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  1. Maybe you should use a history book and learn that eastern tn tried to secede from TN and recreate the old state of franklin and name it the ”free state of franklin”. See andrew johnson and the rest of very pro union east tn.
  2. Well my driver's liscense and taxes are in Alabama, so I define my residency as in Alabama. Doesn't matter what you want or I want, but when a school states they want all their students to stop doing something and their football team is taking specific pictures with something banned in it, I'd think that is a bit of a problem.
  3. Ole Miss had a STRONG campaign getting rid of the Confederate theme roughly 25 YEARS AGO (1983) and then when Tubbervile complained and the University responded by barring fans from even bringing it to sporting events. South's official pictures have them prominently in them. So Ole Miss has long ago dealt with what they are most others in the deep south saw as an unecessary problem.
  4. I'm a student at the University of Alabama (and am now a resident of Alabama) who is from Kingsport and attended Dobyns-Bennett and lived in Ktown since the age of 10 (does that make me enough of an East Tennessean for you?). You think some randomite from Alabama surfs tricitiessports.com High School section? Come on. Trying to cause trouble? That picture is ridiculous (not even getting into the lunacy of even being CALLED the Rebels since the Kingsport area was part of the pro-Union Free State of Franklin that wanted nothing to do with the Confederacy or their flag during the Civil War) and somebody in the Sullivan County School System should have a problem with it.
  5. I found this pretty unbelievable that a public high school would put 2 confederate flags in one of their official team photos. While everyone in the south is trying to get rid of the confederate flag, a public high school decides its good to use it in a team picture? Maybe I'm off my rocker here but that strikes me as inappropriate. http://www.tricitiessports.com/default.asp...rts&he=.com
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