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Everything posted by dsmith1010

  1. You people are insane. How can you say we will get beat by Greenback? Around here, getting beat by Greenback is like committing suicide. We wont lose to Greenback. Its the same crap as last year. You all talked crap and got beat 12 to 1. So my prediction is Sweetwater 6 Greenback 0. Worse if we get hitting the ball.
  2. Have you even seen central play this year? if you havent then you cant say they ll be not as good as they were last year. Who all did they lose
  3. its our first game of the season. March 15th
  4. coach ridley and coach ryies from sweetwater took a team playing def schools and just winning by 1 goal to a team 3 or 4 years latter that went all the way to sub state to get beat in sudden death over time to the state runner up that also got beat in over time. even though sweetwater has lost a lot players and didden't do as well as they should last year they still will have a very good year.
  5. If sweetwater plays good and keep their tempers in cheek they can play with the best teams in the state. they also havw 2 of the best coaches in the state
  6. is this you Eric? If so that left fielder has some serious speed
  7. dsmith1010


    Im wondering if anyone knows anything about Oakdale. We play them on the 31st. So if there is anyone out there from Oakdale. Please respond
  8. Just curious as to what you all think
  9. Polk County is horrible and will be horrible this year and many years after that.
  10. Just curious to who all thinks we will win besides the people from Sweetwater and what do you think the score will be
  11. Tony shut up yall have lost alot of good player and u still will not play u can ask your coach if u will ever play just shut up get better be for u talk dang and u do not play for sweetwater u r just on the team good luck to yall Right now we arent as good as we could be. Our bats arent out yet, but hopefully they'll get there. If not it will be another long season
  12. I'll come and play if you can get enough people. i dont want to drive to madisonville and there not be enough people to play
  13. Guess Who. What team do you play for
  14. Coach Seiler and Coach Cody Matoy
  15. i think Sequoyah will beat Tellico 6-3. Tellico didnt impress me last year even though they beat us. We played the worst game ever and lost to them by like two. If we played Greenback like we played Tellico, they would have beat us by 10. Watch out Sequoyah and Tellico because Sweetwater is going to beat both of you. Good luck though
  16. 1. Walker Valley 2. McMinn Central 3. Meigs County 4. Sweetwater 5 Sequoyah 6 Tellico 7 Polk County I hate to put Walker Valley at the top, but I cant see anyone beating them but good luck Central. I put Sweetwater ahead of Seq. etc. because I think we got a pretty decent shot. Our hitting isnt very good but hopefully some people will step up and our defense has spurs of errors. We have some people who can crush the ball. we just have to get them hitting. Our pitching is decent, in my opinion, but probably not in everybody elsess.
  17. Tony. Youre an idiot. Loudon plays us down here
  18. Loudon plays us down here today.
  19. we played horribe. our whole team couldnt hit anything. our defense most of the time couldnt throw it to first base even though that left fielder did catch two balls and have a pretty good hit up the middle you guys should come play us again
  20. we played horribe. our whole team couldnt hit anything. our defense most of the time couldnt throw it to first base even though that left fielder did catch two balls and have a pretty good hit up the middle
  21. are you from Greenback because last year they said they had a chance and we beat them into the ground and we didnt exactly play the best baseball at the time. If you arent from Greenback where are you from
  22. dsmith1010


    Does anyone not from Greenback know if they are for real or all talk
  23. SHSWILDCAT14 who are you
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