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Posts posted by player69

  1. clinton going 3-7 come on now give me a break they wil be lucky to win one game. just cause you guys have a new coach doesnt mean thats gonna win games. you have to have talent on the field and jonathan dye is not gonna win ballgames for yall

  2. Travis Borum is a bad sport with a bad attitude. I agree with handles he should get whooped because his head is too big. He isnt great at bball and should stick with baseball. He has the worst attitude i have ever seen. and yes i could guard you primetimeplayer.

  3. There is a lot of talent on the basketball team but just because there is talent doesn't mean that the boys want to play football. Not everybody plays 2 sports. plus they would rather work on what they do best so they could get a scholarship. A kid should play what they feel they are better at.

  4. McKamey is better off in middle school. He was coordinator correct but he didnt do all that well. Well thats what it looked like to me. I believe that whoever coached when catlett was around should not be head coach period. Get somebody new in there and see what they could do, it couldnt be worst then catlett.

  5. Ingle has discipline and has been asst. coach when gaylor was here. Shultz is a good motivator but for the most part he doesnt seem to be a good head coach. He did coach with catlett i dont know about gaylor. You are exactly right, catlett did surround himself with rediculous coaches. First of all he hired mckamey to come back after he left to be offensive coordinator. From what i saw they did not see eye to eye at all. He should not even be a candidate for head coach.

  6. No thats not it my son started runnin back and i have no complaints about catlett. I still havent got an explanation on how there is no discipline? Can somebody answer that and give me a better answer than mav did. I dont want to hear cause they run the press the whole game.

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