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Posts posted by ftbllfn

  1. I feel confident that I am correct. The only way we will know (and its not that important) is if the HC/ME proposal passes. If it passes then HC/ME will both be back in 5A where they belong and I think you will find that Brighton will rermain in 6A where they always were.


    You are right about one thing. It is not that important. But how can Brighton have always been in 6A when we have never had a 6A classification in the state before? Now they have been a 3A school in basketball, baseball, golf, etc. but for the last 4 years they have played 4A football. The same as JCM, Northside, Munford, Hardin, Hardin and Henry. Change has always been a challenge. Again good luck with Fairley, Melrose/East, Hillsboro/Maplewood, Maryville which should have been a 5A school in football all along. I like your confidence though.

  2. So your telling me that Whites Creek (1043) Dyersburg (1049) and Chattanooga Central (1065) would not have been in 5 A it West Creek, Northeast, and Mitchell would have decided not to move up. Those are the three highest schools in 4A They would have been at the bottom of 5A but are now at the top of 4A. I still believe that TSSAA started counting from the top. I tried to count and with my kids sitting in my lap not very easy to do. I believe I counted 57 in both 6A and 5A. Now it West Creek, North east and Mitchell were not there then I do believe Whites Creek, Dyersburg, and Chattanooga Central would have been in 5A.


    Yes they started counting from the top. You are correct if West Creek, Mitchell and Northeast do not move up in classification then Whites Creek, Dyersburg and Chattanooga Central would have been in 5A. Not a perfect system but again there rarely is one.

  3. Brighton did not get bumped. They were 6A as soon as the enrollment figures were turned in. They were in the upper half of 3A making them 6A no matter who moved up. Henry County and Mo East were bumped to 6A due to the desires of others. The board at TSSAA has NEVER subdivided within a class before so there is no precedent. The proposal by HC and ME makes sense. It wont be the end of the world if it doesnt pass but passing the proposal would be the right and fair thing to do. We will find out soon.


    Sorry but you are incorrect. Brighton enrollment is 1466. Without the 3 schools moving up into 3a or basically what we will now know as 5a and 6a the break would have made Brighton the largest 5a school. Your right there was no precedent there ususally never is with change.

  4. When the original three classes were set by TSSAA according to enrollments both Henry County and Morristown East would have been in 5A. They were "bumped" into 6A when three teams chose to move up in classes. It is listed for everyone to see on the TSSAA website. I dont know what TSSAA will do but it seems fair to me that schools shouldnt be "bumped" into a class that their enrollment didnt originally dictate simply because a handful of schools want to move up. In other words TSSAA should find a way to allow schools to move up if they want without causing other schools to be "forced" up against their will.


    The classifications have to be determined some way and historically that has been by enrollment and the change came with the opportunity for schools to move up in classification. TSSAA board makes the decisions in regard to classification, it has to be determined somehow.


    Yeah henry, morristown and brighton got "bumped"/"forced", boards decsion. The cut off could have been 1250 students or 1500 students then someone else would be forced to deal with moving into a higher classification. Like I said in early post not rocket science and I must add not a perfect system either. But that is how it works. As for Henry County and Morristown, they may or may not get a favorable decsion on this. Honestly the ground work and rules were laid out for all to read and meetings where held for input. Surely everybody knew this was going to happen to someone. If I were a voting member I would have to listen to the proposal, but stand by the boards earlier decsion because it is just going to set off yet another controversy. Maybe it works out differently in 2014. Good luck in the post season with Fairley, Melrose/East, Maplewood/Hillsboro, Maryville.

  5. Financially, for Henry county it would benefit them more to continue to play Hardin county, Liberty, Brighton, Munford as these teams travel well, teh CLarksville schools dont bring anyone, we use to be in that region., HC will not gain fiancially from the move. Can people in 5a choose to move to 6a? if so it would be possible for there to be 85 teams in 6a and a considerable amount less in all other classsifications. If one school can move up all should be allowed but one choosing to move up should have no impact on where another palys. Why should the fact that Henry coutny is in 5a and Osh Gosh B-Gosh decides to play up move Henry county.

    Someone mentioned that if 40 schools decided to move up it would cause problems, and in this case 3 schools moved up, it would not hurt for their to be a 3 school difference.


    My reference was strictly travel expense but you do make a good point about region 7 traveling well. I believe TSSAA took into account the lack of support for schools and their need to cut down on travel cost. To answer your question. The way it was structured allowed schools to move up from the 1 to 2 or 2 to 3 then draw the lines. So 5A couldnt move up to 6A put I guess if a school so decided they could make a proposal to the board. If 40 schools had decided to move up then I am certain the 6 classifications would have been formed regardless, with the intent to put an equal number of teams in each classification. Not exactly rocket science.

  6. Both were originally in 5A and had to move up because others got to choose where they want to be.


    From my understanding of the process. tssaa allowed all teams the option of moving up in classification due to the high travel cost which some teams incurred from wide spread regions. Take Mitchell for example, they moved up in classification to compete with local schools in region and control their travel cost. In direct contrast, Henry County is obviously doing well as far as financially supporting their football programs and other athletic programs as well from the dollars generated by the football program alone. Thus can can absorb high travel cost as they have had playing in region 7 but do stand to gain finaically form the move to a new region with teams located in closure proximatry.


    The lines had to be set after teams moved up to balance all the classifications. I followed TSSAA steps through this process. They had 3 goals, 1) allow teams to determine their classification by moving up to cut down on cost; 2) attempt to create some sense of parity among all schools across the state as their research showed most state championships are won by metro schools. Before you respond I did say most and this research is available to the TSSAA web sight.


    As for the 3rd goal of TSSAA, it was about the money generated from having 6 classifications of independnets for football championships plus the privates which is a whole other issue entriely.

  7. Wayne Co won 4 scores to 1 against lorreto but rice only played two series and the scrimmage this afternoon with Hardin Co Wayne Co also won 5 scores to 4


    i saw hardin county score 6 but didnt really think anybody from our side was counting. good try though.

  8. Are you a fan of Melrose? Who is better, Melrose or Fairley? Which team has more speed? Is Fairley better than they were last year? Is Melrose better than they were last year? Will Melrose shut down the Kingsbury running back and will it be another shutout? Would Melrose rather play Fairley again or would they rather come to Henry County?


    i am certain that melrose would rather play at home. fairley is loaded with athletes and are well coached. more speed across the board than anyone in region 7. would be interesting to see melrose defense against the big fullback allen. henry county needs to pound the ball b/w the tackles against fairley. but if the fairley back gets outside, well as their announcer called it, "there he go." good luck henry county, i predict the semis at least, would like to see a title from the region.

  9. I don't ever say anything on these boards, necause i think its pointless for a player to post, but when some one says something of this nature I think I have the right to defend myself. If i hit people out bounds and had late hits then why did the refs not call it. I like the henry county players, lamar and I are very good friends actually and plus my cousin plays on the team. I did not in any way try to hurt anyone out there. I was trying to go as hard as i could ever go and maybe sometimes i had to much fight in me and it looked like I was trying to hurt people. I apologize to all the fans if it looked like that. I did not in any way try to hurt anyone. Henry county, your a great team and I have all the respect in the world for yall. Even though your players were cursing so much out there to myself, and my team members, I did not say anything back cause I have been taught better than to do that. Maybe Henry county's coach could teach that alittle more. Once again i have the upmost respect for your players,coach's, and fans and i had no intentons whats so ever to hurt anyone. I guess just sometimes when you try to play the hardest you've ever played then it kinda looks like your trying too. Just please don't say I have no class at all if you don't even know me.


    as stated earlier, sam shutt has good character. thanks sam. pa

  10. Obviously, you have not seen the game film. There are no fewer, and probably more, than 7 times when Shutt hits out of bounds or late. I am not talking accidentally. For instance, in one incident, the Patriot runner had already been hit out of bounds by another of your players, and then Shutt ran in and shoved him into the fence. Who can blame him if he can get by with it right in front of the referees, which he did. Other Hardin players were called for it , but not him. Hmmm, I wonder if he has connections. His playing and attitude were totally unimpressive. Unless your film is edited, ask to see it. I think you will be embarrassed by his actions (just as I was by the two mouthing off on our team). Our coach did take them out.


    i dont doubt your word. i did see the game. i can say our program works hard to build character in our young men and sam is a young man of good character. guess it goes to show the intensity of competion can be taken to far. unfortunately that is what is shown to our young people by professionals, college players and unfortunatley some fans beginning as early as youth sports. it is a problem.


    am I embarrassed, no. would i remove him from the game as 43 was, i dont know, as for as how that young man was yanked around on the side lines after his personal foul call, makes me wonder if other issues have been present. on the other hand, does Gaddis remove a player when the game situation is different or the state title is on the line? it would impress if he did, thats teaching character.


    wish you guys best of luck and hopefully we meet again in two weeks at your place. i hope we dont get shell shocked again, i for one appreciate a good hard fought battle on the field.

  11. I think he basically said it the way it was. all Shutt did all night ws hit people out of bounds and late hits on the other plays, no class at all.




    first, need to say to the young men that play for henry county, impressive, clear that you have worked hard and are well coached, best wishes in the playoffs. second, i have followed the henry county threads all year, you guys seem to have fun and do provide adequate insight on football in wst tn. however, it is rather ridiculous that grown men tend to want to spout off rather than just support their team and hopefully show good character to the young men playing the game. it is normal for particpants in a game to loss their heads, i saw that from both sides on friday night. word of advice, if your not on the field then your time has passed and when the words get out of hand, let each man stand for his self.

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