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  1. I couldn't agree more that the coaching at Franklin this year has been poor to say the least! I am not a student or a parent from Franklin. Just someone who enjoys watching the games. But there has been a tremendous difference from last year to this year with basically the same players! They are certainly not playing up to their potentials! Maybe it wasn't such a great idea to replace last year's coaches after all! It is so sad to me when people don't realize what they have until it's gone! Especially in this case, when the only ones who get hurt by it are the players who deserve better! Hopefully administration at Franklin will realize it and get better coaches for next year!
  2. There will always be people who think a coach does a good job and some that disagree. What is extremely sad to me on this particular topic, is that there appears to be parents who believe the best way to handle this to go on to an anonymous website and bash the coaches. If FHS chooses to keep Coach Brown and Coach Butler (as I believe they should), those same parents will inevitably have their sons try-out for the team next year. I wonder will they address their concerns with the coaches or will they continue to talk disrepectfully behind their backs? They seem to think that it is the coaches responsibilty to teach their sons maturity, responsiblity, disciplaine, and leadership. And actually, I would agree, in part. The coaches are in a unique position that should allow them to teach more than just a sport. But I believe that ultimately it is THE PARENTS responsibilty to teach their children these things...Is this how they do it? They expect these qualities in the coaches, but not in themselves? They lead by example, right? They should be ashamed! FHS baseball had a tremendous year. Those boys worked HARD and they played WELL. What the players deserve is support from their coaches and parents! I know the majority of the parents did support the team and the coaches! I can tell you that the coaching staff worked extremely hard to give those boys everything they needed to succeed. I know all of the coaching staff well, including Kurt Jones and Brent Alumbaugh from previous years. We could talk forever about what each coach brought to the field and where they fell short, but what would be the point. Coach Brown and Coach Butler, as first time head coaches, did a good job! They gave all of their free time to those players. They were extremely dedicated. Did they make some mistakes? I'm sure...as we all would! But overall, they did a fantastic job! The administration gets the final say on who will coach Franklin next year. I can only hope they do those players and coaches justice! But if they choose to hire someone else. I hope Franklin gets a "PERFECT" coach, because anything else will fall short to some parents...and remember "be careful what you wish for!"
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