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Everything posted by CleatlessInjun

  1. I saw some of the football boys playing on the basketball team. They are really good athletes. It is amazing how easily they switch back and fourth between the two sports.
  2. I still say TL has the potential to be one of the best high school coaches. Time will tell.
  3. You can't spell control without a T and a L
  4. I didn't make it home in time to go but the eye that were there said it went well.
  5. That is great. I hope to see a practice as well as the scrimmage. God willing and the creek don't rise.
  6. Smash have you seen the young bucks at practice. I hear some new faces making their presents being known.
  7. They will have a great year. I hope to get to watch them next week but you know how work goes.
  8. Smash your to need to chill or you will blow a head gasket.. fall is a long way off and remember this is kids playing a kids game. It is suppose to be fun . Half the fun is watching it play out on friday nite.
  9. It 's always a good year when your a indian.
  10. One thing I learn about high school kids is not to put a ceiling or a basement floor on their abilities, a wonderful thing the mind of a child is
  11. I had heard about Torrey just nothing on Shay. I hope they have a great year Tell them we are thinking of them.
  12. Haters means we must be doing something right. CROW, how is Shay?
  13. Your waring your fingers out for nothing. The bipolor sleuth knows somebody who has a friend. Who hss a cousin who has works for the Oneida water department so he know everything that goes on in Oneida.
  14. Ah crow , I just hate all the he said she said. You have told them, smash has told them, but nothing said is as good as Billy joe second cousins info from the milkman.
  15. I don't know what more can be said on this subject. I don't know the everything like our neighbors from the south. I do know that not every store has to have a villain or hero, everything is not black and white. I do know all parts that are involved and none of them deserves to be drag thru the mud for doing what they felt was right . I wonder how our neighbors from the south would look if we examine all their decision in a public arena.
  16. "Don,'t think you can attain total awareness and enlightenment without proper discipline."lao tzu This to me is what T.L. brings, I have no doubt that he has more potential. of any coach I have ever meet. Time will tell.
  17. Smash, a star wars reference and you said what needed to be heard. Crow I wasn't throw rocks at you, just showing my raising.
  18. Hmm, I wish you all would put all this brain power to solving cancer. Tony the new coach and he will be good at it. I back this program and look forward not backwards. Now let's move on to football.
  19. Merry christmas to you all. See you in the spring. Time for my long winter nap.
  20. How big a hole you boys got in your screen door?
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