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Posts posted by BTaylorMom

  1. I wonder if little Johnny learns anything while his teacher is posting on CoachT @ work? Tenure must be a wonderful thing, huh?


    Yoga teachers only get tenure in Heaven, you fool. Looks like you need a little vinyasa lesson from your favorite SRI OM. I'm so glad that all the DB fans aren't as BIG of a JERK as you are, but I bet they are sure sad that they have to include your in their tribe. There's one in every family....two in mine actually. I'll give you 50 dollars if you could buck up enough to introduce yourself to me. I bet you that you're not 10 foot tall and bullet proof like you feel when your behind that little shiny box and goofy screen name. I do, however, predict that you that you look exactly like your avatar. I'll take my bet because I know my 50 if safe in my pocket. It's people like you that make me fall in love with WACO all over again....

  2. What happened to all the postings early in the year by South fans?


    Did they quit after one loss?


    I'm sure they are saving them for after the first round of the playoffs........ :roflol:


    Yeah, cause they don't play DB in the first round. :roflol:


    Don't worry guys, South hasn't got their fill of crow and will come back for another heapin' helpin' in due time!


    Early poster BT#2Mom still here.... good luck with Science Hill. Are the DB kids all better from flu? A few of ours are feeling it this week. I had dinner with my DB & Jefferson girlfriends last night and I enjoyed the crow from Riverfront. I've found it's best to eat it while it's hot! OM


    Waco, after you left your girl at the nut house and she then went missing, We now know who picked her up and who her new man is :motorbike: .


    Oh, I'm not missing....just watching and waiting for you to cowgirl up and put some walk to your big ole talk...and, as always, I'm your huckleberry and waiting for our own personal game of smash mouth. As I always say, Notion....bring it, shorty. You know where to find me when you get all fired up and all.


    OM :popcorneater:

  4. I've been in a deep state of yoga recovery meditation for mind/body/spirit since the tail beatin' we took on Friday. OUCH. Good job DB- you came to do work and IT SHOWED.


    Things that will never change:

    1. I will forever pledge my love to WACO and his porch party lights.

    2. We've been defeated a million times, but I've never personally lost a tailgate party.

    3. I'm proud of my Rebels. Rebel Nation forever. We have heart and your daddy can't buy that.

    4. Bobby Taylor did a great job and I'm glad he's had a fun season- it's all about you, Bobba. Go do something really good in this life!

    5. Rebel Yoga was the bomb and worth the memories every moment.

    6. I don't hide behind my screen name, do YOU?

    7. I miss Jake.




    & always your huckleberry...

  5. I just heard from a reliable source that BTaylormom was behind the artwork at South .


    It was me. I was making a 'BobbyMama LOVES Waco' banner to fly tonight in for you. BTW, do you have another visa # to give me? The last 4 were declined. Just borrow your moms or something. The practice party will be at the black BMR parked in the South Reserved area....I'll have WACO on a chain and for a quarter you can pet him. Best pregame fun you'll ever have!


    All this silliness and I just miss Jake. His parents are sitting with us tonight so make a point to send them some love & support. Let my better half know if you'd like to donate to the Memorial Fund in his honor. I really just miss Jake.


    Love BobbyMama

    & Jake's YogaMama

  6. We've been wondering about you! Can't believe your accident. Do you still have our cell #? Call us and you can tailgate with us then we'll help you and your crutches to our 50 yline seats. We'll make the Taylor Girls fetch you drinks and popcorn. Seriously, call us. Let me know if you lost our digits. We'll show you some real southern hospitality....promise.


    (moma taylor i still can't write)
  7. You need to stop before someone else accuses you of something far more innapropriate ;) .


    Indian NOTION you need to play with people your own size. You're an idiot and I can't wait to greet you at the game. I got special invitations saved up just for you and WAKKKO to the party he's paying for thanks to his BIG OLE MOUTH. At least he's smart enough to shut up while he can afford to. Take a lesson. Ignore this pycho, Comp. Again, Indian NOTION, if you wantta go....I'm your huckleberry. You too 'ARTTY Blow Hard'. Bring it...

  8. OK, Waco, that's nice, but what about the money for the party? Can I come by and get it or should I just put it on your Visa....


    Visa? Have you seen his credit score lately? I heard it's the same as the number of DB band members. :thumb:


    Can he just write me a bad check from Ford or something? We'll have the party before it bounces. Planning, Planning, Planning!

  9. Yeah, and all that.... But what about the PARTY that WACO promised me? If he doesn't show up at his own party that he promised me in writing on this honored site---- he's still getting the bill.


    WACO-- call a girl! We got plans to make...

    1. Should we have carnival rides?

    2. Who can bring the BBQ pits?

    3. What's the best catering in town for side dishes- we'll need a LOT!

    4. What should the cake say?

    5. How much bubbly should we order?

    6. Can you flip for the crystal champagne glasses? (Please, Wacky!)

    7. Can we rent limos for the ride from South to the Ranch?

    8. Do you think we could get old Lynard & the band to come, or just settle with Pat Green and Kid Rock?

    9. How many Rebel tents should I custom order for the yard? Can I get the little red, blue, and grey lights around the top like you have on your mom's house?

    10. Can you clean the barn hall so we can do a little boot scootin' if the notion strikes us?

    11. I'm expecting about 5,000 rowdy rebs, so get out the checkbook my love!


    Just say OM and get your wallet out...you know you'll have fun! You'll just be the LIFE of the PARTY darlin'!

  10. OK, all this talk from Waco is him trying to take him mind off the South victory party that he promised...and I PROMISE to hold him to it. It might be a party of two, but Waco be partying with the OM- celebrating the REBEL FLAG flying high! He may not even know it yet or during, but DIS PARTY I'm holding you to...just you watch and see!


    Bust it on out Comp, just pour the whole thing on 'em! Waco said he'll buy us more for the REB Victory Party! Good times, baby.

  11. How about that rebel running game all you naysayers were talking about? Way to go Clint, Bobby, and all the REBELS!! One heck of a game!!!


    That was just a FUN game all around! I think all our boys have a lot to show but are keeping it a secret until needed. Gate City folks were great-- no yack mouth or crap that I saw and we were all packed in like sardines. The Logues sat in front of us and cheered as hard as we did-- what courage and icons of strength for us all. Heath pulled it out under the pressure. I love the sophomore kid named JJ--- he keeps our team and fans pumped for all 4 of the quarters. Happy 18 to Clint and thanks for the tds. Go REBEL NATION!

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