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    Cheif Country

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  1. ???Who Cares???? As a parent I care, To make such a statement is ignorant . Coaching by INTIMIDATION and DEGRADING a player is a NOT the way to teach . If you think so you are mistaken. The Coach may not be screaming where you can hear it, but he is doing it. Just ask your player. ( As far as the degrading remarks I will be calling Principle Moser to see if that terminology is acceptable? Seeing that there was a player suspended for a few games using the same words) . As of playing of he parents, You obvious don??™t see what I see or I am reading too much into it. There for a few games, 3 freshman ( of County employees) started on the in field while Sr. , Jr. and So. Players listed as infield players sat out game after game. In fact the Listed Jr. 3 rd baseman hasn??™t played 3rd yet in a varsity game .. Some of the players listed as OF??™s actually played infield last year. Players are learning. ??? Know matter how hard you work or try, If your parents are not in the click don??™t expect to play???. This was told to me by an actual player other than mine. All you have to do is compare Roster with stats. In which stats here are NOT that correct they are buttered up a little. Some players show a game played but actually it was just 1 inning or less. I can go on with examples thru out the line up from pitching to left field. Ex. Pitching when a ace starter pitcher gets to start he can give up 5-6 or more runs in a single inning. When there is no chance of ever coming back. Then when a relief pitcher is brought in and walks just 1 batter he is pulled and told he his is ???Ineffective??? . That??™s a real confidence builder.. Don??™t??™ even get me started about using a DH. Key word designated HITTER. As for players raking and working on the field that is not the problem. My player rakes and works like the others and does everything asked of him and does not complain about it.. I the parent am doing all of the complaining . What is happening on the field and after the games is not right. If it wasn??™t for nepotism we might not have gotten a coach? Think about it??¦ For my final words,, Way to go for the benchwarmers for the way you stepped up to shut down Morristown East. If you took out the 2nd inning it would only been a 1-3 loss. Not 1 -13. PARENTS,, the 30 minutes of Sprints at 10:00 p.m. should really get your attention of coaching by intimidation!!! I may get booted from this board for speaking my mind so be it. But the truth hurts.
  2. I think most players on the "Varsity" Chiefs are playing like average high school players. The only player I have seen being the most consistent, On the field and hitting is the Freshman,D. Allen #10. The other starting freshman are not even close to the level they need to be for everyday playing. Thats just MY opion. Most of the issues are with the Coaching, Which has been a BIG disappointment. As long as the Coaches are set in thier ways, Playing the "Parents" and not the Individual players the Chiefs will struggle to be Champions. "But thats the politics of small town baseball" It is a tragedy that there are 3 graduating players and 2 of them have barely played, and others haven't played at all. All of the parents want to see thier child play some time or other. When you go to game after game and all you see of your player is them fetching foul balls it is very hard to support the team or Coaches. One idea, Instead of having All the players running poles for the countless eras. Have that player sit out that number of innings. If I offended anyone with this reply, I am sorry. "You have to remember that over 99% of all players will not go on to play organized baseball after High school"
  3. I am wondering why the Cheifs "Coaches" haven't changed things up some?? There seems to be 16-17 players on the Varsity team and the same 10 are on the field game after game inning after inning. The game stats are speaking for themselves. Why not give some of the "Upper Classmen" (2 Seniors, 2 Juniors and 3 sophmores) sitting on the bench some field time to see if there is any difference in the game results. It appears they can be penalized (ex: running poles ), But are not given the chance to play. I believe all players should be given a chance to shine. I realize it is easy to coach from behind the fence. There are just a few more games left to this years season, And the Cheifs are playing around .250 ball, So why not switch things up some.. "If Nothing Changes - Nothing will Change"
  4. I am wondering why the Cheifs "Coaches" haven't changed things up some?? There seems to be 16-17 players on the Varsity team and the same 10 are on the field game after game inning after inning. The game stats are speaking for themselves. Why not give some of the "Upper Classmen" (2 Seniors, 2 Juniors and 3 sophmores) sitting on the bench some field time to see if there is any difference in the game results. It appears they can be penalized (ex: running poles ), But are not given the chance to play. I believe all players should be given a chance to shine. I realize it is easy to coach from behind the fence. There are just a few more games left to this years season, And the Cheifs are playing around .250 ball, So why not switch things up some.. "If Nothing Changes - Nothing will Change"
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