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Everything posted by mammy

  1. mammy

    incline tickets ?

    Only GOOD Tickets Left!!!!!
  2. Didn't Casey McClain tour with all. BigDog GO TO THE BENCH!HHHHOOOOOOOOWWWWWWLLLLLLL
  3. Varner was only half a Bunny. Solve the Riddle?
  4. I thought that C. Bass was one. But I don't think those teams would sell out to Brent. NO MATTER THE COST ! UT DID !
  5. Marty McDainals rainbow Warriors are proving again that Glasnois is really working. Hardwork,hormone replacement,and frequent flyer miles will pull together a great team worldwide. It also shows you really don't need local Americans to fill a team. The few girls he has from America are really great.
  6. You have been given truth serum and you cannot resist. Who would you pick for the best softball team in A summerball in the 90s. Give details,Remember we know what you did last decade!
  7. Have i heard of her before. newspapers radio TV Match maker!
  8. Ted Broyles has extras $$$$$.
  9. please give details about chatt. girls this fall.
  10. please give details about chatt. girls this fall.
  11. who bad mouthed who? maybe you just have a little problem with someone other than yourself getting any praise or attention? being nominated for female athlete of the year is an awesome honor. also, to jog your memory YOU are the person that said JR was NOT a good person....the dog howlssssssssssssss..
  12. good luck in the upcoming season. just dont slow down that bunny keeps on going and going...BTW J Reed had some extra Incline tickets available.
  13. good luck in the upcoming season. just dont slow down that bunny keeps on going and going...BTW J Reed had some extra Incline tickests available.
  14. Not necessarily "better" seats on the Incline, you just have to drive 7 hrs down the road to get a better ride on the wild side...tell Marty everyone is allowed one BIG mistake in the big game of life...lol
  15. No matter what soft spots are poked, JR (Reed) is undoubtedly one of the best talents that has come out of Chatttanooga in years. She lead the Chatt Energizers to many titles and she is known throughout the country. I think you may be confused on the difference between "worship" and "reality", Miss Mocs 3. So dont take it so personal.
  16. Glad to hear that Mustangs won over the Eagles 75% of the time this past summer. Please give details on how Mustangs did in post season in ASA and NSA Nationals.Heard Frank Reed was offering Incline tickets to the Mustang squad. Mustangs forever !!!
  17. For as the years go by the Chatt. Stars will look back and be glad there was a energizers softball club pushing them to the next level. The T.E. Elite also came close to reaching their greatness. Their coach with little or no teeth will also agree. Is that right STD. Were O Were has Beech gone!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Does anyone have any opinions about Lee Coffman being replaced? I believe that was not right. He has put more time and his own money into that team and field than anyone could imagine.
  19. No Jennifer is not going to play sports but is attending UTC.
  20. Right on PirateDad... Either you WERE a bunny, or a WANNA-BE BUNNY! Rick Jenkins obviously knew something, just ask him.
  21. PirateDad- In high regards to your opinion who would you pick for Cheetos Scholarship Award? There are many players deserving, but who is the odvious choice?
  22. Sore spot Indian? You still didnt answer the question...
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