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Everything posted by sneakypete

  1. it has been rumored that powell offered coach hardegree the job first and he turned down for various reasons. it has also been rumored that he pulled his name from the list before it was offered to him. either way he was a finalist for the powell job.
  2. who were the other applicants? can the administration call up one of them or will they start from scratch?
  3. BHS is surely on the inside. What the heck's goin' on?
  4. does no one from central have anything to say about this? where's the medman when you need him?
  5. my prediction still stands. he'll be suspended for the rest of the year, go to summer school and be ready for practice. You can take that to the bank and smoke it.
  6. they may have all the hearings they want, but I'm still pretty confident that he'll be ready for practice.
  7. care to elaborate on the "not teaching at all part"?
  8. I'm sure he'll be back for the begining of practice.
  9. Actually, the Soviet Union was a "communist" nation. Communism tries to create a society based on equatlity for everyone and a government that will take care of a persons' physical needs provided they give up some of their freedoms. Also, under communism, most everything is owned and operated by "the state" and everyone and everything should be working toward the good of the country. Socialism on the other hand, bases their ideals on creating classes in society. Nazi Germany had a "socialist" government and were able to say that this group is at the top, while this group is at the bottem and expendable and various stations in between. Under Socialism, all major industries are controlled by the govenment, but private ownership of smaller businesses is allowed.
  10. anyone care to announce who the other two offers might be, or is that all speculation?
  11. I understand. But that's TWICE ('86 + '92) every 20 years. Get it right!
  12. Well, another thursday has come and gone and still no head coach. I can't help but think that the longer this drags on, the worse it will be for the new HC. And bouncer, the last time oak ridge played Halls, Halls won.
  13. Wasn't HTV the same guy that said he got it from the "source" that Coach Stevens wasn't leaving in the first place.
  14. It can't be soon enough for a team and new head coach to be going out for spring practice in a month and a half.
  15. surely there are members of the coaching staff monitoring their progress.
  16. I'd say that powell was more 70/30 run to pass oriented this past season as most high school are. Just because they used spread formations doesn't mean they never ran the ball.
  17. NEXT WEEK !?!?!?!?! what happened to yesterday?
  18. I don't think the majority on this thread would call themselves "powell fans." I think this is mostly outsiders looking in.
  19. Little Big Man must have several different personalities to weigh in as me. That being said, I agree (in part) with him. On paper, powell is bigger, faster, stronger, and more athletic. However webb has the ability to work better as a team. I would not necessarily blame the powell coaches for this as much as the kids. I think the webb players understand that they go into most of their non-region games as undersized underdogs and play smart football. They believe in their game plan and when they run the buck-sweep, all eleven of them are running the buck sweep exactly how they are taught. This is not meant to bash powell. I think most schools in this area would have trouble with webb on the schedule year in and year out. The big question is... Why does powell schedule them every year.
  20. webb runs the wing-t. (and pretty dang good I might add)
  21. I think it's acually "vittles" and Granny Clampet used to cook them all the time on the Hillbilly's
  22. HTV seems to have his finger on the pulse of north knox co.
  23. I was told that Halls never filled the spot left by Coach Polston last year.
  24. I agree with the Loser's picks. 1) maryville 2) central 3) Halls 4) powell 5) west 6) lenior city 7) clinton 8) south-doyle
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