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Posts posted by tennisguy

  1. I've been around Smith County a bunch and I've worked down there before and I have family that works in the school systems and other places throughout the county. The good ol' boy system is alive and well down there. They very much believe that if you scratch their back then they will scratch yours. If you are someone from outside of the county then you will never recieve a fair shake. One great example is Rick Spivey. The best basketball mind that has ever came in down there and he got run out of town.

  2. I don't know how the district is going to stack up as far as the standings go but I do know one thing, there are plenty of studs in this district and whoever gets out of District will be lucky. Alot of things could happen before next year. It will certainly be the best District in the state Bottom Line!!!



    Another insane post, how can 13AA be the best district in the state when 13AA gets bounced in the first round of the state tourny like they did this year?? You guys have short memories over there covered up by a lack of intelligence, did you all not see the weeks events where Westview and Obion lost in the first round??

  3. CPA is definitely wearing the slipper because I've seen Westmoreland play several times this year and I've covered them for the newspaper since the beginning of the region tournament and I will say that is by far the sloppiest game that they have played. CPA is a team with average talent with the exception of Lee who is solid, but they are a team that has picked the right time to be playing maybe over there heads. No disrespect, they work hard and they seem to be a good bunch of ladies which speaks volumes about their character. But with the way Westmoreland played, especially coming off an emotionally draining victory over Chattanooga Christian, I think CPA got a gift.
  4. 13AA one and done again?? NOOOOO, no way, that doesn't happen except for well EVERY YEAR!! Everyone over there jumped on the Westview bandwagon, but that broke down pretty quickly. When will you guys learn that you guys aren't with the elite in terms of your district and region. On the state level you guys are average. Of course you wanted to do some challenge series thing early this season. Basically you guys were saying that 13AA was one of the two best districts in the state and thats the reason that I thought it was bogus. I knew that 7AA would be down this year, but I figured that the district that Walker Valley was in would be tougher than any of them. You have a long way to go out there before anyone will take you all seriously when it comes to winning a state championship. But you all will still talk the talk, but you won't walk the walk.

  5. I had to cover this game for the newspaper in Westmoreland and after watching the game I will say that athletically, CCS is a superior team next to anyone I've seen this year. BUT athletes do not always make basketball players. Mason is great, but no one on that team really plays defense. They slap, hack, and grab. Thats the reason for the foul trouble that you all were in. Westmoreland's defense was solid and other than losing Mason on a three late, was solid in the second half. Westmoreland was much better coached and I think that if things fall right we could see a Westmoreland and Clarkrange rematch in the finals, but before that Westmoreland will have to get by a CPA team that sneaked into the tournament but I'm sure they are a good team, then get by a very athletic Peabody team. Good luck to the Lady Eagles in the state tournament and good luck to Mason at MTSU and the other girls at CCS.

  6. Its a combination of great coaching and better athletes because they are more kids to pick from. 7AA will never be able to compete with 8AA on any kind of consistant basis. As you all seen during the region tournament, It will take a special team from 7AA just to make it to region finals, much less winning it. Of course with 8AA losing a lot of their teams that are in the district to reclassification next year, who knows, but the way it is right now there is no way 7AA can survive against that district.

  7. This statement is for "its all about ball". How do you know anything about ball, all you ever did was QUIT every team you were on. What a joke! You want to talk about records, well lets talk about who played for those LOSING teams: YOU!!! You had every chance in the world to be player, now all you want to do get on coacht and talk about a team and coach you QUIT on. Before you start talking about someone, you better clean off your on front porch.





    That was quite possibly the worst slam I've ever seen on here

    :blink: . That was some biblical stuff being thrown out. Why would they fire Coach McCoin anyways, they had a really good season this year. I don't exactly remember LA boys recently being a powerhouse, but they've beaten Pickett twice this year so he isn't doing that bad of a job because Pickett is solid. There is no shame in losing to Greenbrier or 8AA, outside of Memphis its the best district in the state in AA. Last year DL bounced Upperman in the first round when they were a one and Lipscomb was a four and no one was wanting McWilliam's job. Sounds like there are some shady dealings up at Hog Eye. Of course this is the place that fired Eddie Linder and and he only won two state championships.

  8. Ok ragland, I've enjoyed reading your posts in the past and I've considered you to be a knowledgable fan. UNTIL I read that post. I'm not taking up for 8AA here because Lipscomb ranks up there as one of my least favorite teams of all time. I would even post this if you replied to the hated 13AA knocking you out of the state tournament. You act like this is the worst thing that has ever happened to you. You blame the refs for taking a state championship away from your girls and how Lipscomb stole it from you.....you blamed everyone but your own team. I guess they must have played the perfect game. If this is the worst thing that has ever happened to you or the senior that you mentioned, I would love to live your life. I wasn't present of the JC DL game though I wish I was but I had to cover another game for the paper that I work for. But I did get to see the DL York game and if Lipscomb wouldn't have played so sloppy down the stretch then that wouldn't have even been close. If Lipscomb would have lost on a last second free throw then I would have blamed DL's poor second half performance, not the call. There is enough that the players can control that will decide the outcome of a game. If a call is the only thing that goes wrong for you in a game then you will win every time. I know that you do not represent all of 7AA because most all of them are knowledgable fans that take girls basketball very seriously, but they would never post something that ridiculous.

  9. Who ever says that Upperman will pull the upset needs their cranium examined. Jackson Co. played with them because Doc let them. Doc's teams seldom do more than they have to. They just slow down the game when they play someone that isn't as good. They played with the Devils, don't read too much into it. And maxout, I wasn't there tonight and I just saw your post. Unfortunately, the paper that I work for as they did tonight will have me in Baxter tomorrow night covering Westmoreland. I was only at LA for the Macon game because we cover them and I was only at the Upperman SC game and the Greenbrier LA game because I had an early game at Upperman and I was able to drive up there to watch. I have the Eagles and Lady Eagles that I have to cover.....but it looks like I have gotten into your head a lil. You want to meet me to discuss this, lol. Don't sweat it man, just let the results do the talking as I do (unless the results are obvious like it was this region tournament.) You said that you didn't like me and I personally don't care, but I don't dislike anyone on here, everyone has their opinion and they are entitled to it and I respect that, I don't dislike anyone for voicing theirs. But if you think you will be at state tournament or where ever, just tell me what to look for and I'll see if I can hunt ya down thumb

  10. Ok oletimer, you sound like you belong in 13AA. You have already gotten the guys name and everything...you are taking this a lil too far. If he is that bad then I don't really want to know his name, I've already gotten a few choice names for him. No I wasn't there and I don't claim to have any knowledge of the games tonight, but I do know what I saw the other nights. I think you are just having a hard time admitting that someone is as good as 7AA. Heck I pull for them when I don't have a dog in the race and I hope you will do as wtaylor said in another thread and that is if 8AA makes it you will have the decency to pull for the team that knocked you out as they have all done for you when 7AA makes it to the dance. I'm sure your 7AA teams tonight could have turned the ball over a lil less or played a lil better defense or shot a lil better. I'm sure if that would have happened, the stuff that they can control they would have won. You want to fuss and blame stuff that you can't control as your reason for losing. I know that is the lamest excuse no matter what, there are always more that you control than don't control so worry about that oletimer before you have a heartattack trying to find this Garrett guy.

  11. Well I didn't say that it was for sure so Oletimer settle yourself. The guy that t'ed up Macon wasn't fair at all, he was terrible. They have been terrible all week but I'm like wtaylor, everyone has to play with the same ones....usually if your team loses then they done enough wrong themselves to lose the game.....one person or a ref never loses one for you.

  12. I am gonna object to the York-DL game comment. If DL who had a big lead would have hit shots toward the end, then York would have never been in I wasn't at the game tonight but I will almost promise you it was the same ref that T'ed up a Macon Co. player that was on the bench for saying "foul." Never gave a warning or anything, just t'ed the bench up. Cheapest thing I've ever seen. The same ref the next night put four of Station Camp's starters single handidly on the bench with foul trouble. They were terrible and they done nothing but hurt both teams. I can't comment on the Brown thing, but to toss an entire student section out is weak and that shows that the ref knew that he had lost his own cool. And BTW, Coach Smith at Lipscomb can say more to a ref and have less done to him than anyone I've ever seen. He has it down to an art.

  13. Well here is my take on it.....as you all know I'm a Macon County fan, born and raised here in Lafayette. For the past six years we have been apart of district 8AA. I thought this year there was a chance that one of our girls teams could make it to region finals, NEVER though did I imagine two. 8AA which has been criticized by 7AA forever as the weaker girls basketball district in the state has ended one of the most impressive runs ever in highschool basketball. I thought that getting one into substate was a possibility, though I wasn't going to do like a Gibson Co. fan or anyone out in podunk AA that wants to run their mouth every year when they haven't done crap ever. I knew that 8AA had a chance this year, but as I always do and as I told Gibson Co. fans last year, just wait and see and I'll let the results do the talking. I still try to pull for 7AA when they advance into state because most all of them are local teams. I would have never or have I ever posted a pro 7AA comment until I saw the useless garb that was being spilled onto the net by the senseless ramblings of our friends from West Tn. You have no right to gloat 13AA or anyone else. The ones that took down the mighty 7AA was lil 8AA. And so David took a stone and struck the mighty Phillistine in the head (I think thats how that passage goes.) I do notice how you all have overlooked David Lipscomb and Hume-Fogg, the teams that knocked 7AA out of the state tournament. Just ask 7AA, you better not overlook these teams. I do think that one of these teams has a chance of brining home the gold to the next district to the left of 7AA, but I won't run my mouth about it because we have never done it, about like you all out in podunk AA have never done anything. Plus whoever does win has a long way to go to match 7AA's record and though they won't be sending a team to state this year, they have established themselves as year in and year out the best district in the state, just not this year. But if you want to be the best you have to be the best, and the way I see it, our lil district that has been criticized and ridiculed by 7AA just beat the best. Congrats to Hume-Fogg and David Lipscomb (though I've sworn an oath to hate DL in any sport from football to checkers.) I do want to say this to the posters from 7AA that has gotten on my rear about this all year about Macon moving to 7AA....looks like we are playing a weaker district so we might like the move pretty good thumb .


    BTW I did not get a chance to watch the monumental upset up at Hog Eye tonight because I've been covering the region 4A tournament held at Upperman Highschool....but last week while I was covering the tournament I was talking to a guy while I was taking some pictures of the game from the Cookeville Citizen-Herald. He basically thought I was crazy and acted like I was stupid in his own lil arrogant way when I said that 8AA girls might have a chance of winning a game or 2 in the region and he went off on how teams like DL are always overrated and how that LA boys will get through the first round and how much better 7AA boys have gotten and how 8AA boys have fallen back a lil. Though Station Camp lost a fluke game to Upperman last night, they will go on no farther as MLK will take care of them and on LA's home court it will be an all district 8AA boys and girls final. Just wanted to say I told you so to the guy that thought I was ignorant :ph34r:

  14. Good to hear from one of the more intelligent people in Gibson Co. Gcfan I do have a job as I'm sure Muffin has. All Muffin has to do is pick up the news paper and see my name as one of the sports writers. Sounds like you and your buddies have some sour grapes about losing. Of course your season was cut short, usually you all wait till the first round of state to get knocked out. :lol:

  15. Even though your are correct about MLK goig to beat Upperman thursday night, you are so wrong to say Upperman and LA arent as good as these just cause they lose once...if i am not mistaken LA beat DL and Station Camp lost to Upperman....I wonder sometimes if you have ever played any sports or if you just write what you hear...i personally think you are of those guys that taken time out of an important Pokeman game to type on the internet....i dont like you thumb




    I like how people like to say that I never played any sports when you don't even know me....trust me max, I've played plenty. Plus I've never even picked up a pokemon game and if it weren't for you putting it on here I wouldn't have even known that they had a game. And you said you don't like me, well I really care what you think about me, I'll lose some sleep over this one I'm sure :lol: . Yeah LA beat DL at the first of the season when the games means absolutely nothing. Not very many teams are playing their best at the beginning of the season and if you are playing your best at the beginning of the season then you only have one way to go and thats down. Great job 8AA for getting the better of 7AA overall and congrats to the girls for earning some respect against a tough district by getting a split in the first round. BTW, I wasn't using the refs as an excuse, though I promise you that Upperman probably shot 25 more free throws than Station Camp. SC just never really got going last night, oh well it happens.

  16. Even though your are correct about MLK goig to beat Upperman thursday night, you are so wrong to say Upperman and LA arent as good as these just cause they lose once...if i am not mistaken LA beat DL and Station Camp lost to Upperman....I wonder sometimes if you have ever played any sports or if you just write what you hear...i personally think you are of those guys that taken time out of an important Pokeman game to type on the internet....i dont like you thumb




    I like how people like to say that I never played any sports when you don't even know me....trust me max, I've played plenty. Plus I've never even picked up a pokemon game and if it weren't for you putting it on here I wouldn't have even known that they had a game. And you said you don't like me, well I really care what you think about me, I'll lose some sleep over this one I'm sure :lol: . Yeah LA beat DL at the first of the season when the games means absolutely nothing. Not very many teams are playing their best at the beginning of the season and if you are playing your best at the beginning of the season then you only have one way to go and thats down. Great job 8AA for getting the better of 7AA overall and congrats to the girls for earning some respect against a tough district by getting a split in the first round. BTW, I wasn't using the refs as an excuse, though I promise you that Upperman probably shot 25 more free throws than Station Camp. SC just never really got going last night, oh well it happens.

  17. I don't know why people think that LA had the better team, when you get beat by 15 at home then you aren't the better team I don't care what. Lets look at the facts, Greenbrier goes 6'8", 6'6" and 6'4" and they bring a kid off the bench that is 6'5" plus they have a guy that has scored 1000 points out on the wing. They aren't that bad. Sounds like the people are choaking on their own sour grapes. Greenbrier did give MLK a scare once this year, but trust me guys, they aren't anywhere near MLK.....it did appear that Coach Eidson did have a stroke of genius in the Station Camp game. I don't want to call him out for saying that he threw the game but I bet his feelings weren't hurt over losing. thumb

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