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red patriot

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Posts posted by red patriot

  1. Well, well, well! Here we are once again! Semi's baby!!! Its been 14 long years since we have made it this far. Let's go Patriots! We have a familiar foe in Hillsboro from our past days in 6-5A. We have a 3-1 record against the Burros. But its been a while. Now they bring an undefeated record into Patriot Stadium. But the Big Red is peaking at just the right time. Though our record is not as pristine as the Burros, we are no less dangerous than they are. This is going to be a game for the ages! I can't wait! And since we have a short work week, on Friday there appears to be some folks talking about tailgating early, really early - like most of the afternoon! Let's get this party started!!!



    2:00 is the word on tail gate party! It has also been suggested to make signs to hang up everywhere or go to schemes and things and have one made, bout $10 for a nice one.


    I believe HC will open the play book for this one and I sure hope so. Fairley scouted us well!


    I have heard Hillsboro runs and passes equally. What type of defense do they run?

  2. Sorry, Mom, but I just heard they could not get it planned it time. Let's get there early and do it ourselves. Tell all of your friends. I will do the same. Since tickets are not being sold in advance, everyone should get there early anyway.


    Maybe Randy could lead it if cheerleaders aren't. That would really fire up guys! I think he is only in time out DURING game!

  3. We will welcome all Fairley fans to HC. Glad you have decided to make the trip to Paris. I hope the ride home isn't too disappointing. I'm sure you will see a good game but I believe you will have a long ride home. It would be nice to see more than 50 people on the visitors side. I don't understand why teams don't bring more fans with them. The Patriots are blessed to have a good following on the road. I guess we are just used to having to travel minimum of hour and half for each game. You would think other teams fans could travel once or twice a year!

  4. RedPatriot,


    My I'm a Memphis (Fairley) HS football fan.


    As for the whereabouts of the full-bloodied Fairley fans -- my guess is that there aren't too many of 'em that even know about this CoachT board....I'm not too sure how many of 'em are going to show up to the game, Friday nite.


    Maybe "Crc, Kwc, OMW, EastMustang" and/or other fellow Memphis CoachT members can enlighten us as to how well the Fairley fans travel with their team.


    I'd love to see Fairley's fans PACK out the visitors stands!


    I'll tell you this much...after much deliberation, I plan to attend this game (it could still change, though) instead of the Woodale vs White Station game. I decided that I'm more intrigued by the Fairley vs HC matchup vs the rematch of those teams....I'm pulling for Woodale, though.


    Anyway, hopefully we can get more Memphians to sign up on CoachT. Until then, I guess the few of us will try to "hold down the fort," as best as we can.



    Go Fairley. Beat Henry County


    I smell an UPSET brewing (hopefully)! <_<


    We will welcome all Fairley fans to HC. Glad you have decided to make the trip to Paris. I hope the ride home isn't too disappointing. I'm sure you will see a good game but I believe you will have a long ride home. It would be nice to see more than 50 people on the visitors side. I don't understand why teams don't bring more fans with them. The Patriots are blessed to have a good following on the road. I guess we are just used to having to travel minimum of hour and half for each game. You would think other teams fans could travel once or twice a year!

  5. The ONLY thing good about the red seats is where they are placed, between the 40's. Other than that, they are the most uncomfortable, awkward seats I have ever had to sit in. They would be great if they would just remove the back rest. Anybody that has a normal set of knees has to sit sideways! Pitiful design.


    But wingman, I'll be there EARLY too! I am getting excited!!!



    Wonder where the Fairley fans are? I wonder if this is an indication of how many will be there to support their team? I know the Fairley band will fill up the visitors side. Many people have commented that they missed the band last year and are excited to get the chance to hear them play again. Wonder if they will continue to play when our BIG RED ROLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

  6. Wonder if they just don't want the traffic in/out of school????? I got my Melrose ticket there but sales would have been less for away game than a home game.

    Behind the stadium will get backed up!



    I don't know but can you imagine what it will be like standing in line? They sold tickets in advance to M.E. game. Maybe the long lines will get Patriots really fired up! I just hope people get in before kickoff. School could have asked for parent volunteers to help in the office with ticket sales.


    GO BIG RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Pats need that in their eye ever game they play from now on. The road gets tougher each game they play. Coach T polls won't bother Pats. They have been shown as the underdog in that poll from Memphis East game till now. Win Friday they will be the underdog on the 24th. Win the 24th and they will be the underdog on the 2nd.


    It is going to be loud at Big Red Stadium Friday night. Looking to see if PI puts the word out to come early and come loud for the game.



    PI needs to because they are not selling tickets in advance. I don't understand why the school would not sell tickets in advance. People better get there early if they want to be seated by kickoff. I hope the school has plenty of gate people!


    GO BIG RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. For what it's worth, I am feeling pretty good about it. I think our D has become accustomed to dealing with fast, athletic ability such as what Fairley will bring. Our offense is clicking and I don't think the Fairley D is better than that of Melrose, so I see us putting points on the board.


    Remember, the poll is only people looking at a game with win/loss next to each team. They are simply looking at Fairley's 10-2 record compared to our 8-4 record. Therfore, the majority just quickly assumes that Fairley is better. If you look at the Massey computer ranking system which compares strength of schedule, points scored, etc; they have us 20 or so places ahead of Fairley. Their computer prediction is 26-20 in favor of HC. As a comparison, last week they had us and Melrose neck and neck with the computer prediction of 18.0-18.1 in favor of Melrose. So what do I think? I like our chances...


    I agree but HC must come ready to play. They can not take anything for granted. I want to see the same determination that we saw against Melrose. They had a look in their eye, they were not going to be denied!They must be just as driven. Fairley is a good team. We have to have the same fire that we had last week!!!!!

  9. 63% picking Fairley. Patriots I hope you read this! It should give you something else to motivate you!!


    Coach McClain or anyone from Melrose who can pass this along -

    Thanks Coach McClain for the hospitality when we visited the Mound!


    Cougarmike -


    Very interesting post. Thanks for the info.


    GO BIG RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I totally agree with 85% to 90% of this post except for the prediction and I don't believe HC is goin to overlook or not play well against fairley. He is why...THE FAIRLY BAND IS GOIN TO PUMP US UP MORE THAN ANY TEAM THIS YEAR!! WE love bands like Fairley. We saw them last year and we great them with open arms.. We celebrated the win this weekend but even on the bus ride home... We made clear to everyone its Fairley this week and they aren't the same team as last year. I see this as being a great game with HC firing on all cylinders... Fairley will make some plays its a given but HC...will answer back.. Its Fairley time Melrose is over and was great but key word...OVER


    p.s. Someone get the memo to our band NOT to show up...They can't hang with fariley ony one person can...RANDY AND HIS HORN


    To the HC fans,

    thank you for your support and cheering at everygame... no matter how many people show up any friday night ...the true fans are there so thanks


    You are quite welcome!!! Continue to make us proud. I know that you all will be working hard this week. Use the Fairley band, but do not let it distract you! Please have the guys on the side line stay pumped up, it really helps the crowd get loud. I believe Patriot stadium will be full. It sounds like there are many who are finished for the seaon that will be coming to see a HC VICTORY!


    GO BIG RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. [/color]




    Yep, same thing happened to Houston when it beat G/town. This is the week HC finds out how good their coaches are. Not just the X & O's part of the game but the mental part.



    I know the coaches are up for this one. THEY WILL HAVE GUYS READY TO PLAY!

    Talking to the players ... They are on a mission. Fairly will be good. Big play team, Patriots will be ready! They know they MUST win this to continue mission. They will play their hearts out once again.



    GO BIG RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. All I know is in order to get to Dec 2 we have to beat Fairley...Therefore this is the biggest game of the year for us now. We can't look past them!!!!!!!!



    Well said! I know it felt great to beat Melrose, a great team, at the Mound. It is now time to focus on Fairly. As good as it felt Friday night at the mound, each win from here on out will feel better! So stay focused on one game at a time. Anyone can win on any given night regardless of the predictions. We saw that this past week with expected teams all over going down. Ply as if every game is your last, it could be. Patriots you will win friday if you stay focused and determined!


    GO BIG RED!!!!!!!!!

  13. It will be a mudhole...a lot of teams in Memphis have to shae their fields, so often times there are at least4 games a week (counting a freshman, jv, and 2 varsity games) on most fields...prepare to grind it out on the groung big time if it pours.



    How well can Melrose run the ball? If the forecast holds true will it affect Melrose's game? Pats have proved they can play in the rain!!!

  14. RedPatriot,


    Melrose's secondary is undoubtedly its weakest defensive link, this year!


    Hardin County did a great job of passing the ball in the 3rd Qtr. They caught a lot of balls and managed to put together one great drive. Other than that, Melrose's (pass) defense stepped up and shut them down when it mattered most, near the Red Zone. They did this mainly via a better pass rush as opposed to superior coverage.


    Here's my point: Melrose's pass defense usually bends but does not break.


    Henry County may very well complete a lot of passes vs Melrose's secondary, but will probably find it much more difficult to sustain those drives and score touchdowns. Remember, there is a HUGE difference between racking up yardage and actually scoring Touchdowns.


    Field Goals are not likely to be enough for HC, not with the way Melrose has opened up its offense. HC is gonna have to sustain multiple drives and score TOUCHDOWNS, if it expects to beat Melrose.



    Question: On a scale of 1 to 10, how good is Henry County's secondary?


    HC's secondary is gonna get tested to the max, Friday nite. They'd better be ready-- Melrose will likely pass the ball 70% of the time, AT LEAST!


    To be honest I was worried about our secondary in the beginning of the year but they have stepped up and have done a good job. There has not been alot of success passing the ball down field on us. Pressure on the quarterback has kept anyone from throwing consistent down field.


    This has all the makings of a great football game if both teams show up.

  15. I guess I was thinking about the slow start last week and how ya'll allowed East to go into the half ahead, if that happens this week you don't catch up. Points and yardage will be hard fought this week and you must capitalize on every opportunity to win. Just my thoughts.


    Appreciate the input. You are right, we have to take advantage of every opportunity. I do think if we stay disciplined, remain confident, and control the clock, are chances are definately good!


    BIG RED: Stay focused and believe! WE BELIEVE!



    BRING FANS WITH YOU!!!!! I know we will be loud but we need MANY people. The crowd did make a difference in the second half last week.



    Pump our guys up. PLAY NON STOP!



    Keep up the good work!!!

  16. henry county wins this game if and only if they play mistake free football. No drive killing pentalities, turnovers and use the kicking game to your advantage don't give Melrose a short field all obvious stuff except don't do them and you will get beat. It should be a tight football game that truthfully either team could win. Hopefully we'll be there to play the winner. Good luck to both teams.


    I hope Melrose is overlooking us. I know that we can't make mistakes because they will come back to get us, but at the same time, Melrose will make mistakes too. I think it boils down to the fewest mistakes and the most disciplined team.

  17. I hope we play again too.Because then we will have another chance to knock yall off ur high horse.AGAIN.Because from what i remember,we are the region champs.So that means we earned the title,not by luck,assuming that we won all 5 games,and as i recall,yall are one of them.



    Keep talking!!!!!

  18. OOOOO,


    While I won't be surprised should HC win the game, you're kidding yourself if you think that HC will put up 28pts on Melrose!


    While Melrose's defense is not as good as the past 2 years, don't let the 22pts that Hardin County put up against Melrose deceive you into projecting (that appears to be what you're doing) Henry County's probable output. That premise is faulty. Therefore, the conclusion is faulty. Such an equation sets the stage for major disappointment.


    Beware: Melrose's defense is still very solid. Melrose's team is still very dangerous!


    Hardin County had only one sustained drive on the night, against Melrose's defense. Otherwise, they ran a kickoff back for a TD & had to resort to trickery (nothing wrong with that) to score its other TD.


    While its possible, it's highly unlikely that Melrose will suffer such a 2-TD collapse on two consecutive weeks. I certaintly don't see Henry County putting up 28 pts conventionally vs Melrose's defense.



    I do expect a great, hard-fought game between HC and Melrose.... I won't don't dare to try and predict the winner!


    Well, It's finally about the HC/ Melrose game!!!

  19. Cause our linemen are not fast at all and those were the only people in front of you when you intercepted the ball.



    90 yards an the only people in front were lineman. Where was your quarterback?

    You all did play a good game. We did not play the way we had been playing. I for one am glad to know our guys can play awful the first half and dig dip and come out and play the second half. We know that we can't do that this week or we won't see next. We will play all four quarters this week! Coaches will have the Patriots ready to roll. It should be a close game. Look forward to seeing east again next year. Like I said, no one is taking anything from East, you all played a good game. Our players seemed to get fired up when your team started dancing with the band. Wish your band would have kept playing. They were good!

  20. Well i wouldnt bet that because from what i remember,we aint scared of someone we already beat.And luck dont cover the fact that we brung it in the second half and henry didnt.Its amazing that though we have proven ourselves again and again that most still doubt us.I would especially think that yall would believe since yall had to deal with the fact that we are better than expected on a 2 or 3 hour ride back to paris.Also,like i said,i wouldnt worry about us unless you get past a good melrose team.But until that,good luck and hopefully we will meet again.



    "we aint scared of someone we already beat."


    I hope we get the chance to play you again, that will come back to bite you!

  21. Yall keep mentioning field position. But in an earlier post. Yall said that our kicking game was suspect to say the least, and that we would have poor field position all night. Let me enlighten you on why we had good field position all night. Everytime yall kicked the ball, you all were so frighten by our speed that you intentionally kick the ball short to keep it out of the hands of our dangerous returners. H.C. is extra slow. And there is no way you all wanted to deal with our speed. So the field position was that way because of yalls fear. And if the O C would have kept exploiting yall slowness we would not be having this conversation.


    Thus Melrose has speed and a better D than East. Trust. This will be yalls last game.


    Good Luck Though.




    If we are so slow how come we could run interception back 90 yards?

  22. Deja Vu came to mind for me in the first half. I had visions of the Munford game all over again. Not capitalizing on opportunities and then letting them get fired up at the end of the half. But, Coach Gaddis fired em up and they came back and proved themselves. Out crowd was disappointing, but they came to life in the second half. I just hope we have a GREAT showing at the Mound!!!


    This game should be one for the record books. I don't think that the Patriots will come out half cocked against Melrose. There is too much on the line here. It will be much harder climbing out of a deficit against the Melrose D than it was against East. The Big Red Machine is getting geared up, time for us to Roll!!!

    To put this as politely as I can. H.C. did not beat East. East beat East. I do believe the H.C. players & fans know that. East has a young to team that came out working H.C. over. I know H.C. was worried as could be as at half time. I believe East went into the half figuring the game was over (Mistake!) The are 4 quarters in football and you must play every quarter. H.C. did a great job not giving up after that first half "a" whoopin. In the first half H.C. offense could not muster anything. There defense did little to stop East's Offense. The 7 points that H.C. got in the first half was off an interception taken back to the house. The only positive they had in the entire first half. (Stop me when I'm lying, if you were at the game.) To make a long story short, East should have continue what they did in the first half & won the game hands down. However the fourth quarter came and so did the mistakes for East, therefore, letting H.C. off the hook.


    I truly believe there is no way you will come to the mound and have any sucess at all. #1 & #34 are good players but are highly over rated. Your passing game is suspect, to say the least, and Melrose will hold your running game in check.


    Good Luck to both Teams.


    Melrose 18

    H.C. 6


    Do have a safe trip to the Mound and back to Paris.


    And start getting ready for next year.




    I was at the game and HC had no problem moving the ball against East. TURNOVERS is what stopped HC in the first half. Dropped passes with wide open receivers killed our momentum the first half. The defense was good all night. Short field gave East scores. Also, pitiful officiating and we still managed to win.





    You were at the game Friday. And reading your earlier post about #34's age really had me thinking that this guy was a monster running back. He must have had a great game against you guys. I was not impressed at all by his running of the ball. He is a bigggg boy. But thats about it. I think he may have had 1 run over 10 yards against East. And East Defense has been it's weakness all year. Especially, tackling. Although vast improvements were being made every week. #34 is no where near a great running back to be concerned with. He probably just had a good break-out game against JCM.


    Just Curious.



    Look at his stats for year. Hope Melrose thinks like you!

  23. What is wrong with you folks up there in Henryland?? Your crowd was down...your posts are scarce at best...there is no passion around there!!! It's too bad that the YANKER is not a full time HC fan...the YANKER would have things hopping!!! The YANKER has too many things going right now too take care of the Henryland apathy. I have to get back to work now that JCM is through. I have to figure out what has to be done at JCM to get us back on track for next year. I have to lay down the groundwork for my investigation of your MASSIVE running back who is closer to 30 years of age than 20. AND the YANKER must now double the investigation efforts upon learning of his 21 year old middle school brother!!! So as you can all see, the YANKER has a rather full plate and I cannot also take on the apathy at Henryland!!! I will tell you this...if JCM were in the playoffs...the YANKER would be filling up this board and challenging our fans to get to the game!!!!! I AM THE YANKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Don't worry Yanker! The HC faithful will be in force friday night. Our road crowd is MUCH louder than our home crowd. Seems strange but I enjoy the road games more. The team is closer to the fans and they know that we are there pumping them up!

    On the Munford / Fairley thread advice is given for HC to control the clock, burn time. I expect that is what we will do. How do you see the game playing out? Will you be making a prediction this week?

  24. Melrose is 4real this post season. Everyone is focused and ready to play. The reason they scored after halftime is because Jr. MLB #7 Antonio Harper sat the rest of the game out(hurt ham string) who got an offer Florida State last week.He makes our Defense 100 times better when hes out there. Our Offense has a complete make-over since our head coach started calling the plays(instead of our O.C). Expect us to be in the State this year because we are 4real.


    Melrose:42 Henry County:7


    So, in your opinion Hardin County is better than Henry County?

    Have you seen HenryCounty play? How do you base your score? Do you know something that the rest of the posters don't?


    To the BIG RED:

    I personally hope they keep thinking that way! Proud oof the character you showed against M.E. Way to not let things get you down. I really liked the way you got the crowd back in the game. Every guy on the team CAN make a difference. You showed that by your undying spirit on the sidelines. Keep it up we will need it friday night.

    To the HC fans: Please bring extra fans, students with you. I'm sure parents would be more than willing to let their kids go with a responsible adult. Load your cars or take the bus, but be there with your horns and bells. I hope Randy's horn can accompany us!!!!!


    GO BIG RED! This will be a long week.

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