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Everything posted by TTOWNTRANSPLANT

  1. I think everyone is missing my point and manipulating it into "one liners". I do not have a player in any boys sport in high school "yet", but myself being a successful athlete in school am very interested in our high school doing well in every sport.....even if my children do not participate in that paticular sport. As I have read these posts I have discovered that my sons Little League state championship means nothing......they are terrible because they do not play at the same "level" as our high school team. Other than the obvious that not too many 9-12 year olds play in high school....I feel that statement is ludicrous!!!! Our district is much smaller than the state!!!! My point with the 3 sport athletes is this........when you are young you play everything.......the best players are playing everything they can. When you get older and in high school that does not happen, and I wonder why? Is it not strange that there are only 3 seniors on the baseball team???? Why is that?? This run of state championships in little league...........will we only have 3 seniors in each of these classes??? Do not pick on these seniors and call them underachievers........they have stuck it out and made it their high school dream and priority. Are you telling me that they are the only ones who played little league in their class?? Oh, I forgot little league means nothing!!! I have coached, and I do not think that anyone can point a finger at just a coach, or at just the players.......they are all a team. I think our coaches are all good. It is just unfortunate that all of the talent in high school is seperated and sifted apart. We are a small community, and if we actually put all of the best players on the field or court at the same time we would be competative in all sports....not every year, but most years. But because of the specialization and overlapping schedules we cannot. I believe that baseball is the most demanding of all sports at the high school. It takes up at least 9 months of the year, and to be honest I think that is the first sport that kids give up because they want to participate in more of a variety of athletic competition. I have thought about my son entering the high school and wonder what he will do. I would love for him to try and do it all, if that is what would make him happy, but from what I am reading that is not an option.
  2. I have read all of the responses to my post, and I appreciate all of you being easy on me. I can agree with the reasons about the overlapping seasons. Football and basketball are not too bad, but I will definately have to agree with the basketball and baseball scenario. I moved here from the north, and our baseball started much later so it was not much of a problem. I was just curious and wanted to ask TullahomaGuy a question.......If you play all 3 sports do you really have to be considered a star??? Can you not be a solid "role player" in all three sports and contribute to your team??? Or do you have to be a "star" to even be considered worthy to play all three??? As far as me being a parent......I do not pressure my child. I believe if my child enjoys the game, has fun, and is willing to practice and work at it on their own....they should play if they want to. I just hope that the "role player" kid does not get slighted or judged because he or she plays other sports, and that a coach would not question the kids commitment and evaluate that child differently.
  3. I do not have an iron in this fire at this particular moment. This is my first post, and I have not lived in Tullahoma for very long.....so be easy on me!! As I have read these posts I agree and disagree with alot of the things that are written. I understand that LL/BR are nowhere near the level of competition of high school baseball, but they are your feeder programs for the high school. You would think that if we are having success in the feeder programs that we would also have success at the high school level. I chose to respond to this particular post because it uses the phrase "people quit". I also see the phrase being used alot in reference to players being 100% committed. I have noticed that alot of baseball players do not play other sports....why is that??? I cannot name a 3 sports athlete in our high school.....why is that??? Are you not committed unless baseball is your only sport?? or football or basketball?? My question is.......are the better players having to select or narrow down there athletic choices because they would be considered "not being 100% committed" because they play other sports??? The city I moved from had at least a half a dozen 3 sport athletes in almost every class. Just something to think about.
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