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Posts posted by oldhick76

  1. let me break it down for you, The offense playcalling is atrocious. The running back coach is picking favorites. He is not getting the ball to our best runners.Now, If you have two Division I receivers, you'd better find a way them the ball. The quarterback looks like he's never played that position a day in his life. Can he run--sure...now, I'm not saying that I know more than the coaches. Wait a minute, yes I am .. Does that explain things for you?

    I genuinely feel for Oak Ridge fans. Once proud program and great community support. Unfortunately, Oak Ridge has changed (everybody moved to Blount County- Pellisippi caused that). I believe the talent is there. Coaching is the key. Stanton just was not a right fit. Blade just wanted to beat GQ. No real devotion to O.R. Community. That's why Gaddis was a good hire. To try and bring back the true Heart of Wildcat football. I believe he accomplished that. Now, as many seasoned coaches have trouble doing, he has got to seek out young progressive minds to take them to the next level. I know older coaches are strong on loyalty, ( i.e. Fuller) but in today's game you have to open up the mind and the playbook. He has to be willing to be confident in his role to bring hope back, yet know his limitations. If Oak Ridge is not performing to their talent level, it is his responsibility to make the necessary changes.

  2. I'm still scared of the Falcon's.  Hated to hear about the injury to Malone.  If I was Black, I would let him rest and let him heal up for the games that matter.  I hope GQ never kicks it deep. Short high kicks every kickoff.  


    I love Maryville's depth at running back, but I prefer depth at offensive line.  To me, the line is where this game will be decided. In light of the competition played to date, they haven't really been tested yet.  They will be Saturday night!


    I know GQ will have some designed passing routes to take advantage of any weakness in the Fulton defense.  I just prefer this be a game where we don't need to pass.  I am confident we will see a trick play or two, to take advantage of the Falcon's speed and possible over pursuit.  Passing is a big risk against the speed of Fulton's secondary.


    I don't buy into all this "Fulton is down" stuff.  Even if they are "down" by their standards, they are still favored to win the State Championship.  Don't say, "oh, that's 4A."  We know there have been plenty of times the top team in 4A could have won the top division in the State.  I even remember a 3A team that could have won it some years.


    Glad this game doesn't matter in the overall scheme of things.  But it still scares me!

  3. Hard to evaluate teams based on one game, especially the first game of the season. West may have struggled but they found a way to win. West has got some speed. Hardin Valley lineman are well coached. If I remember right, last year the Maryville lineman said HV was one of the better lines they faced. West may actually be better than they looked last week.


    The Bears can score! They have some talented weapons! Sevier County needs to score early and often. They need to force West to play catch-up. If West controls the ball on the ground, I believe they can win. It's time for the Bears to step up and win a big game! Winning games against the NET don't mean squat!


    Home cooking may be the edge. West - 28 Bears 26. Although, I am cheering for the Bears. Please Bears, put it all together (defense and offense) and win a big one. Go Bears!

  4. Maryville will win by as many points as Quarles wants to win by.

    Don't know GQ's thoughts, but 1 point is fine with me. Falcon's scare me to death! You think the sky is all clear and victory is secure and then, outta nowhere, that lightning fast fowl swoops down and snatches victory out of your hands!


    The perfect storm formed for them to lose at Mo West and they still won! Like Josey Wales, "They're quick as a rattlesnake and twice as deadly!"

  5. Cobb got a lot of playing time at outside linebacker #2.oi9nr.jpg

    I believe this a pic with the second or third team D. I noticed he also played a lot with the first string defense. I think the coach wants this young man on the field as soon as he is fully ready. The pic doesn't do his physical presence justice. Walking by the fence, I look over and see this chiseled frame young man with legs like a tree trunk and I say, " where did we get this superstar from?


    I honestly don't remember Uncle Randall being that big as a Senior. Oh boy! This is going to be a fun year .

  6. Quarles had some interesting comments on the sports animal in Knoxville a day or so ago. Basically he said, if everybody is in the playoff, what does it matter if you play during the year. Everybody gets a chance at the end of the regular season. Meaning, forget the long trips. Just play meaningful games in your area. Let the powers that be seed them however they see fit.

  7. We try our best, even though we have our hands tied by Mrs. Obama most of the time.

    Maybe we need a Booster Club to supplement the young pups in the pipeline until the repeal process is finalized.  


    Seriously, thanks to everybody who provides guidance and help to all our kids.  I know all my children have been richly blessed by the Maryville City School system.  It ain't just winning football games,  It is about a "Standard of Excellence" in everything!

  8. Is the Maryville starting QB in or out of this game?


    Not sure if it will make a dramatic difference either way.  Early in the year, without Tyler, might have been a difference maker.  Since the back-ups have gotten so much playing time, not so much.


    DEFENSE is the key to this one!  If the Rebels can hold SH to 21 or under Maryville wins.

  9. With all u Maryville guys none of u can put me on some game footage from this season. I looked all over the internet livestream, YouTube nothing worth looking at. One of u guys hook me up!

    ...41, if you want to see Maryville past home games and tomorrow nights game live- go to nfhsnetwork.com . Search for Maryville and you can watch past games and highlights free. For a fee you can watch tomorrow night's game live. Warning! The video, audio and commentary can sometimes be like fingernails on a chalkboard (if you are old enough to understand that reference). The game against the Admirals is good for seeing the Rebels defense and assignment discipline. Also you get a good look at all the quarterbacks in Maryville's arsenal.

  10. Good point.  However we were in 5A was moved to 4A and it appears we are headed to DII in two years.  If Catholic had of beaten Alcoa, I was told that the Irish would have had the number 1 seed (due to strength of schedule) and IF both teams would have won first round games they would have met in the 3rd round. As it stands IF both teams win Friday then next week it'll be a showdown on Broadway.  However, Elizabethton and Scott County might have other ideas.

    Thanks for the info.  I felt they deserved a #1 Seed.  Alcoa has gotten stronger as the year progressed.  The system is definitely flawed.  


    DII will mean travel and smaller game revenues.  Hope you will keep some local powers on the schedule.  Loses don't hurt you in DII much, just look at Webb.  Also allows you to offer scholarships to kids who need the education Catholic offers.  Good luck in the play-offs.

  11. Could somebody that understands this play-off system tell me how Catholic would have been seeded if the Irish had won the Alcoa game?  I am assuming they would have eventually faced Fulton, just not sure when.


    If I am Catholic fan, I think I would go up to 5A.  I would do my best to avoid Alcoa and Fulton.  I think Catholic would compete much better with SD, West and OR.


    If Catholic is as good as some think they are, then they should win the 4A State Title.  We shall see, at least it is in their own hands.  If they lose, they can't blame anybody but themselves.

  12. Blackman, please, please win this game!!  If Maryville is lucky enough to meet you in the semi's, and the Rebels can "keep it close" then maybe people will stop begging Maryville to play out of State.  Represent, so we don't have too, or at least so we don't have to hear about it every year.

  13. Dudleys shoulder went back in place Friday night. He is having therapy and will be out a couple weeks.


    Thanks for the update on Ethan.  I really like the balance and skill level of this current linebacking corp, pretty tough bunch!  I also liked the 3-4 we ran against the spread last week.  The speed and cover ability made it tough on Wallace.  This week should be interesting.  Wish all the boys a quick recovery.  We will need them for the play-off run.

  14. Big Thanks to First Baptist for the video of the game.  I had to work and really appreciate the chance to see the game. Good angle on the injury to Dudley.  I assume it was a separated shoulder?  Any ideas of who will fill his spot?  Does Maryville have another inside linebacker with his size?

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