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Everything posted by volfalcons

  1. Bring a chair and some peanuts. Go Falcons!
  2. They play at home tomorrow night JLB.........come on up.
  3. The field looks outstanding.good job folks.
  4. Excellent win Falcons........outstanding team spirit. Where in the world did that cougarguy run off to? JLB where were you?
  5. you silly goose JLB.......Volunteer wouldn't break any rules.........Go Falcons!
  6. mellonhead.............hmmmmmmmm...........that brings back a memory GO FALCONS!
  7. Let us know if it is home or away.......please.
  8. hahahahahahaha........got me Go Falcons!
  9. you mentioned your naughty word..........work.......by the way this is a basketball board............GO FALCONS!!!
  10. Should of stayed where you were...........................
  11. Well it's about time you did.........................
  12. First home game is Monday.........correct?
  13. CHHS will help you out..................................
  14. We'll let Chuck know your here.............
  15. WaCo.........a Volunteer fan...........I am impressed. I think I'll forget the beverages you owe me from awhile back...................Go Falcons!
  16. WaCo......a Falcons fan..................I think I'll forget about the beverages you owe me from a few years back............................
  17. Well.............fear.............yeah I am a real fearsome person.
  18. Well.............fear.............yeah I am a real fearsome person.
  19. You people are a riot..............leaving Jacob off the first team
  20. Outstanding years boys. Really enjoyed the year. Congratulations to the entire team. NOW IS THE TIME FOR THE YOUNG GUNS TO GET READY FOR NEXT YEAR! Al your probably the only manager who played..........and your definately in the books as the only manager with a 100% from the free throw line.
  21. If anyone finds out.........post here please.
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