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Posts posted by StrengthandHonor

  1. LOD as far as passing i think there might have been 5 attempts but there would have been afew more if tre had just a second longer back there and each time the reciever was wide open on the interception the reciever was 5 -10 yards behind the defender tre just underthrew it. it was almost as good as a punt(we have a great punter this year he was consistant all night long)i would like to know how many pass plays were called i think there might have been at least 3-4 more called that wasnt executed and each play the recievers were WIDE OPEN all we have to do is execute those plays and make them respect that pass and we can be in buisness. Also last year we was sloppy against siegel and we all thought they would be a playoff team i think this year is a little different we didnt have very many penalties so we wasnt shooting ourselves in the foot i think oaklands D is pretty good i do think our lline will improve greatly over the next few weeks just like they did last year as the season went on so i am not concerned about the line...there is a lot of pride in those boys on the line and thye iwll take the perfomance against oakland personally (although not totally warranted) and they will be greatly improved



    Great assessment. Once the line comes together the passing game will take off.

  2. Got a chance to see the game. I thought Oakland's offense was horrible, and Riverdale's struggled. Both teams could not beat Smyrna, or even Siegel. Smyrna looked awesome. Liked the way Sonny threw the ball. He is definitely the most underrated player not only on his team, but probably throughout the state.




    I guess in your sagacious study of this game you failed to notice that the Riverdale defense this year is probably going to be better than the one Smyrna put a total of 9 points in 8 quarters on last year? There might be a reason that Oakland’s offense was horrible and Riverdale’s struggled, like two really good defenses. To evaluate what will happen in week 8 or 9 on the first game is not realistic.

  3. I am still trying to get dry from that Lebanon game!


    I hated that I missed the game but was having fun seeing the 'clone' and his graduation from Boot Camp.


    My father called us and told us the score and we were glad for the win and the FIRST shut out for the year. Now the team just has to get 7 more to equal the 2004 teams record for shut outs and to win state for me to be really impressed!


    Seeing as I missed the game I do have one question. Did we at least try any passes this game? If not the box is gonna be real crowded this season for the rest of the games. As to the O-line holding their own, with their size they should be blowing d-lines back enough for a blind cripple to make at least three to fives yards per play!


    I know that Coach A does not believe in running up scores, but we need to be winning by MORE to maintain the tradition of intimidating folks the R'dale is KNOWN for!


    As to it being a low score just because one or two RB's were hurt, I thought the whole idea of the wing-t was that it was not suppose to matter who was in or out to work?


    Practice is over! Now is the time to dominate and WIN!!!!!



    Passing box score was 5 attempts, 1 completion (TD), 1 interception. 1 incompletion came when Tre was hit as he threw due to a missed block. He had two receivers open for a TD on this play if he could have gotten the pass off. I think you will see more passes as the year progresses.

  4. it really is supposed to, thats why this is week 0. the game probably will get moved back but no word on it yet, that will be riverdale (since they are hosting) to decide...its going to be abnormally hot either way so i have no opinion, JUST WANNA SEE SOME FOOTBALL!



    Just got back from the prep rally and they anounces that the game was moved to 8:00 pm.

  5. You are right about practicing indoors when you play outdoors.....but those days that the school board banned all outdoor facilities do you not think it would have been better to practice on a field rather than a gym floor???? and no its not finished....Great preparation!!!! what a joke.....Riverdale would jump all over the opportunity to have an indoor facility...heck what team wouldn't???? don't knock it because you don't have one buddy. So Oakland isn't talking on here......WHO CARES???? everyone is picking riverdale???? what a leap of faith. I'll probably pick them to win most of their games too...



    I do not believe riverdaleman was talking about Oakland players only. I have not seen many Riverdale players posting either.

  6. mmmmmmm glad 2 know yall are getting the concessions ready....steak sandwiches... yum yum.. how was your turn out for the clean up? hope all went well..



    Turn out was great. largest in four or five years. Parental involvement is way up. We will try to keep the steak sandwiches coming.

  7. Saw on the other thread that the MBA scrimmage would be at MBA, 4:00 PM, on 8/3. Can anyone from Riverdale confirm?


    Hope the frist day of practice went well and their weren't too many pizzas made.



    I was at the concession stand/football field cleanup today and was told the MBA scrimmage was at RHS, maybe even on the game field. Start time 4:00 or 4:30.

  8. QUOTE(82cat @ May 9 2007 - 04:18 PM) 826455643[/snapback]I will post my every spring and fall scrimmage summation


    "there is no such thing as winning a scrimmage"


    I have never seen a scrimmage championship trophy

    smart coaches are looking at various players,formations etc and may spend an entire scrimmage seeing if they can run the ball when they know they could easily throw it every down or vice versa.


    smyrna will go down to lc friday and run about 25% of their offensive package and look at a lot of new players. They may score more than lc they may not but if the coaches get the look they want from certain players and situations then they got what they wanted.


    As for wc in 05 they were one of ther most disciplined confident teams I saw especially on offense. Last year they didn't look like the same team especially on offense.



    Good observation and well stated. The spring is for teaching and learning. Teaching new plays, formations, schemes, etc. Learning what players can and cannot do at different positions. You may loose 4 - 1 but if you found a player to play a position that needed to be filled, you win.

  9. QUOTE(riverdaleman @ May 10 2007 - 10:16 PM) 826456931[/snapback]welcome aboard WE CAN ALWAYS USE ANOTHER RIVERDALE WARRIOR ON COACH T i hope you are on target with the coaching staff i dont know how long you have been around Riverdale but we have always had the best staff in the state we would win games by outcoaching them(i can give you several examples if you like) but all of those coaches are gone except Feilds and Thomas(hes up in the air unless it has been answered in the past week or so) I am also not a wing t fan i dont think you can win state with the wing t I REALLY WANT TO BE WRONG AND I CANT WAIT TO BE PROVEN WRONG

    most of the coaches on staff now are young (except red) but I AM A RIVERDALE WARRIOR AND I SUPPORT THEM THROUGH AND THROUGH




    If the players can grasp what the coaches are trying to teach this spring, I think you will be pleasently surprised with this version of the wing t. This group of players have been in the system a year and have the basics which has allowed coach A to expand it some this spring. They also looked at a lot of players in different positions this spring which brought about some inconsistencey. They now have a better idea of who they want where, which will allow them to jump right in this summer and really become a well oiled machine. I cannot say I was for or agaiinst the wing t because I was not familiar with it until last year. Today they ran inside with counters and outside with sweeps, like last year. But also ran some option, threw some passes deep, and also some screen passes. We have more speed than last year at several positions which lends itself to this style offence. The long, quick, break away strike that was missing last year was back today. The difference this year is that it can come by ground or air.


    As for the young coaches, here is an observation on the o-line coach from Cutcliff two weeks ago: "Good agressive young coach." Though I am not a UT fan, I think that Cutcliff knows talent, whether coaching or playing. I have also talked to different people involved in the high scholl game throughout the state and all have great respect for coach A, as a coach and a person.

  10. QUOTE(2priceless @ May 10 2007 - 09:06 PM) 826456823[/snapback]Sounds like Riverdale is still rollin. ( dang it.)


    I knew that huge O line was going to be a factor.


    Does it look like Trey has the QB nailed down?

    We now have CC on our non-region schedule. What can you tell me about what they run and what to expect?


    Seems like they were basically a run team. What about their size, speed, weaknesses? I do realize this was a scrimmage and coaches usually use them to work out kinks and get the best guys in the right places. But we all know Coach Price plays to WIN, so I am sure he was trying to do just that.



    I thought Trey looked good today. He made good reads and decisions. Cody West was the number two today. He looked good also.


    CC ran some Wing T and some I. QB has acurate arm and TB, number 11, is a strong runner. The receiver, number 1, got open some but had some trouble hanging on to the ball.


    QUOTE(TDCman @ May 10 2007 - 09:38 PM) 826456867[/snapback]I agree with you...it was one sided and that was what I expected. Had it been 3-2 I would be worried right now. /smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />


    S&H...are you a parent, player?




  11. QUOTE(TDCman @ May 10 2007 - 08:15 PM) 826456781[/snapback]The good news is that tackling is something that can be taught and gets better with more practice.


    With Riverdale finishing up their spring and CC having just four days of practice I expected the scrimmage to be a little one-sided.


    What was the situation at QB?



    How is 8 TD's vs 2 TD's not one sided? In real football score that is 56 - 14. You have to consider that the D is still learning a scheme that is totally different than what they have played in the past and is also starting a lot of new players (only four returning starters). They returned a fumble for a TD and an interception for a TD. Also, CC's 2 td's were early and the D adjusted and shut them down.


    This is a good coaching staff with good talent. The team will be where it needs to be come August. This will be the year that all things come back to their proper balance and the gold ball comes back to the 'Dale where it belongs.

  12. QUOTE(TDCman @ May 10 2007 - 06:14 PM) 826456686[/snapback]Of course, nothing on Riverdale's website to indicate that there was a scrimmage, let alone a change. Pretty disappointing....



    Results from the scrimmage.


    Riverdale 8 TD's CC 2 TD's. The 'Dale has much more speed than last year and had several long TD plays. You could tell that they were still learnig the new D scheme and had not worked much on tackling. The O line is much stronger and faster than last year. Also do not think you will see many linemen going both ways. I think things look very promising for the upcoming season.


    As for the website. A former coach was in charge of it and a new webmaster has been chosen but not yet taken over. I have been assured by people in charge of this that it will be updated within the week. Transition can sometime be slower than desired.


    I thought that number 11 for CC looked real good. He is a big strong running back.

  13. QUOTE(jmu031 @ May 2 2007 - 11:26 PM) 826450577[/snapback]Ok but what I dont understand is why they still wouldn't be trying to recruit him.


    If I was Urban Meyer at Florida, I'd be thinking 'Hey we just won a national championship and are the top sports college in America right now. Most kids dream of playing for a college like us. I'm not sure where this Wilks kid projects at the college level though. Hmmmmmmmmm He could play WR, safety, cornerback, returner. But what makes him special is he is unbelievable at each spot. So what should I do? Just sit here and ponder over which spot he'll play and waste time while other top programs' coaches are winning him over by personally visiting him, or should I go check this kid out and pay a personal visit or send an assistant there instead and we can offer him and when he gets here we can sort this whole position thing out.'


    I'd much rather have a kid that could fill in any of 4 spots not filled by other players then be left with any holes in my roster.



    You really need to broaden your vision when it comes to high school players. Rod is a good player, one of the best in TN. But there are several players in the state of Florida with his ability and more. Urban has so much size, speed, and talent in the state of Florida to chose from, I doubt he is just sitting there wondering where he would want to play Wilks.

  14. QUOTE(Lost Old Dad @ May 2 2007 - 08:53 PM) 826450406[/snapback]Excellent point! The young men tried to stop the rush but with no passing game you would need a tank to open gaps for the running game to work. Right now EVERY team we will play will load the box exactly like Smyrna did. A 'few' passes can open up that kind of defense!



    You make it sound as if no other team loaded the box against Riverdale last year and that they never threw the ball. Every team loaded the box and during the season there were several TD passes to the TE. I do not have the stats but would guess there were more TD passes last year than the year before. Who do you think put more fear in opposing defenses; the TB from '05 or '06? Teams loaded the box against the '05 team and the '06 team. I would say the '05 team depended on the run more because of the TB. OR loaded the box against the Riverdale I-formation in '05 and that coaching staff did not make adjustments to pass more in that game either.


    The injury to the QB in that Smyrna game really limited the passing game or I am sure they would have thrown in the second half. I am sure Coach A has coached more region and state champions than any of us. I would bet he has reviewed the film of that last game many times and will have more than a few surprises for the opposition this year.

  15. QUOTE(82cat @ Apr 30 2007 - 06:49 PM) 826448604[/snapback]cutcliff was there today to see rod


    nice guy

    saban will be in later this week

    sure others will follow



    He was at Riverdale also. I think Saban is supposed to be in on Thursday.

  16. QUOTE(TDCman @ Apr 27 2007 - 05:23 AM) 826446565[/snapback]Sounds great but I hope someone can push Verge out of his spot on the OL. I thought Smithson was looking pretty good yesterday. But it is a great sounding OL.


    Do you know the date/time of the Hillwood scrimmage?



    That depth chart was established before spring training began Wednesday. I believe Verge and Tinker split time with the starting group on Thursday.


    The scrimmage is on May 4 but I do not have a time.

  17. QUOTE(2priceless @ Apr 26 2007 - 06:39 PM) 826446218[/snapback]TDC, how big is that Oline of yours, and anyone taking the lead at QB yet?



    If you average the 5 (center, 2 gaurds, 2 tackles) currently working with the first group = 6'4", 260 lbs.


    Too early to tell on QB.

  18. QUOTE(82cat @ Apr 22 2007 - 07:58 AM) 826442745[/snapback]wonder if anyone from riverdal would agree with this observation


    riverdale has an outstanding offensive line

    the wing t is an offense that relies on a lot of side ways running and deception


    with their huge line would it not be better to have a power i type offense to line up an run behind that line directly at the defense. Seems to me once you start that sideways stuff you take away their power advantage.

    I know they had sucess with the wing t last yr but the facts are very few if any teams in 5a have won a chamionship running that offense. The other thing is maybe they ran the ball so well last yr not because of the wing t but because of the o line.


    And before anyone notes they put up 49 on smyrna during the season - well the way that game went they could have ran qb sneaks and still scored 49

    but also by the next game smyrna made adjustments and held riverdale to 1 td


    certainly not expecting anyone to take advice from me but the truth is seeing riverdale come out with a fb and tb behind that line is a lot scarrier than one back and 2 wings going in motion from side to side.


    just my opinion?



    A couple of thoughts about the Wing-T and the Warriors o-line:


    I did not know a lot about the wing-t and spent all last season learnig the Coach A version and have grown to like it, especially when it is run from the shotgun. It kind of reminds me of the WV power spread offense. Plus it gives you the pass option.


    I agree with you that last years o-line was a better fit for the I. That was the system in which they played their whole middle school and high school career. Overall they were big and strong but not so quick and fast. Suited for straight forward power blocking and pass blocking. And, taking nothing from last years backs, it is not hard to block for Miller.


    This years line is stronger, quicker, faster, and more athletic than last years line. Plus they have a year of the blocking scheme under their belts so it will be more reaction and muscle memory than having to think through the play book. Several of the guys on this years line spend a lot of time together already and have a good bond. I think the chemestry and talent is there for this to be the best o-line in the state.


    Also do not forget that we had several TD passes during the season to the tight ends last year. If not for the injury to the QB in the 2nd quarter of the playoff game with Smyrna, I believe their would have been more passing in this game. Coach A will pass out of this offense and has lead coaching seminars on how to pass out of the wing-t. If this years team can find a QB and TE, I believe you will see more passing

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