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  1. shel

    Class 3a Region 5

    well, apparently you yourself haven't been reading these boards for long or you would have already known that the train horn doesn't exist anymore. It belonged to a parent of one of last year's seniors. Like I said before, none of the trash talking matters... anyone can do that. What counts is who can back it up. As far as that goes, we'll see what goes down next Friday night when we bring it to Williamson County.
  2. shel

    Class 3a Region 5

    First of all, our assistant principal is the play by play man for our local radio station and the only definant reason he was anywhere near the "Page" sidelines is simply because the lack of visitor bleachers and the clearer reception. After all, that was LAST YEAR... we'll settle those differences next Friday night on the field. As far as all your trash talking about our fans? We just support our boys 110%... whether we win or lose. So, if it pleases you to " put down " the people of Marshall County, go right ahead. We, on the other hand, possess more class than that.
  3. shel


    Go to www.marshallcounty.com, then click on education. Go Tigers!
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