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Posts posted by owls1987

  1. Was it a piece on police brutality in and around Carthage? I hear glover pracitices his wrestling moves, like the pile driver on the local drunks in and around Carthage. Yea, I have been spending some time at the ole baseball field watching my older son Termite. My wife also talked me into letting my 3 year old boy play T-ball. While my 6 year old daughter is doing gymnastics so I have been qutie busy.


    Hey Stamp Licker, read the article, seriously.


    Glover, Termite's correct, awesome article. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />

  2. I think Maynard left Smith Co. after just one season as was named the new Oakland head coach. He might join that staff and be back in the Boro. One things for sure, Steve won't be without a job long. If our administration wants to show people they are committed to improving our football program, they will go after him. That might cause some more "mad ons" but we have got to do what's best for the program and the boys.


    Maynord's still the HC and Principal at Smith Co. He's been there about 10 years.

  3. I helped with the youth program from 97 until 04 and owls1987 is pretty much on in his observations. I think the youth league should be teaching these kids the basics and fundamentals of the game and let them have fun and start molding them into fundamentally sound football players. I might have been one of the coaches that didn't like the "wing t" idea. I just taught kids the number of the holes and ran a two back set either "I" or split backs and made sure lineman knew how important thier footwork and blocking techiques were and ran plays. I think you should always base your offense on the players you have. If the players are fundamentally sound, they shouldn't have any problems picking up on different offenses @ the middle school and high school level.

    We are all in this together and should support these players. We should try to talk with the ones who are not playing anymore and get them back.

    What's everyone's take on Britton leaving Franklin Co.?


    Nitro14, I agree with you on the wing T but I was willing to add some of his plays to my playbook to expose the kids to a different style. (We did score a few times when we called "waggle 8"!) Something else that may help would be to have coaching clinics for the youth league coaches. Not only to teach the coaches the basic fundamentals, but to also teach how to deal with young kids. There are a few coaches that you hear constantly screaming for these kids to "hit somebody". The problem is, they're not teaching the kids how to hit correctly. I know I'm getting off subject focusing on the youth league but I think we lose too many kids there that could've been a good ball player at the HS level. As for Britton leaving FCHS, I thought he'd get one more year. I think it's the "win now" syndrome. I don't see him coming back to WC though. I did find it interesting to see the post about him going to Cannon Co. as Head Coach. That would put him in the same region as Coach Maynord @ Smith County who also used to coach at Riverdale.

  4. What could the program do to get more lineman to come out for the team? I no theirs a bunch walking the hall that dont play anymore.


    Wrench, that's a very good question that could be directed toward any position on the team. I'm an outsider looking in and one of the big problems that I see (or hear) is all the negativity in Warren County around football and other sports. I moved here 10 years ago and immediately got involved in the youth program and one of the 1st things that I noticed was when the new high school coach got involved with it was all the criticism directed toward him and he had not even coached the first play yet. "He wasn't a native son", "we don't like the wing T offense." "He don't know what it takes to motivate these kids." He never stood a chance. These kids are very impressionable and when they hear all of this, alot of them start believing it to. Unfortunately all of this negativity starts in the youth league. This coach don't like that coach. The officials are pitiful (never mind the fact that they're HS kids helping out) My favorite, which was directed toward me, "He's not from here, how does he know who these kids are?" I thought at first that "who = talent". I found out later that "who = who the mommas and daddies were." Things like this happen everywhere but it seems to be much worse here. But, I will say that I had more OUTSTANDING parents that helped me than I did negative ones. You can take it for what it's worth but I got to see many more kids of those outstanding parents playing on Friday nights than I did the not so outstanding ones! Ok, that's my opinion as an outsider. I'm not saying I'm right or wrong, it's just my observation. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />

  5. Having a good deal of knowledge regarding DCI I can see how that may be considered "sport" by some. DCI is the absolute pinnacle of band/color guard competition. If this were a basketball conversation we'd be talking about the NBA. That's how good some of these guys are at what they and how hard they work. Even then, there are large contracts and honestly, people pay good money to compete. I have respect for that much. I'll never be able to consider band ( at least anything below DCI) a sport but that's just my two( hopefully final) cents on the matter

    This thread can and probably will go on until the day after the end of time. People are never going to agree on this.


    OK, I know how to settle this. An MTV reality show where band members go through football practice with the team and then the football team goes through band practice with the band members. /bored.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":bored:" border="0" alt="bored.gif" /> /popcorneater.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":popcorneater:" border="0" alt="popcorneater.gif" />

  6. The talent that she has run off and that is walking the hall is more than enough to make warren county a contender.


    Refresh my memory. How many young ladies left the WC program and are contributing on other teams this year? About 4?

  7. York will be the favorite in my opinion. Several key players will return. Westmoreland and Smith County will be second and third. I agree with Termite, the Eagles will be favorites for second because of returning starters and home field. Cannon Co (4th)., Upperman, and Jackson round out the region.


    /excl.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":excl:" border="0" alt="excl.gif" />


    1. York

    2. Smith Co. / Westy



    5. Upperman.

    6. Jackson Co.

  8. I belong to this organization. Each team gets two votes. Might want to get your facts straight before commenting. The voting time was changed to Friday afternoon to help with lack of participation. I am sorry you feel this way but the fact is all coaches are sent nomination ballots to be sent in. If the coach does not nominate, the player is not on the ballot.


    2024, congrats to you guys for a good year. See ya in 08.

  9. Wrong. The Church of Christ is NOT a demonination. It is the church that was established following the resurrection. Denominations are what have come from people that have split from the original new testament law and chosen to follow a somewhat different path to their hopeful salvation.

    People make that wrongful distinction all the time.


    I don't normally act as the coachT spell checker, but I cracked up over this one considering what this topic turned into! Sorry! OK, now back to football.

  10. Nitro you sound like a over hyped up caffeine addicted parent. You have 78 post since October 29 all on the same subject, Warren Co football. Give it a rest.


    Too bad WC doesn't have a few more Nitros out there. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />

  11. Maybe he was a X ref. Got fired for sipping the corn. I am surprised he got by with it. I seen him staggering out the gate still cursing and complaining. I think he used the N word more than the highest memeber of the KKK, or skin head groups. Lucky he stayed on the Hampton side. They would have found him under the stands after the game. Anyone ever figure out what his problem was? I hope he didnt have a son playing for Hampton. If so I am sure he was embarrased. Nuts are everwhere.


    MO$$$$, you should've seen the man at the 5A game tonight. He'd been sipping on some juice and tumbled down about three rows of bleachers and smacked into the concrete walkway! Do the drinkers only come out during the playoffs?

  12. I just got back from the games today. Congratulations is in store for Mustangs. I thought Knoxville Fulton would win this one by 7, but I missed on my pick. The young lads from Lipscomb played with heart and fought their rears off. I am sure everyone associated with the program is proud. Take it all in and again congrats on your title.


    Legend, If I would've known your were at the games all day I would've looked you up. I was there for all 5 games.

  13. No, but I have watched many games due to relatives and friends. I remember when this some of this senior class was playing youth football. I am an advocate for youth sports in Warren Co. I think that is how we will build our success in all sports.


    Well we've probably run into each other a few times then. The first group of kids that I coached in youth league consisted of a few of the seniors from this year and last year's team. My second year we moved up an age group so I had some seniors from two years ago also.

  14. It's still sinking in...amazing night. Coming back into town was absolutely unbelievable. The whole town was lining the streets.


    One of the greatest moments of the game was running the "46". I'm sure the McKenzie people and all the other fans from somewhere besides South Pittsburg wondered why Coach Grider called a time out to run an extra point play after we scored late in the game.The play he ran, the Single Wing "46" was a tribute to his Dad, Coach Don Grider, who passed away this past Spring. The article in the TFP explains it MASH HERE


    Zone, congrats to SP on a heck of a game. I pull in the parking lot just a few minutes after kickoff and the scoreboard is flashing TOUCHDOWN. SP's 2nd score. Your O did what everybody expected. Your D picked it up alot. Again, congrats. See ya at Willowbrook!

  15. Hey Owls1987, You go to the game? Did you talk to Zone and Pirate mike? I gave into Slick Rick itus. Dang Asian food. They still trying to kill me. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />


    I made it to the game late. (Dang Boss actually wanted me to work on Friday afternon, during football season!) I pulled into the parking lot and saw the scoreboard flashing TOUCHDOWN. SP had just scored their 2nd TD. No, I didn't get to speak either gentleman. I was going to try to find them after the game but they appeared to be a little excited about something last night!?!?!? Hey, I thought you knew better than to eat asian food. Did you eat at the place on Hwy. 25?

  16. Hey Slappy MTP is in Middle Tennessee, You wouldnt sniff anything cause you are sitting at home at a computer screen. EAST EAST EAST, Great what do they do after High School. NOTHING.

    Reminds me of a friend from college, He talked so much smack about the East till we came down there and put the smack down on yall


    Enjoy the Moment


    Settle down and think for a second doogie. There is an EAST bracket and a WEST bracket. MTP was in the WEST bracket. Now that wasn't so bad, was it?

  17. Anyone can have a bad game and South Pittsburg is at least 10 points better than anyone else.


    1. South Pittsburg

    2. McKenzie

    3. Gordonsville

    4. Hampton

    5. Mount Pleasant

    6. Jo Byrns

    7. Lookout Valley

    8. Friendship Christian

    9. Cascade

    10. Trousdale County


    You gotta show up to have a bad game! We voted, you get a free "do over" Try again. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />

  18. When you getting your plus membership? /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />


    I've been thinking about it. I haven't broken out the check book yet. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />

  19. Thanks Friend, I thought that you weren't directing it all towards me. I do think for the most part Warren Co. and Coffee Co. will make another step to being at the top of the region next year or the year after. Warren Co.'s youth program has really helped spark interest for future players. I don't know how your youth program is working but I feel that is one of the keys to our recent success.


    Phoenix, are you associated with the youth league in WC?

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