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Camper (1/14)



  1. HERMAN had a knee injury & had to miss practice the day before thats why she didn't start at LIVINGSTON. Herman im sure as always will continue to start tomorrow just as she did before.
  2. I totally disagree with hiring Agee for coaching at the high school level. He helped Coach Holly and we all know how that turned out. Middle school and high school are two different levels. Why even compare the two stats with each other. Any one that knows Agee knows his lack of maturity and professionalism. I don't think that this is what these girls need at all. He is another home town boy! We have a home town girl now. Sure a couple of "Agees Freshman"and "Parents" might like having him on the court instead of Tobitt . I think the parents shouldn't be so involved w/ the hiring of friends. Lets hope the school system selects a mature experienced high school level coach for this position.
  3. I guess everyone has heard that Walls quit the team today. She refuses to play for Tobitt. Not that Tobitt let her play that much but if she had been "COACHED" any at all she could have been an asset to the team w/her 3 point shooting ability. I have heard that some parents think this might be the solution to the current problem. If all the girls walk off the team someone might stand up and take notice. Do you think?
  4. To the person that knows the truth. The reason Josh Agee didn't get the job coaching the Lady Tigers is because all of the seniors that were on the team refused to play for him. Ask any one of them even the ones that are related to him. That is a total different story. We need to focus on the problem at hand. Not look back.
  5. I don't know where you are getting info. But the Lady Tigers took the entire summer off! They went to 2 day camps in the spring and that is it! If you go out to the school on game day during 4th block you might be in for a real suprise! This coach is getting paid for what you will see! The Lady Tigers went from one extreme to the other when they got a new coach. They don't have any leadership on the court or in the locker room or the bench for that matter.
  6. Can any one tell us what the Lady Tigers coach thought was so funny during the game and after?
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