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Everything posted by craider

  1. I agree that this is a stupid post. In case you didn't know buddy, that's what coaches do in their profession. Coaches come and go. They look for better jobs, look for better money, and look for better athletes so they can get rings!! All coaches are unfaithful. Coaches who can't take the heat, need to find another profession.
  2. Monroe doesn't want the job and we can't go back to the past and the what ifs. When Rankin wanted the job back then he didn't have a championship. Now with his wins you have to whine about the past. Cleveland got a good coach considering the timing. I like the hire and I'm excited about the upcoming season. I think Slaughter could go a long ways with our guys. Give the guy a chance.
  3. I heard they weren't really interested in Fitzgerald. At this time, they may be desperate for him. A source said they were trying real hard on getting a certain coach, but he might not take it. They say the offer is good, but is this coach willing to go? The Raider country is rattling. Who will it be?
  4. The source says Slaughter is coming. They've wanted him from the start. Everything started too late, so whoever they hire is going to end up screwing their program over. Wilson should have resigned at the end of the season. Whoever it's going to be, I just hope they have some kind of sense!
  5. I heard they offered the job to the Soddy coach. I've heard he was an intense coach and a great motivator. I heard it from a reliable source. Is this a good move? We need a coach like him.
  6. I hear the Soddy Coach is the guy. What do you know about him?
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