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Posts posted by FootballMania

  1. I am so sick of hearing some of you people whining about Chris. Ya know the "hype" is not just generated from this site – it is generated by the media and the excitement of the people watching the games (and I don’t think the thousands of people in the stands or the media is on Coach T looking for rumours about Chris). Chris deserves all the hype he is getting because............… he’s earned it!! Chris is a good kid and so far from what I have seen and heard from my player, none of the hype has gone to his head and there is no reason for any teammate to be jealous. What I personally know of Chris is that he is humble and extremely respectful for a teenager. He has been raised well, and I know his parents would not let any of this go to his head. He, like any athlete might talk trash to get pumped up, but he is not going to talk trash about his teammates or do anything to purposely make a teammate jealous. GC is going to give the ball to the person who can get the job done and right now that is Chris. Regarding his teammates being jealous because he “overshadows them”. I imagine these are the kids who grew up with daddy as their coach and they were the superstars all thru elementary and middle school. Now that daddy can't tell the QB to get the ball to them, all that glory is gone and real life is catching up to them. All I have to say to that is – do what matters now, start giving everything you've got and more, like Chris and some of the other players, or shut up and go to North. These teammates who feel “overshadowed” would be jealous on any team if they weren’t the star player.



    1) I'm not whinning about Chris, I was simply stating that the hype surpasses ability in some areas.

    2) I really don't see that I was spreading rumors, Just facts and my opinion.

    3) yes, he deserves it and so does the rest of the team.

    4) I never said the teammates was jealous. Its human nature to feel down when someone is getting all the glory and you work just as hard. Think about it !!!

    5)I never stated CS was a bad kid or had let things go to his head.

    6) If you are a coach there, then you need to listen outside of the locker room, because it is a fact that 90% of these boys feel this way. They might not tell a coach, but they talk among one another. No, its not the coaches son type thing either like you tried to point out.

    7) The teams not gonna lay down, they want to win. They like CS, its just they would like a little recognition as well, and yes they deverve it to!!!! They are giving every thing that they have, I guess its not been noticed.

    8) I guess your the one that wants to throw personal attacks (shut up and go to North).

  2. I don't think u have a clue about what u are talking about.Clark has spread the glamour if thats what u mean.Look at last years players he nominated and got all region.Slyvester,Bateman,Fleming,Church,and a couple other lineman I can't remember right now.When u are good u get alittle hipe.When u make mistakes GC lets u know about it. QBs and RBs tend to get alittle more attention(as u say) due to them being on offense.CS does things at the spur of the moment thats makes him good,not dangerous as u say.I think I am hearing alittle jealousy leaking from u sport.Did u join coacht to get some attention? /rolleyes.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":rolleyes:" border="0" alt="rolleyes.gif" />



    I don't think u know what ur talking about ! Nobody said anything about Coach Clark or anyone on the coaching staff. I was talking about the people on this board.

    I was not being critical of CS or anyone on the team. I was simply saying that it is a team sport and the fans don't treat it like that.

    All you hear about is CS and some times Crawford. Once again, I'm not saying they don't deserve some hype but what about the OL and DL that are busting their chops. I've looked all over this board and only a coulple of times seen these guys pointed out by name and praised for their work.

    No, I'm not jealous, I have know reason to be but, it is common sense to me that if it was not for the guys you people over look then your star players would not be what they are!!! That's just sad.

    As for the other comments about CS not being a good basketball player, He is not. CS is also not good at Baseball but he is good at Track and Football. Its ok!!! It's not meant as a personal attack people, chill.

  3. I have lookes at several post on this site and all I see is bickering about Chris Senabough. Chris is good player. I don't think he is D1 matterial right now but with all the hipe around him it could get him looked at. Really, It more so he is fun to watch, he really puts on a show. Its not as much skill. He does dangerous things that gets the crowd pumped.

    I have also read several post that he is a great basketball player.....Not. See this is were all the hipe get you and puts you into to places that you really don't belong.

    Chris is not a good basketball player. Yes, he is a good football player, but he is not 5"11. He is more like 5'8 and weighs around 160-170. Yes, he will be 17 in October. This is another huge topic.

    This is why I feel for the rest of the team because they do great things and work tremendously hard yet, they can never stack up to this kind of hipe. The ball carriers and the quarterbacks always get the attention.

    The only two you really hear about is Sensabough and Crawford. Not much of Crawford because there is so much hipe around Chris that it way over shadows him. Hoe do you think the rest of the team feels? Yes they want to win but I also hear the rest of what they have to say. This comes from the players, I just want to help address it.

    People this is a TEAM sport. It takes every last one of them to deliver the results that the fans like to see.


    So why don't the fans realize this?

  4. Chris Sensabough, Derick Steele, Corey Hall, and Rusty Clark are on the Varsity, or seem to be.


    Chris Sensabough is very good as you can read here.


    I seen in another forum that Corey Hall was on JV, I don't think so!!! If it turns out that he is that would be a terrible move.

    I heard that he would possibly be a starter this year.


    Derick Steele is very fast, good on his feet and he has really good hands.


    Rusty Clark reads the plays and the field fairly well.

  5. Cory is on JV O-Line and JV D-Line. But will be a great player in the future if his work ethic goes up.



    Corey had missed alot due to camps and injury. How do u know where Corey is playing? From what I've seen he is only on Varsity on the scout squad right now.

    I don't know about his work ethic but it seems to me if your absent or injured that would not be a fair comment.

  6. The Soph. Class will bring lots of talent this year. One to be looking for comming off injury is Corey Hall. He is big fast and strong! This young man will be a nice addition to Chris Sensabough speed. If you need a hole in the line this young man will make one. This class will be interesting to watch all the way through, until 2010.


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