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Posts posted by NewellHartbaseball

  1. Yeah, radar shows huge mass of storms/rain just to the West of the Mississippi River. I don't think there is any way we could play today. Weather channel says this mess won't be out of here until Monday or so. Where do we go from here? State tourney is scheduled to begin May 18th right?

  2. I just want to apologize to anyone here or in the community that I may have offended. I really did not intend for this to spin so out of control. In the beginning I thought it was a good thing to defend our players.......it still is, but think I'll take a different approach next time. I, as others, am very passionate about things, yet there is a time to let things go, especially when sides do not want to agree. It's okay to disagree, but we have to know when to just stop. My husband has also said I always want the last word so I guess I'm guilty as charged. (boy am I going to live to regret that statement) I DO LOVE the game of BASEBALL!!! And I appreciate all the youth that work so hard to succeed at the sport. Best of luck to all of you!!!


    Again, I apologize for the continuing conversation, lashing out, etc. and hope you will accept.





  3. The State Gazette just released:


    The District 13 Baseball turney games scheduled for today will be played at DCHS. Games will begin at 3:00 pm, weather permitting. Stay tuned for further details.

  4. u obviously didn't understand anything i just said at all. get the big picture here, it isn't THAT hard. there is no point trying to conversate with you on this, period. And another thing, where did Brown and Anderson get into the mix?? whoever made that quote is just trying to stir up more stuff. I don't personally know Brown, but I do Anderson, and the man is a good guy. And you probably don't even know the whole story as to what he said in the first place.


    i do not get what you people are talking about at all. your making fanhood way more complicated than it really is. and you forget, we as Americans have FREEDOM OF SPEECH. had to throw that in there /cool.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="B)" border="0" alt="cool.gif" />



    I will NEVER forget about what or shall I say HOW we as Americans have the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. You see, my husband has served for the TN Army National Guard for 17 years, served in 2 tours to Iraq and will be leaving soon for the 3rd. So don't you dare say I forget because my family and I NEVER EVER forget.

  5. They're right!! You always think you have to get the last word in! You just keep dragging it on! So, wipe the Cheetos off your fingers so you don't get it on your keyboard and give us your intelligent opinion!! Because we all know you're going to! And if you think the crap you say doesn't motivate the other team then you're CRAZY!! The kids have worked hard all year so let they're play on the field do the talking instead of you on here ALL THE TIME!!



    Point taken.

  6. People like you keep adding fuel to the fire. You give the opp. a bigger motive to beat us . Just SHUTUP


    If we lose cause of your mouth It will be your fault.


    This is a stupid statement.

  7. it might not matter when i left the milan gc game gc was up 3-2 in the 4th before it starting raining... so its might be a gc dyersburg match-up.... merry christmas dyersburg



    So what happened with this game?


    The Dyer Co. field is covered, and it is the alternate site


    Yep, it's covered now.

  8. MC had every right in the world to cheer for his team's pitcher. I would have said the same thing.



    Oh my GOSH! It's not hard to understand, but apparenly YOU AREN'T getting it at all.


    For the record and for the 4th or 5th time......I have absolutely NO problem with fans cheering for THEIR team.

    Heck, I don't have a problem with fans clapping when other team makes an error and your team gets a runner on base......it's on base percentage and I do the same.


    What I DO have a problem with is calling out opposing team's number saying, "that's who we want right there, #11, we want him." And those are HIS exact words. I'm sure he cheered for his team's pitcher as well---again, which is FINE and DANDY!!! You also have to consider his tone. As I have told my two children in years passed, your tone of voice can change how you mean something so watch it. /smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> NOTE: #11 probably didn't even hear it, but I did as did many other DC fans and it wasn't liked at all.




    Now, if anyone else just can't seem to understand what I am saying.............I'm sorry I can't make it any more simple than that. PEACE OUT! /motorbike.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":motorbike:" border="0" alt="motorbike.gif" />

  9. I didn't say you didn't play quality opponents. I said not all of them were. You have no control over who enters the same tourney and who you play. I'll just bet one or two of those tourney wins were against middle-of-the-road teams trying to get in games vs. quality opponents. Just the way the cookie crumbles.



    "And I'm quite sure ALL the DC out-of-district wins were not "quality opponents" your exact words look back.


    You would be correct on not having control on who you draw to play; however, it's common knowledge who usually plays in that particular tournament......competitive teams. Anywho.......eat your cookie crumbles and enjoy your day. /cool.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="B)" border="0" alt="cool.gif" />


    Ya'll should make a soap opera out of this! This is entertaining!!



    Yeah, I know.....right

  10. You're missing the whole point! But that figures..........you're obviously one sided!!! We're talking about ADULTS making remarks that shouldn't be made! The player probably did not even hear what was said but EVERYONE ELSE did!! I personally thinK this whole discussion needs to be dropped!!!



    ME TOO.............geeze

  11. there wasn't any negative remark made toward one kid.

    it was the possible final out and all he was saying is "this is it, out number 3"

    and if you want to talk about someone not having "class", talk to about most of the dyer county baseball team, because that is one thing they have lacked for at least 3 years



    that is NOT what he said and you know it. but it's fine, I'm fine, Shea is fine, DC team is fine, heck we all fine now.......THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING......... /flower.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":flower:" border="0" alt="flower.gif" />


    forget the whole shea and mc thing.

    am i the only one that saw chad push tyler at second? and the umpire not even say anything to him?


    Oh, I did not. /ohmy.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="ohmy.gif" />

  12. For the record Turfus Brain, the Dyersburg Senior Night was scheduled for another opponent but with all the rain, the coaches played it safe by changing to an opponent we knew would not be impacted by having to resked dist. rainouts. And I'm quite sure ALL the DC out-of-district wins were not "quality opponents."



    /roflolk.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflolk:" border="0" alt="roflolk.gif" /> let's see.....Goodpasture--twice, CPA, Harpeth, Riverside, Mt. Juliet, Harding Academy, Green Co in Ark, and Northeast. Oh...and they tied with USJ. Nah...not "quality opponents"


    Anybody whos anybody in Dyer County area knows Ozment schedules tough teams and travels outside the district area to make his team better. It's just how he does things and has been doing it that way for sometime now.

  13. II think PO covered his field in case needed for the play-in. Maybe all this moisture will bypass us until the season is over. (Apologies to the farmers in the area)



    DC field is not covered as of 4:15 pm today.

  14. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" /> /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" /> /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />



    That's that Karma you and I speak of! /flower.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":flower:" border="0" alt="flower.gif" />

  15. I don't blame you!! Like I said, I'm Shea's uncle and I will support him first and foremost. But knowing Shea he was focused on getting the job done! Wish I could have seen him play more often the last 4 years but living over 2 hours away it's hard to do. I get most of my info on their ballgames on here. My point is I know what rival games are all about! Been there and done that!! But when you have the career hit leader up to bat and he is a senior on senior night, well, that would just put the icing on the cake for them! That's all I'm saying. Hope to see him play high school ball one last time before he heads off to college.



    Oh, I know you weren't blaming me, I was answering your question then went into all that.


    Shea's a great kid.....cough cough....young man. /smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> He has a future ahead of him in baseball and/or what ever he decides to do. Not only that, he's funny as crap and he treats my son well. I really hope they buckle down and take their team all the way, they have the talent to do so!!! I too hope you can get here to see him play HS ball before leaving for college....he's quite impressive!

  16. I was reading your local paper online about the ballgame and I have a question. It stated in the paper that the Dyersburg pitcher had two outs in the bottom of the 7th inning when Shea ripped a double to right center. Now, I don't know when this so called taunting took place but if it was at this moment in the game and you were a Dyersburg fan wouldn't you just love to see Shea make the last out? That's the one they want, the last out!! Can't blame him for that!!



    You would be correct........that is when it happened and I see your point. However, nothing was said when previous batter came up. It's all said and done now and I'm sure some people will shun me over this whole ordeal and talk behind my back or come on here without identifying themselves to trash me, but I have survived much worse and I won't loose much sleep over it. I do speak up in here, but most people know who I am. They probably don't know me personally because I have only lived here about 2 years. I'm just a compassionate person/mom that loves her kids, kids team mates, their families and will defend them. I know, care about and love some kids on the Dyersburg team as well and would have done the same for them had a DC person said something they shouldn't have. It's all about the kids for me and I want to do all I can to help them succeed. I try very hard to stay positive yet it gets difficult when some are so negative all the time.


    I really don't intend to offend............but I believe the Golden Rule.....


    ???Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. For what you do to others will surely return to you."

  17. who was on the mound when this MC controversy happened??



    Ryan Wood I believe........why does that matter? OH>>>not his son..../smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />

  18. So, you ppl think the tournament will proceed without delay? I'm afraid the weather may doing some stirring of it's own. But you never know....I didn't think we'd get the DC/D'Burg game in Monday but rain held off.

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