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Posts posted by Atlas

  1. Trading district for nondistrict teams. When you have 8 teams in your district and you are required to play all of them (to truly determine district champs) some other teams have to come off. Our nondistrict teams played this year were Huntington (2a), Mckenzie (2a) and Dresden (1a) (all made playoffs). Oc not on schedule for political reasons ( like dyersburg not playing dyer county).

  2. Somebody posted that if Stewart is really a 4 star prospect that none of uc lineman should get around him any all game. That statement is absurd. I don't care at any position at any level no matter how good the player they will get beat or make a mistake. With that said he should when most of his one on one battles in this game, but he won't win every single one. Also I don't understand the personal rips on Stewart he is a good kid and I think he will excel at UT. I think that more than likely also that Jernigan is a great player who probably doesn't get the college looks he deserves it happens all the time, but that should not take away from what Stewart has don.


  3. well thats not a lie, i seen the live feed clearly but i will thank you for further clarification and will totally believe what you just explained, i just seen a small part of it you were there and thats what i really wanted to hear hand shakes and sportsmanship, thank you for your account and explanation and your probably right moving the kids around and etc... i like your account much better than mine.......

    Thanks. No bad intentions at all. Look forward to seeing him play. Fine young man and I got to shake his hand as well. I'll root for him at UT, just not this week.

  4. That is a lie about Jernigan not shaking hands with Stewart. They shook hands several times before and after the presentation, and talked with each other more than any other players there. That, my fellow coach T'ers is the truth. I was there in person, not over some live feed.

    Granted there can be mass confusion during ceremonies and people are being moved around by ushers and not recognize a hand being offered when not looking at it. Definitely no disrespect given if perceived that way in tv/Internet.

  5. There seem to be a lot of questions about why UC is 1A. Let me try to help. There's always been a lot of friction between the county and the city here. Also UC has a sizable black population whereas the county is virtually all white. Several years ago the county built new grammar schools. Trying to exploit the situation, they built 1 school within 1 mile of the south city limit and another within 2 miles of the northwest city limit. Then to top it all off they started running county buses in the city. UC protested to the state. The state ruled it was okay for the county to run buses in the city but the city couldn't run buses outside the city limits. Sadly it worked. Over the next few years our high school dropped from around 550 students to a low of 260 students. It was at this point that we were dropped to 1A.

    Now things are changing. People have decided that a good education is more important than the racial makeup of the school. The next time schools are classified I'm sure we'll be 2A, but for now we are were we are. 1A hasn't been always good. We won championships in 2009 and 2013 but in between there were 2 losing seasons. This years team is the result of a lot of hard work by a group of exceptional kids. We'll come down a notch next year.

    This is not what we wanted, but we played hand we were dealt. Hope this helps explain the situation.

    Outstanding post that is the absolute best explanation / summary of why uc is in single a.
  6. We'll it seems like you have a very complete team is any of your guys games online. So maybe I could see you all in action

    Only place I have seen is on hudl.


    I'm sure you understand our excitement In our team, just like you with your team. When your team is doing well, you're excited, proud, and brag a little (or a lot ). It's exciting to hear other teams/fans talking about your team, players, and even your sons online. Our team has worked hard and the results of that hard work is being rewarded. Our seniors are simply a special group of kids (football and basketball, on and off the field). Juniors compliment the seniors to complete a very good team.

  7. I don't know about that thread title. I am thinking more along the lines of what star player will move into UC next year? Now that sounds like an interesting topic for a thread.

    If he wants a quality education and lives in Obion county, he has that opportunity. If he is a non Obion countian and our school offers something that his school does not, (magnet school), he has that opportunity. Falconalum, you're a good fan, I'll leave you alone.

  8. Oh the true intelligence of lake county shining through in the alumni. Now you need to call state tn dept of education to voice your grievances about school enrollment numbers, how if effects state money given to schools for their enrollment numbers ( more kids you have=more money) and their ability to count students. If we deflate our numbers or get rid of "no athletes", we decrease school funding. If we decrease school funding, the system breaks down. To make it simple for you - less students enrolled is a bad thing. It must be a conspiracy against lake county or, maybe paranoia. Do you need medication? Do you hear voices In your head? Maybe you just hear tornado sirens haunting your dreams. I got riled up initially because mrbigster posting in UC / NCS thread about Wilkes. I have said in other posts he is a good back, and he is legit. Nothing at all negative said, in fact appreciative of the local support. This new thread got going strong and alumni silly comments, then questioning our intelligence about what we have heard/seen. Now I consider it simply amusing. I actually laugh about this thread and what the topic is about, falconalum comments, and his lack of attention to detail between comments and threads. Posters from non UC fan bases don't see the logic in his comments, because there is none. So, please for my amusement, please keep posting.


    So to answer the question of the subject of this thread, they have not been officially announced due to UC and Trenton still playing. Next topic?

  9. Yall are jumping the wrong ones, what about ncs with a enrollment of less than 200 total kids and have sixty something on the sidelines.

    According to falcon alum, if you drive through Nashville and see all the pretty lights and buildings, then every school in Nashville should be 6a. I guess tssaa should have some type of multiplier ( like in private schools) to your enrollment if you have a looking nice town.

  10. Lake County could also choose to move up to 2a just as easy as UC.  I guess, LC chooses to stay in single A just like UC.  Ask your coach about the facts of the meeting.  I'm just an informed UC fan.  You come on the NCS vs UC thread, start whining about your player not getting enough recognition.  Then start making it a UC too good for single a thing.  I look at myself in the mirror daily, and all I see are smiles. 

  11. Spew your crap somewhere else. The world does not revolve around UC. Sorry get over it. No coach did what you claim. You are just hearing rumors with no fact to back your lies up. I heard a rumor that the UC staff made all this up. So rumors are just that. Get over yourself. Nobody is scared to play the great lol UC. You have a good team now. UC will fall back to earth. Will you be here then? Everybody dislikes UC outside of UC not because of their players or school. It's because of people like you. Like I said get over yourself. You sound like the sour puss. If you don't like my comments too bad. It's the truth.

    whine whine whine.   The coaches fuss, the fans fuss.  Easy to blame others.  Woe be unto me.  I wish, if only, why couldn't, trade players, trade teams, trade schools.  I understand, just frustration rising to the top.  Someday, the good time will return, until then, we'll let everybody else know how much we're disadvantaged.  blah blah blah.  The world may not revolve around UC, but your whining does. From a sour puss, standpoint, everything is pretty sweet from my view. 

  12. Wilkes is a very good back and if he was running behind UC line this year, he would have the same amount of yards as Henry because he would not be in the game in the second half. As far as map voting and other district awards, seems there was a lot of resentment towards coach Bowling and several of the coaches took it out on his players by not voting for them. Guess they thought he ran the score up.

    that is the truth,  the dodgers of lake county, south fulton, greenfield and 1 other team (Humboldt ?) decided not to vote for ANY UC player at ANY position for all districts.  The LC coach was the ring leader of coup de ta.  Afterwards, they decided they did  not want to play UC anymore and wanted to form their own 3 or 4 team district within the district 14a.  I guess that district would be the "dodger" district or the "yellow" district.  Anyway, the voting was tainted.  Wilkes is a talented running back, no doubt.  But come on, quit being a sour puss about his lack of recognition. 

  13. Congrats again.I will do that.But I noticed you got off track from what this thread was about which is UC and NCS and not about Coalfield and a matchup of Mr.Football linemen.If you want to talk about those Heismans, why don't you start your own thread.

    Those comments are relevant to the active thread. Game finished and game about to start, definitely some topic continuity. Not about a kid on a team not playing this week or next ( except in basketball of course).

  14. Congrats UC.Thought it would have been closer but was expecting UC to win.I said in earlier posts this season that this UC team was better than last years team that won it all.Also congrats to NCS on a fine season.Just want to touch on one other thing..Before UC beat LC the second time, UC was asking if Wilkes would get 150 yards and if he was legit.I thought 100 yards against UC would have been a great night.Well he ended jp with about 167 yards against UC and probably about 2800 yards on the season.So after seeing the total rushing yardage for NCS for their whole team, supposedely the 2nd best team by many, then I would have to say Wilkes is the real deal and should most definitely be mentionedbin preseason talks next year.Never know about injuries, but should get some recognition.

    Appreciate the support from our fellow 14a fans.  But I would prefer you start your own thread for the Wilkes Heisman campaign instead of busting into our post win celebration and discussion.

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