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Posts posted by DHSFB64

  1. Nah, the Civiltan Bowl Team was dad burn good in the early sixties and the Jasper Warriors were really good in the mid-late sixties. Men playing back in the day, not peach fuzz youngons. Fellers back-n-the day worked, walked or ran everywhere and annually wrestled the carnival bear to train for futeball. You think Old Pirate is joking, OP ain't joking neither! These youngons today mostly still nursing with mama.


     OP you got that right and knew how to act or else ..young-uns nowadays is too spoiled  soft with no respect for others

  2. The HCHS band is mediocre at best. Fairley would blow them off the field. HC's show is based around a "Chill" theme... not sure what that is?! And the new uni's are not even school colors.... what's with adding black to uniforms these days? (band's or player's?!). HC should stick with "Big RED" all around... no black.... yuck! BTW, HC's best performance Friday night was the hip song they played on the sidelines at the end of the half - better than the entire field show!


    Sorry... I digress... back to football. HC should dominate Friday night!


    Is Odom out this week after being ejected Friday night?


  3. Agree 100%....I think it had been like 58 games since they have won.......


    But give Fayette Ware respect however, even though the score was 55 to 0 at the half, they continued to have great fan support that cheered their team on.


    Next Friday Crocket County comes to town. Lets see if some pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together.



     Both teams need a leg up in district ..nothing like this one to start with

  4. Ok, let me tell you how this works.


    Efforts at rushing are thwarted by what we call the Red Swarm.  Works equally effectively for the running backs and for the quarterback.  Most teams will keep trying even though it isn't working because they don't have other options.


    But . . .you guys, of course, have the spectacularly accurate quarterback.  Problem here is that when the receiver catches the ball (or doesn't catch the ball), they receive a blow that discourages any subsequent desire to be thrown to.  It makes their arms seem shorter.  This will wear off, but not tonight.  Every pass will also be heavily contested from your side of the line.


    Then, somewhere in the third quarter, your offense will begin to tire.  Our defense will not.  This will lead to mistakes.  This is usually where it starts to get out of hand.


    Compound this with no opportunities to run the ball back to decent field position after our scores, and you have a long night and an extra long ride back to town.


    I didn't want to spill our beans until your bus left, but our QB is also spectacularly accurate, faster than anyone so far has been prepared for, smart, well coached, and a playmaker.  We have the fastest two high schoolers in Tennessee on defense.  We don't have one player that is likely to get 100 yards offense, but we have 6 who are likely to get 80 yards each tonight.


    So, win tonight and you've done something quite impressive.  I just don't see it happening.


     Facts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. trezevant is the only talented team from memphis...the rest of the squads just run around with pads on for protection



     LOL 'dhs' thats funny !!!!..Trezevant / Liberty will be a good one at sometime during playoffs

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