn't pay very well...at the HS level...and most college levels...

  13. Eight teams, in terms of the largest DII class (II-AAA), and yet three of the last four DI-5A champs have suffered their only losses at the hands of non-champs from DII-AAA.


    The playoff road may be shorter in DII, but it's tough as nails. Just ask Brentwood (2002), Germantown (2003), and Ravenwood (2005).

    Your numbers are certainly accurate....although your comparison is crap......when BA comes to Ravenwood this fall....just have them leave the financial aid kids on the bus....then you can compare.....How well do you think their basketball team would have done without that financial aid kid from Antioch....


    Ravenwood is the only public school my youngest son has ever attended.....he was in a BA type school in Minn......they had the right idea...the school had plenty of money...and they certainly offered financial aid to kids in need.......but if they were on financial aid....they couldn't participate in athletics......if you couldn't pay...you didn't play.....the recruiting issues went away.....

  14. 100% AGREED...props to Riverdale's accomplishments, but shut up about them! I wasn't on coacht last year, but did riverdale post about the past all the time last year during the offseason? Its kind of like they are trying to reassure everyone's doubts by talkin about the past..

    Don't remember last summer....but the end of last season was bad.....after Oak Ridge cleaned their clock in the playoffs....they were on here yelling "we're number 1" it was comical.

  15. just speaking the truth buddy...were or werent they the most dominant team in tennessee this millenium? i simply said "you might not see a tennessee high school team as dominant as the 2004 warriors in a while," didnt go beyond that, didnt post any stats (but i have plenty of supporting stats ready to post if you dont believe it) :thumb:



    God you people are boring.....why narrow the scope to the last 5 years....maybe because it gives you an opportunity to sit around the lunchroom and talk about how great you used to be.... .Anyone who watches HS football and who also knows something about that sport will tell you....most likely the 91 Oak Ridge team was certainly one of the best in recent times....two all-americans...9 players signed d1 papers...3 were offered d1 opportunities and turned them down.....and I did see the 04 Warriors and they were an outstanding team...just not quite the level of the 91 Cats...I think BA also had a team fairly recently (20 years or so) that was in that catagory with the 91 team...


    Who the most dominant team from 1958 to 1963....that's 5 years and about as relevent...the 58 and 61 Oak Ridge teams were National Champions....the mighty warriors have never been a National CHamp.......in anything! I also have the stats to back that up....!


    Why is it that every thread on this site is dominated be Riverdale trivia.....


    Here's something you mighty warriors do dominate....even after the mighty warriors have been undressed...an embarrassed...was that really 21 to 0....WOW

  16. Will do. I am giving him a couple of days off to celebrate grauduating. Right now he is not leaning toward one school over any other one. It is between Tech, Peay, and Cumberland right now. The biggest offer he is getting right now is from EVERY branch of the military! The Marine one is a little tiffed at me though. I told him the 'clone' is NOT eligible for the Corps as his mother and I are married! :thumb:

    Easy LOD...that one's a little close to home....Parris Island, SC..class of 69...G Company 3rd Bat....


    HooRah!!!!!!!!!!!! The Corps Forever...

  17. 5-2 ? no the final score was 7-1 and we had a safety and when we had our first o was in we had 4 tds and whay ravenwood scored we had a mix of our 2 and 3 in and yall still had atleast half ur starters in

    You need to slowly back away from the football.......and go back to math class.


    It was a scrimage son....means nothing......except to the mighty warriors!


    If you really need to embelish to make yourself feel better...then let's make the score 10 to 0....is that better...can you sleep now...oh mighty warrior?

  18. Hey RavenCat, Why does it always resort to name calling and finger pointing ? It doesn't make a difference where these kids come from (Ravenwood, Riverdale, Brentwood, Wilson Central etc) !! They are out there playing their butts off no matter where they are from and no matter how much money Mom & Dad have !! They do it because that is what they love to do and they are doing it for our entertainment as well as their own. At least we know where these kids are a majority of the time. They aren't out drinking or using dope !!! They are either playing, practicing football or they are at home. I don't know about you sir but I enjoy watching these kids play as much as I enjoy watching my own son play for his team. I think that we should stop being so cynical about all of it and let the boys decide who is what. The boys are the winners in all of this no matter the turnout or any score. At least they have the intestinal fortitude to be out there doing what they like to do and we as parents/responsible adults should let them enjoy it because for most of them, Football will be done for them when they are done with High School.

    I'm with you....sorry, I have very little tolerance for stupidity...a number of these kids are from the Nolansville area...these are hard working country boys....and the term 'little rich kids' is offensive....for any of them...including mine!

  19. The Secondary looked alot better than Ravenwoods

    You have no idea what Ravenwoods secondary looked like....actually, we don't either...except for #3 & #97...the rest of the secondary and LBs were that group of kids on the sidelines in street clothes...


    Riverdale looked good...they did a better job of learning their new offense than we did...our new 2 back set needs to go....it was an experiment...and I don't think it worked....look for Ravenwood to go to the 1 back set in the fall....I hope!


    One thing we note for sure...the Raptors are also very thin in the depth chart...we should be able to lose 3 or 4 starters and still play some....we didn't put up a good fight Friday....the score was 5 to 2...3 to 1 with the starting rotations....Ravenwood moved the ball ok....not great...but ok....when Becker went down on that 30 yard run....the wheels came off.....2 ninth graders tried at QB...they aren't anywhere close to being able to play at this level......debth could be a real problem in 06...


    The Raptors should be full strength by the fall....we'll cross our collective fingers and hope this rash of injuries is over.......we'll do the same for you guys...and maybe we'll be able to see each other again in late fall ....!


    I did think your guys looked good...a few goofy snaps...that was about it....the only weakness seemed to be your secondary....everything else looked on target!

  20. that is all you guys keep saying....."it was a JV team", but do you think that Wislon Central played all their starters? probably not. but let's hope for Ravenwood's sake that this was their backups because they got pasted. They looked like lightweights in a heavyweight title match. they got hit in the mouth and didn't like it so now they are making excuses. but that tends to be the problem in the "rich kids" schools (Ravenwood, Brentwood, etc.), they can't handle smash mouth football......they never have. Personally, I don't like Riverdale but I hope they smack you in the mouth again!! You are dealing with 4-5A now, not your little "Franklin" region. You are now playing with the big boys. Riverdale, Central, Smyrna, Lavergne, crap, even Lebanon will bring it at you and you are not ready for it. You don't have to like it but you have to live with it.

    The 05 team was also made up of that same talent pool you refer to as those little rich boys....how'd that work for you? Has LHS ever won anything....of course I'm referring to anything other than the 'big loser mouth' contest...which you seem to be very good at...


    When was the last time anyone other than Riverdale beat a



    You're in a chump region...one good team...I guess you'll have to live with that!

  21. #99 Eugene Goree-6'5 270 DT, SR.(looks like incredible hulk lol) If he has a season thats expected of him he will play D1.

    #92 Ladarious Verge-6'1 235 DT, Jr. Best player on Riverdale defense.He had 13 tackles against coffee last week and led the team in sacks last season as a sophmore.Has a chance to be 1 of the best DTs ever at Riverdale.

    #21 Hunter Davis- 6'2-6'3 215, DE Sr. Ahtletic player who can run good. Makes alot of plays.

    #8 Tyler Lusk-6'3 230, DE Sr. Most Athletic on the D-line. Runs a 4.6 forty.Plays TE on offense.

    It should be fun...the OL is the only group for Ravenwood that's mostly there....short one!


    #68 Joe Thompson 6-5 1/2 290

    #66 Luke Stanfield 6-4 265

    #74 Trevor Witherspoon 6-4 265

    ? #71 Zack Heaberlin 6-2 260

    #60/65 Garrett Snoeyenbos 6-5 275

  22. It is the same student/athlete, and no, he was not zero tollerenced. He's been enrolled at Richard Yokely and will receive full credit for this semester.


    Yes, to play he has to move into the zone. A couple of different sources, including one who would definitely know, say that is in the works.


    Not being at Central, I can only assume that Clark McMillan would be the next choice at QB. I hear a lot of good things about him. I'm sure he'll do a good job.

    Why doesn't he just move in with the HC....it worked for Todd Helton (no kin to coach helton)

  23. I believe the scrimmage was supposed to start around 5 or 5:30, WC didn't make it there until 5:15. We were told when we got there that we could only scrimmage until 6:30...but we will have a full scrimmage on Thursday afternoon with White House.

    Hey Rocko....actually Ravenwood thought it was at 4:30....when the parents got there...were told that WC couldn't get a bus until 4:15 or so...then thinking it would start about 5:30...it's all good! Good luck Thursday When Riverdale comes in Friday..that will start @ 4:30 for sure....

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