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Everything posted by momismad

  1. How can you expect good sportsmanship when they have their coaches building it up against Obion County?? In class one day last week, Paul Decker told his students that Dyersburg would not have to worry about Central because they s@#$. Then you have a head coach who degrades the same coaches he hired in Dyersburg?? What is he saying about our school, our program?? I think he made the best decision he could and we are glad to be rid of him! Good luck to Logan! We still love him and always will! As a sensible adult, you cannot begrudge a young man for following the advice of adults who are trying to look out for his/her best interests. I just hope Bowling doesn't leave him high and dry like he did Central!
  2. Are you sure that Driggers "fired" these guys? From my understanding, Decker quit because he didn't get the head coaching position at Central and the others were recruited by Bowlin and resigned. Worth checking into. By the way, I understand from a student in one of Coach Decker's classes that he told the kids that Dyersburg's football team didn't have to worry about Obion County Central because they "stink".... what a good influence on our kids, huh? why such resentment, Paul??? didn't get what you wanted at central so you're going to hurt the boys for it? grow up, would you?? and you call yourself a Christian???? how hypocritical!! As for coach driggers - give the guy a chance!! he didn't have much to work with after bowlin destroyed obion county football before he left, did he?? he knew before last season began that he was looking for something else, in fact, dyersburg offered him the job prior to last season and he turned it down and then told his last year's seniors that they needed to get out there and win for him to show dyersburg that he didn't make the wrong choice - but where is he now?? his interview in the messenger said he didn't "find the memo" about scheduling games until after everyone else had already scheduled their season - and he thinks we are just stupid enough to believe this crap? he already knew he was going to dyersburg - he didn't care about our boys anymore after the last game - they didn't even lift weights after the end of the season last year like they had in previous years under his direction - sooooo i think it is quite obvious that he really put it to obion county football and yes, fans, it was intentional!! As for Logan Parker - you couldn't ask for a better kid!! I just hope bowlin didn't blow smoke in his direction and then leave him hanging in the end!! Seems to be his style, though!
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