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Posts posted by Antwan

  1. Queenie, are you going to serve that to the coaches? I think Pride, fan, and schsman would lap that up. Who's going to catch the carp? You may have to put Del on this one. Is Grundy County carp better than Smith County carp?

    (a question for the ages)Nah, we don't need any imported carp here! Something told me that Peceny Kapr Kyselou Omackou didn't come from the "Taste of Smith County" cookbook.

    [Edited by Antwan on 5/30/02 8:46P]

  2. std, I think you are right. This thread definitely has the potential to exceed "The Thread". As for the recipe, I think 7 days is enough time for the carp to be buried. If you go over that, the board may start to decay.

  3. fan, I meant to tell you that salmon you ate over here was really carp, but I didn't know how you would react. I'm not going to tell you what those ribs really were either!

    As for Doris, she smiles at me too, Queenie. Fan must be mean or something. Maybe you deserve those frowns you are getting from her.


    Twan(who really frowns when he sees fan, too)

  4. Queenie.... Count me in for that. I would love to see fan chase a greased turtle. He might be quick enough to catch one...I'm not sure though. I thought those beans had a little bit of a fishy taste. If ya'll keep on, you're going to give carp a bad name.


    Twan(who doesn't see anything wrong with a good carp...people can them all the time and eat them like salmon cakes)

  5. Sophomore Audrey Goolsby of Smith County is the best I have seen setting up, blocking the ball and plate. She calls pitches very well, considering she is only a sophomore. Ringlestein has the best arm of anyone I have ever seen behind the plate. They both are tough as nails. I would take either one of them.

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