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Posts posted by 2Good4u

  1. Should coach allow girls to come out for football?

    I know I`m going to get some heat for this but, I don`t think they should allow girl to come. It causes a lot of conflict and it is a distraction to the team. At Jeff Co. we had two girls come out this year ( as of spring pratice they were still on the team I don`t know if they are still on the team or not) the girl are not kickers like they are a other schools, the girls are slow, they lift the small weight on the team and did not play much as freshman. should a coach play the worst player on a team just because they are girls? if they don`t play like they didn`t last year then they complain ''I DIDN`T GET TO PLAY BECAUSE I`M A GIRL'' I don`t think it makes any sense having them on the team.



    They don`t care about helping the team they just want to bragg to everyone they meet I`M ON THE FOOTBALL TEAM

    they are not there to play. For those of you the play or did play highschool football you know what a locker room is like. whay happen when we go on the road and ALL have to use the same locker room. Special arrangement have to be done just for them, it makes no sense! No of this would happen through if coach would have had try outs( at Jeff Co who ever wants to on the team is on the team) the coach before coach meadows is old school he did`t allow girls to come out. One of the things that makes coach meadows a great coach is he chages with the times and he allowed them to come out, now the team is stuck between do they try to hurt the girls to make them quit or hold back so they don`t get hurt, or treat them like a guy and play normal. I don`t think it helps a team in any way, they are out there for the wrong reasons


    Let me know what you think sorry about the long massage

  2. you don`t understand Jeff Co was ranked something like 34th in 5A and 110th overall (don`t quote me on those numbers) . Thats a slap in the face, that shows that no one had any respect for Jeff Co last year. That was one of the things coach meadows use to motivate us last year and it looks like he can use it again. I not saying that just because you are ranked very high on the list you will have a great season, I`m saying it would be nice to get more respect because of what we did last year and how the team looks this year

  3. Desmond Reliford Jeff Co.


    Contact Anthony Spam, Blake Foster and the entire DB Offense ask them what he did to them in the first game (19 tackles 2 sack) He`s now the hardest hitter in region 1 ( I speak from personal expereince)




    #2 DB ( tradition of winning, been the best in the east for many years,will be faceing the tought compition that Jeff Co. and Oar Ridge have put out in years)



    * Oak Ridge

  5. FSU9


    How can you say Jeff Co. will choke or have choked, what a lost in the quarterfinals is a choke? in that case there were a lot of teams the choked last year, and there will be alot this year.

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