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Everything posted by tnmat

  1. I don't know the score, but it was pretty bad. Overton was missing Darnell Hayes (Hwt), Justin Ethridge (189) Eric Martin (160-171), Michael Teague (145), and had two guys wrestle with no practice on the year. The matches I remember were: Gudar Abdullatif (103) won (7-1, I think), Ari Ibrahim (112) maj. Ortiz 11-3, Aaron Brewster (130) won, I think by pin, Bradley Felix(125) beat Josh Jennings (I think pin), Alan Muhammut (119) was beaten by ?, David Scott (135) lost, Bond Davis pinned his guy at 140, Drinkwine lost by inj. def. at 145, Jimmy Latham pinned at 152, 160 ?, 171 ?, 189 Larry Davis won, 215 and hwt ov got pinned it think. The report on Drinkwine is that he will be able to wrestle. What happened, was as follows: he shot in on a double with his head on the side of the guy's hip and the guy (I don't know his name) neck-wrenched him to the mat. When they went down, the guy's knee ran into Drinkwine's jaw, smashing it into the ground. The worry at first was a broken neck, then a broken jaw. Neither happened, but he did bite pretty far through his tongue, chip two teeth and knock a few teeth out of place. He's cleared to wrestle for the next date, but it was pretty scary though.
  2. Are you sure CA has one division? I have a friend from there that placed 3rd in, what he called, the 4A division. Besides, if CA only had one division, then it would be impossible for them to bring more than 50 guys to senior nat'ls every year. [Edited by tnmat on 11-19-02 8:32A]
  3. I think your rankings are pretty good for the most part. I think Parks Harding (ER) could be a little higher, given that he beat Crosby (Gr) over the summer at 275.
  4. tnmat

    Region 6

    No, I'm not sure at all... I simply heard that that may be the case, but for all I know, he's posting on this board. Who knows?
  5. tnmat

    Region 6

    abc... word has it that ari ibrahim is the 119 this year at overton. Do you really think he'll lose? Is Sanders the 119 again for FRA? [Edited by tnmat on 11-17-02 6:03P]
  6. However, I do believe that weight loss has been an aspect of wrestling that has proven positive at times. I'm not a fan of extreme weight loss, because I know how it hurt myself in competition. However, most wrestlers NEED to lose at least 5 to 8 pounds. I've seen more than my share of wrestlers who lost no weight and, as the year went on, lost more naturally. The problem came when they weighed low enough to go a weight down, but were already certified at a higher class.
  7. I never said he didn't. I honestly have never seen him kick. All I was saying was that you can't count the Overton kicking game out. And KP9481, I didn't say Drinkwine couldn't hit from further out. I just said he is "consistent" from 45. I also totally agree that kicking in practice is different. The atmosphere is probably the biggest difference. But I'd say that won't affect Drinkwine too much. From what I've seen of him in other sports, he lives for the high pressure situations. Man I can't wait for this game! It's gonna be a good one. See ya'll tonight.
  8. Drinkwine hits consistently from 45 yards out from what his coaches say (about 4 out of 5), and how would you know about his kicking range? Unless you've been there to see it, you don't know.
  9. No, this is not his brother. I'm just using his username to post.
  10. It's okay. I knew you were joking too. And nope, I'm not the kicker.
  11. I would have a hard time giving Hillsboro the advantage on special teams. Overton's kicker has not missed a field goal in two seasons and has pinned his opponents inside the 20 countless times this season.
  12. tnmat

    Dream Matchups

    They didn't wrestle that many times. As a matter of fact I believe they wrestled 3 times: once at Kirby Inv., once at the Ryan Inv, and once at the state finals. But either way, the point is well taken... McTorry never beat Nelson. But I've just always wondered if the story would've been different if McTorry had been a senior when Nelson was. I was always a believer that Charles improved b/w his junior and senior years. Regardless, though, it still would've been close. Gotta agree....Nobody out-performed Kese in a Big match Situation.
  13. Overton beat Spring Hill 54-15 Hillsboro beat them 36-25
  14. Records: Overton - 7-0 Hillsboro - 7-0 Points per game: Overton - 35.7 Hillsboro - 34.3 Points allowed per game: Overton - 8.6 Hillsboro - 9.4 Strength of schedule ranking: Overton - 42 (44.29) Hillsboro - 20 (52.86) Opponents record: Overton - 18-31 Hillsboro - 26-22
  15. Overton could be the most underrated team in the state, if Domminique's opinion is the dominant point of view. I won't blame him for his statements. They are out of ignorance. Keep in mind that Overton held Hillsboro to 6 points last year, and that entire defense returned for the 2002 season. Overton's special teams is one of the best around, and their offense is as high a scoring offense as Hillsboro's, even with the first string leaving after the first half of most of their games. But let's put all this aside and look at the numbers: TEAM vs. TEAM Comparison: Overton 44, Shelbyville 0 -- Hillsboro 31, Shelbyville 14 Overton 38, Antioch 7 -- Hillsboro 43, Antioch 14 Overton 14, Dickson Co. 10 - who lost 9-7 to Hendersonville amd 10-7 to Riverdale By the Numbers: Points per Game - Hillsboro 34, Overton 33.7 Points allowed per Game - Hillsboro 6.8, Overton 8.5 Honestly, you can't pick a team. Statistically, Hillsboro edges out Overton by less than a point. But when you look at Overton's performance against teams that Hillsboro played, Overton has performed better (by margin of victory comparison). But I doubt that either team has had the starting team on the field for the entirety of many of their games, so we can only make guesses. My guess is Overton, but that's just me.
  16. Hillsboro won't score 19 points, but neither will Overton. My pick: Overton 13, Hillsboro 10 Last minute field goal.
  17. Red Bank went down because their school population went down, not because their football team lost players.
  18. Overton is definitely a tough team this year. They look stronger than any of the mid-90's seasons that went pretty well. They have beaten very tough teams, and I can't wait to see the game against Hillsboro on the 25th. They might pull the upset. Their region is pretty tough too. If I'm not mistaken, they have Tullahoma, Hillsboro, Pearl Cohn and Hillwood all in their region. All of those teams are very good, and the winner of this region is my pick to make it to the Big Dance.
  19. tnmat

    Region 6

    Sorry... I think I left out some info. For clarification, if you want to go to the message boards, go to tnmat.net, then click on "Community" in the top left-hand corner. To post messages, you must become a member first. Join by clicking on "register" on the right side of the menu bar.
  20. tnmat

    Region 6

    Yes. I've been working hard to upgrade the site over the summer and research for rankings, as well as a new email service and better message board system. And since I'm expanding it to a 25 team ranking in DI, it's taking me longer. The reason it hasn't been up is because when I switched servers I lost everything in the process. It is partly up now. You can now start up the talk on the new message boards (which also include chat and I.M.) and you can get email. PS: For those who don't have a clue what we're talking about, you can access this site at http://www.tnmat.net
  21. tnmat

    Region 6

    FRA will definitely be tougher this year than in years past. As far as Overton goes, they'll return some tough guys, including a number of guys who were injured or consistently fought for starting positions last year. Returners: (according to last year's weights) Gudar Abdullatif (103), Lyle Eden (103), Ari Ibrahim (112), Jonathan Drinkwine (125) Aaron Brewster (130), Eric Martin (160), Larry Davis (171-189), Darnell Hayes (Hwt). I'm not sure if that's all of them, but they are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. As far as the losses, that's nothing new. Every year Overton loses a lot of seniors. That's just the downside to senior leadership. From 2000-2001 they lost a whole bunch of guys, I think 7. That included 3 placers, one finalist, 2 guys who made it to the quarters, and Mike Guider (who moved to Florida and became a state favorite there). Yes. They've lost a number of wrestlers, and I'm not sure how much that will hurt them. But there is one thing I DO know. That is that FRA will most certainly be tough this year, and if Overton doesn't watch out then they might actually surprise them. Overton had better not get cocky
  22. tnmat


    Why would the DII competition be a bad thing? I always thought people were supposed to seek out competition, not run from it. Then again, there are some pretty darn tough kids coming back in DI too, so this has me stumped. Either way, it sounds to me like Cody will get a five-star education at McCallie and I'll support him for that reason alone.
  23. Because I was a student at Overton, and since Ryan was a rival of mine, of course it wouldn't be my first choice. I was simply saying that, despite my sense of rivalry, I am not unable to give in and say that they have the best site.
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