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Posts posted by GO BUFFS

  1. Note to self.........

    Be Civil!!! Be civil!!!!Be civil!!!!!

    we do have talent at WGHS but sadly we have kids that 1.)dont make the grades 2.)wouldnt play because they didnt like the coach(cry babies)

    and i honestly believe that Coach Carter has knowledge of the game at a high school level and that he has just gotten so much slack from over bearing parents and peers that he built a wall around his self and wouldnt even take a little advice from his asst coaches but other than that I dont think he was that bad of a coach all he needed to be was more open minded to ppl's opinions or take them in stride to the best of his ability's

    but as far as watching the feeder schools Moshiem,McDonald'and some from Glenwood there has been several athletes from all of these schools in all the sports?????


    in short im still backing the program and it isnt in my power who will be coach or it would be someone straight out of the school not somebody that used to be there or somebody from the middle schools......

    Thats some really good points.I agree!!

  2. SG should be tops because of the athletes they have. WG should finish a strong second as they have everybody back from last year I think. CD will be third and NG will finish fourth, they will not be to good this coming from another source.

    WG will be first because they play really well together.SG will be second,good coach but do not have the players.CD will be third good coach but they lost alot also.NG will be fourth because of lack of talent.Just my opinion!

  3. Your gonna have to show methis in writing commonsense...TSSAA will not let you have but 2 paid assistants...i dont think your talking about football...if that was the case every program except the 4 in Greene County are breaking the rules...Have you been sneaking into GO BUFFS stash???

    Hey tcpioneer3 I know more about WGHS than you will every know!

  4. I'm not that concerned but this is the only topic really going on here. I also know alot about the other surrounding schools as well. Well its hard to re-elect other board members when they run opposed. I have just being try to say whomever takes over it is not going to be much better. I can say this from watching the feeder schools and then going to watch other counties play. There is just not enough talent around here. That is not being negative just realistic. I know it would be hard sfor ome to believe but I would love to see WG do great in every sport.

    Yeah, right

  5. This is where no one really knows what there talking about and they say things thats not going to happen! First of all the board passed a policy that you can not have but one fund raiser per club and that raiser can not be any type of food sales! The parents have already shown how they want it ran, by running Coach's off. Another thing TSSAA will not let you have but 2 paid assistants.

    Commonsense you have got to be the smartest person I know you have something to say about everything.Would you please be the football,boys basketball,girls basketball coach at WGHS.We would never lose another game!!

  6. Thats how much WG fans and parents know, if Beest was not a good coach why has every school from Knoxville to Upper East TN. been after him to coach! The reason kids weren't interested Beest demanded respect and hard work! These kids are spoiled and lazy! The coach now lets them get away with a lot and thats why they play if you can say that-play that is!

    Beet's record at WGHS was terrible he might have won 15 games in 7 years.Every school from Knoxville to Upper TN has been after him to coach,thats crazy.You need to change your name to KNOWSENSE.Calling kids lazy that pratice everyday and work hard thats dumb.These are really good kids and they love playing for their coach.I think you are a coach and you are wanting these kids and their coach to fail.What I mean is a coach from WGHS!!

  7. All this wg is better than last year and coach greenlee has turned the program around is a bunch of crap. If they would have got off beets and his staffs butts and let them coach they would have been hard to handle this year. tracy had this boys as freshman playing varsity when they needed to play bteam. So greenlee walked in a good time after all hard times where over. They will never win. Get over it buff fans

    Beets was a good person but not a good coach.Beets didn't even have enough kids interested in playing for him to have a b-team.Thats why those freshman was on the varsity.Greenlee has got kids wanting to play for him.He's got a b-team and a freshman team.Like it or not he has got the fan base interested in basketball again.

  8. I know you can't tell me on here who you are but would you email me? I have a email acount set up under another name if you do email I will email you from my real email account.

    Why in the world would you guys want Drew to coach at WGHS.The kids would not play for him.Drew is full of himself.I don't know for sure but I THINK HE WENT 0-10 last year in Erwin.Why would we want him back at WGHS!

  9. I've been hearing about how WGHS boys is going to win 20 games this year, well I have seen them play and practice this year and it is not going to happen! They do not have enough athletes and they are no better than they were last year if any thing they have lost something!

    Hey commonsense are you trying to start something.WGHS will be good this year they have a good team.You must be a insider if you have saw them pratice.Sounds like to me you are wanting them to fail.

  10. This is true...and its a pitiful thing to happen because all you have to do to be a school board member is to have a high school diploma and be elected...how about letting the people that are more educated and know what their schools need make the decisions. All the board members are concerned with is making the griping parents happy so they can get re-elected and continue their "power trip" as commonsense stated.

    Well guys the griping parents pay the teachers and coaches by paying taxes so they have a right to complain.I know the school board members and they are very good men.These men are trying to do what is best for WGHS and the booster club president at WGHS has done a very good job.

  11. Because I wouldnt subject myself to that misery...WG is a job where you might win 6 games 1 out of every 5 years...its nothing against WG but there just isnt any athletes there...how many basketball games have they won over the past 3 years?? Im just trying to bring light to a bad situation...and by the way...WG is a far cry from my current job situation..so thanks but no thanks....

    I disagree, we have the athletes we need coaches.When do you think Bible will make a decision on a football coach or is it someone besides him that will make that call.Thanks,I really enjoy this!!

  12. In Carter County I believe the assistant coach supplament is $500... And it can't be for many coaches, because alot are volunteers...

    Hey tcpioneer3 Carter County coaches make less than Greene County coaches and they have better football programs.Please explain this since you know everything going on in Greene County.If you know so much about football would you please apply for the football job at WGHS!

  13. Mosheim has a good team every year?? Give me a break....whodoes Mosheim have a good year against....other smaller GREENE COUNTY schools...so in other words dont judge Mosheims success on other peoples failures...and just how many games did the rest of the Greene County teams win??

    You don't no anything about Greene County and their elementary schools.

  14. GO BUFFS you make no sense when you talk...you know alot of ppl that would love to coach in Greene County...well Im sure theres alot of ppl in jail that want out also but that doesnt mean the will get what they, thats the problem, they hire the first person thats just willing to do it...we are talking about trying to improve upon something here...and the payckeck comment about most of them being there just for a paycheck...do you have any idea what these coaches make...The HEAD coaches start out with a $2,500 dollar supplement...you do the math and figure up the hours they put in and tell me who in their right mind would be doing that for a paycheck...keep on posting on here so everybody can see how stupid you comments are!!

    Some of the coaches in Greene Co just stand over on the side and collect their $2,500 and do know coaching at all.Why call someone stupid for stating an opinion?Hey tcpioneer3 don't get so upset.Are you even from Greene Co?

  15. It doesnt matter who take the WG job...no one will ever win there on a consistant basis until the County Makes a Ton of changes. This County has never hired a COACH...they hire teachers that are willing to coach something...Coach Carter was asked to resign or be fired...he resigned...that was pretty sorry...Im not saying that things shouldnt be done differently but Coach Carter did care about that school and the kids. If he is being asked to resign does that mean that Coach Murphy and Rosenbalm will be aasked to do the same??? Have they done much better??? The county isnt doing their part in helping out these coaches...they have the worst of everything...facilities...3 PAID COACHES...are you kidding me...the other posts on this subject are right on the money....ITS A COACHING GRAVEYARD!!!

    I know people who would love to coach in Greene Co.When you look for a coach its got to be someone that loves the game know matter what it pays.Most of the coaches in Greene Co are there for a pay check only and thats sad.Coaching has got to be something you love.Coaching has got to be on your mine all the time.

  16. You are oblivious to how things are in Greene County...it would be a miracle for someone to turn this program around with 3 coaches...do you think that Barry didnt want to win or didnt care???? You cant make chicken salad out of....well you know the rest....

    Barry gave up 3 years ago.I like Barry as a person but he is not a very good football coach.Mosheim elementary has a good team almost every year,but when they get to WGHS something happens.Their is talent at WGHS,but you have to have a coach that can find it.

  17. These boys are really looking good I had a chance to watch them practice today and they will give Erwin all they want this year.Coach Greenlee has done a fantastic job with these boys.He has brought this program back and other teams are starting to respect West Greene.Coach Greenlee and Coach Williams are a real bright spot for West Greene.These kids really like them and love to play for them.Hopefully these two will get the football job.Its time to bring the football program back up where it should be.

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