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Everything posted by bballfannutt

  1. You are right. This big win that Joe Lee got with his favorite seven was over a bunch of seventh graders from a rival county. They only beat them by one point. Maybe if those few girls who play all the time (and they are also on the floor alot during the high school team games) would have been able to rest up their legs a little the win would have been a wider spread. I would be a little nervous about my upcoming season if a bunch of seventh graders can about beat me. They have played this team before and its always a challenge. Good for them. I feel bad for the girls that had to sit out. Why doesn't wendy's just make two 13u teams so that these girls don't pay money and put in time to just sit there. I have heard that Joe Lee has a good assistant. Let him take that team and do something so that talent doesn't fade.
  2. There is also talent at the other city middle school. This school sometimes gets forgotten because they only have about 350 students. This team has had two very good years. I agree that the talent is stifled by the coaches after their middle school years. There should be about 15 to 18 girls coming from both schools combined. If you take these girls (all from winning teams) a good coach should be able to have a super great freshman team.
  3. Poor ole LC only has 2 feeder schools???? In my research I have found that these 2 feeder schools in the past 2 years have done very well. With one winning their state sectional championship and 5 team members making the all state tournament team and then both middle school teams winning their district championship.
  4. I agree that it is not fair to put so many on the team if you only intend to have your favorite 5 or 7 play. What about the talent you are wasting on the bench. You are crushing their love of the game. They are nothing but a practice team, how humiliating is that. Most of the time you will find that the ones on the bench have a true heart for the game and can really play given the opportunity which it doesn't sound like at this school that happens. I also agree that you can just move your kid to another school, if they have the talent they will succeed. However, that is punishment for the kid because they shouldn't have to move because of sports. What I don't get is this coaches behavior. It is my understanding that he also uses inappropriate language when trying to get his point across. What good does that do? The job of this coach or any coach should be to encourage, teach, and be an example. How can any coach be an effective leader if his team is terrified of him.
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