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Camper (1/14)



  1. Sycamore needs a new coach instead of a screaming foot stomping baby like Froskin. Lets just say this next year Harpeth may not let Sycamore score the first half. I predict your Coach cries like he did this year!
  2. Okay Lets get real First of all Harris can't shoot the ball without taking a squat. Peirre is not good enough for D1 I will bet alot of money on that! Austin is a show boat..... And who knows about the other players on the floor. Its like my Coach said most of the talent and shooters stay on the bench for Sycamore thats why we beat you every time. And as far as your coach goes Ha. Coach W said if he would spend more time coaching instead of yelling at the players and assistant coaches he might get something done. LOL we were in his head so bad he was stomping his little foot and screaming at players who weren't even in the game, and not to mention the little assistant coach that gets screamed at the whole game but is to scared to take up for himself. Anyway maybe next year but let me tell you this I have played with thse guys at Sycamore before if he starts Nicholson,Anderson,Dimpsey along with two other guys that can shoot they may not be beat. Oh well losers see you next year!
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