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  1. Whatever mom. Completely clueless about softball obviously so the effort to debate is wasted. And, just for the record, absolutely wrong about being a mommy or daddy with hurt feelings (along with almost everything else in your posts), although I'm sure you will now be hellbent upon telling all your little buddies that this was coming from mommy or daddy just to justify your continued bad assumptions, attacks, false accusations, and critiques on the girl. Probably doesn't matter much since it is obvious that truth, facts, or objectivity doesn't take on much meaning with you. Don't currently have a child on the team. Didn't even begin to "tear into a good group of kids" and didn't even mention or allude to another kid on that team. Bottom line is that you should be proud that your purple and gold clique is bearing fruit. You've successfully excluded people to the point that they feel unwanted and undesirable to the "haves" and "in" and your propaganda has firmly taken root and is rewarding the insiders as intended and hoped for. Your real "coach" in charge is sitting behind the backstop. Daddy ball at it's finest. Responsibility? Never had a problem stepping up to the plate and taking ownership before the last couple of weeks when the whisper campaign that you are apparently right in the middle of began. You do realize that you and your buddies are actually using the exact same words and phrasing don't you? If it was basic, straight forward softball strategy with traditional language and word usage, you might find some similarities between totally unassociated people with independent thoughts. But that isn't the case here. Lock step, word for word phrases that aren't normal, traditional and are basic "mommy group in the bleacher" thought pattern. Oops. Didn't know it was that obvious did you? Oh well. Whatever.
  2. Didn't mean to press your buttons mom. Balls in the dirt? How about moving the catcher up where she's supposed to be instead of in the umpire hole? It's a DROP ball for goodness sake. It's supposed to approach the plate at the knees and drop to the dirt. A mere 18 inch adjustment, still another 18 inches behind where a catcher ought to be is the difference between a ball in the dirt and a nasty drop ball caught cleanly. What's next, telling a slapper she can't slap or a speedster she can't steal or take an extra base. Making a right hander play lefthanded? Those are all pretty equivalent from telling a drop ball pitcher she can't throw a drop. In the real world, even a flame thrower can't get away with throwing only fastballs and change ups to a good team, and nobody will confuse this drop ball pitcher with a flame thrower. Coach calling the shots? I guess that explains the well worn path between the backstop and dugout coming from between inning consultations or the daily 20 minute post game meeting between the two or the subjective evaluation charts kept by daddy. Foul language? Whatever. Don't have any idea what the about her family stuff means but I'm pretty sure that her family is pretty sold out to the whole Lipscomb scene in totality. What team? Do you mean the Slammer contingent or the Copperhead contingent? Yeah, the game loser on an 0-2 home run meat ball has really happened a lot. I can see where that could cause you some concern. Wonder what would happen if every pitch wasn't called for the outside corner. All the opposing batters have to do now is crowd the plate because they know the inside corner will never be called. An outside corner becomes right down the middle from there and right in the sweet spot. You think this kid doesn't want success for the team? That's garbage. Ever know her not to be a team player before and not want her team to win before the round of propoganda this year? Nope. Wonder what's changed if that is the case suddenly now? She's light years better in control and poise and mental toughness right now than she was at this time last year and was the go to ace then. If none of that makes one raise an eyebrow, I don't know what would.
  3. The only problem Lipscomb is having with their pitching is that a pitcher's dad is calling the shots so their real pitcher is spectating from the dugout. Nothing like having a college bound drop ball pitcher who isn't allowed to throw a drop or even pitch for that matter.
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