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Posts posted by Indyluver

  1. Wow, way to put words in my mouth, go back and read that statement and see if i ever put 'the qualifications for a strength & conditioning coach are...' I just said that its good that they hired a new strengthing coach, and he just happened to be really ripped and the student pastor. And its only been how many weeks since they have started strength training? A couple right? you expect an 16-18 year old to go from lifting 250 straight to 300, or squating 350 in a couple of weeks? Its not like they are on steriods, you guys are looking for results and improvements that will probably wont happen untill May or June in the month of April?

    By the way, how about you guys read my qoute down below for once.



    Just a little heads up, for your information, INDY has been in the weight room since a 2-3 after the state championship game. And ever since except on winter break and spring break and the other mandatory breaks.

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