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Posts posted by Drewrod4UT

  1. True, Edminston would be on my 5A team somewhere as well. I think he could play about anywhere on the field. I was impressed with this guy.

    Heh! I can't imagine him playing on the line or FB! :lol:

    That's about it though!

  2. Rebel, I know you're going to be watching your faithful work on hendersonville, but you're going to regret missing this game! It's going to be a really good game with both sides giving everything they have. I'm going to have to stick with my LC Falcons. The Edminston factor will be the difference yet again cause I see both teams playing on even terms with about the same amount of penalties/turnovers.

  3. QB Don't be too quick to give it to Edmiston, wait to see if he or Solima leads their team to the championship

    Even if you didn't give the QB spot to Edminston, you'd want him on the field. He's too good an athelete and playmaker not to be on the field. He always demands respect. If you've seen him run, can you imagine him as a receiver already in the secondary wound up and moving when he gets the ball?

  4. I'd say Definitely Michael Edminston from Lincoln County. He could play QB or you could put Wolke(Smryna) in at QB for a pure passer and run Michael as a split QB/RB position player. Michael's very likely the best athelete in the state. Two other nominees from LC would be Horrocks and Divens. Both tackles are complete hogs on both sides of the ball and always seem to handle their man with ease. Jonathan Taylor (Smyrna #41 LB) is always all over the field and seemingly in every tackle they make. Orona (Smyrna #7) would be great for kick returns. He's incredibly elusive. This is just of the top of my head having just seen that game and those players completely stood out in my mind. Chanze Bryson (#4 WR/DB) could play either corner or WR. Anyone that's seen these guys play would agree.

  5. Middle Tenn seems to have better teams year and year out,better than east and west.Im from east tenn,and it seems that west tenn has better 4a tems than 5a.middle tenn is just bigger and stronger.

    Yeah! Bigger and Stronger! We've got more cornfields, hayfarms, etc for our country boys to get bigger, badder, and meaner than them east tennessee boys....Of course you all do have Oak Ridge! :rolleyes:

  6. i am not the greatest with directions, so by taking the 231 route i avoid having to remember where all i have to go. but as far as the game goes i am gonna ever see riverdale play bradley central in some bball or i am goin to the game, not sure on which at this point though.................

    We can get you directions that you can print on Mapquest if you need them :rolleyes:

  7. i dunno, i am kinda gettin tired of having to dodge every waking turn down 231 every friday :rolleyes: . e-mail me if u got anything planned for friday

    Why not come through Lynchburg or Petersburg instead? There are several of us that could give you directions and i assure you the roads are a lot straighter.

  8. oakland2001, I apologize if I came across that way. I give Smyrna ALL the credit. They did a FANTASTIC job returning kicks and punts. I could see that was no fluke. They are just that good. In the Riverdale game earlier this year, I don't remember LC having THAT much trouble covering punts and kicks. I give the credit to the running of Smyrnas return men. They were the best I've seen...and LC's coverage was the worst I've seen this year. It wasn't so much the coverage, cuz LC had men there, they just didn't make the tackles. I guess that what I was saying....Riverdale can't count count on LC missing so many tackles.


    Anyway, where were you Friday night? I looked all over for you. I even saw a cake with your name on it.

    I saw the cake as well. I could have had a piece but chose not to cause I was holding off for the Chili dinner we attended after the game. I hope you can make it to this game. We'll all be sitting the same place likely. Looking forward to seeing you there.

  9. If class and respect is claiming not many of this poll could last a week in the large private division then I don't want any.(If you can't say something nice, say nothing at all)  That was a knock on those teams in the poll.  Don't give me your twisted definition of class and respect.  Just like brothers15 I have a right to my opinion.


    PS Laughing at my opinion is also class in your book I guess.

    No one is trying to discount your opinion. If you will review the thread, you will see that brothers15 wasn't on the defensive until your thoughtless and personally insulting post in response to him. All I'm saying is, you guys can make your point much better without the personal insults. Give us a reason to respect you, instead of vice versa.

    I agree with the reason to respect you comment. I've said that I see DB or OR falling to the winner of the LC/Riverdale game. That's my personal opinion. I've seen OR, LC, and Riverdale all play this year and I just think that LC/Riverdale just have a better combination of speed, size, and coaching than either DB or OR. That's not to discount or disrespect either of those teams. Neither would be in the playoffs still if they weren't a talented team that didn't deserve to be there. If you want the respect of the MBA/BA/CB fans, invite them to come watch a playoff game. Let your team do the talking for you. That's what I do in addition to my biased opinions. I want people to come see my team play....and you know what..the ones that have now agree with me and respect LC for what they are. They are also still attending our games even though their team has been eliminated or whatever. There are some fans that get defensive if you attack them with insults, so just don't do it. Instead just let them learn to respect your team on their own. The private schools will always be more consistently a dominant force since they can keep their talent pool at a premium, so even the best of 5A schools couldn't compete year after year with them, but every year there are a few select teams that have the size, speed, talent, and team chemistry to compete with the Div II schools. The next year that list of teams is likely completely different. As for the people who think that any of the three big Div II schools would dominate any of the 5A schools, Please take the time to attend the LC/Riverdale game. You'll change your mind, I assure you. You won't regret attending the game as there is little like the rivalry these two schools have, and The Pit is an atmosphere unlike that of any other in Prep football. Both teams have outstanding community support and will draw a BIG crowd. The energy, emotion, and electricity will not be matched anywhere else. Come and find out for yourself.

  10. I wish everyone could view a clip or a tape of the LC/Smryna game and the first LC/Riverdale game. If that was possible, then everyone in the state would be going to the second clash of Riverdale/LC. it's going to be a really good game.

  11. If you're planning on seeing one of the biggest games of the playoffs, You'll want to head to The Pit to see Lincoln County play Riverdale. This is the most heated rivalry being played this Friday night. Riverdale is out for revenge from their first loss at their new stadium handed to them by LC earlier this year. Riverdale is playing well, while LC has been lackluster at times offensively. This will be a very close game filled with emotion. The stands have been packed the last two weeks with little standing room around the fence either. Riverdale travels well, LC always has a big crowd, and many of the people they've defeated this year will attend this game watching two powerhouses slug it out. You DON'T want to miss this one, garunteed.

  12. This will be another game of defenses just like the Smyrna game. The defense that's able to minimize or eliminate the other team from making big plays will win the game for their team. Just like I said the smyrna game would be controlled by the defenses and not the offenses, this one will as well. Both teams offeneses will struggle to execute at times and shoot themselves in the foot some, but both teams will also have moments where they do everything flawlessly. I see another really close game with the score swinging back and forth, flinging everyone's emotions too and fro. If the winner of this game is able to get their emotions and drive back for the semifinal game they will win the state. LC just doesn't loose state when they get there, and Riverdale always plays their best game of the season when they play for state. Both of these teams can really play, now what's left to decide is who plays best this coming friday night.

  13. Upsets...  Brentwood over Franklin  Wrong!

                    Grundy Co. over Macon Co. Don't Care! LOL!

                  McMinn Co. over DB Wrong!

                  Oak Ridge over Jeff. Co. Wow...One right!

                  Franklin Co. over Riverdale Wrong!

                  Northwest over Stratford  Another Don't Care!  :)

                  Smyrna over Lincoln County  Wrong! (barely)

    Heh.........not doing too well?

    I was just fishing for reactions.....got yours.....Smyrna ALMOST got yours too.

    Go Falcons.

    Heh...I was just having fun. Yeah they did! I think they have all the respect they deserve from all the LC faithful or anyone that saw that game. They were a heckuva team. I know you were having fun too....that's what these boards are about! :D

  14. I don't recall us ever beating MBA in the couple of times we've played them, but at the same time we didn't have a team those years like we do this year. The private schools have a definite advantage at keeping their talent level high, and when those games are scheduled you just have to luck into having the talent, coaching, and depth all come together to match up with them. DB had the luck to have that happen, LC has not. We're a small 5A school from a small county, so when things fall just right we do really well, else we run about the average for most 5A in middle tennessee. I'm not saying anyone remaining in the playoffs doesn't deserve to be there, they all do. I'm just saying the middle tennessee teams don't have the creampuff schedules DB or OR does, and that may come back to haunt the east tennessee the rest of the way in the playoffs, it may be to their advantage. There's no way to tell till a week from Friday when Middle and East square off.

  15. Ask Riverdale how they won against DB last year. 8 turnovers, a punt by DB that was not properly downed with a knee, DB punt team walking off field as a Riverdale picks up ball and walks in the endzone. Riverdale won the scoreboard, but DB physically handed it to them. Bad mistakes on DB cost them the game. Cost them a chance to be in the championship. Trust me DB has seen the speed and size and they are not scared. Lincoln Co should be more worried about themselves and not everyone else. Is it just me, or have the last two games been a little too close for comfort for you guys? You are not invincible and I pick Riverdale in the upset. Actually, I would not call it an upset though.

    Yup, DB handed them the win last year. But in the end it was just that Riverdale had the better game in the turnover and points off turnovers that won it for them. That's all part of the game. You can't make those mistakes and win. DB did last year. I'm not saying it's going to be a blowout by any means. You don't get those when you have two really good teams on the field this time of year. I don't think anyone will be suprised if LC gets upset by Riverdale. It's hard to beat a good team twice in one season. And LC should be worried about Riverdale, no one else. I think that's part of the problem the first two games is we were looking past the opponents in anticipation of the Riverdale rematch. Oakland came ready to play and saw the extensive use of around 6-8 plays the entire game of LC's offense. They saw no more. When you only run 6 plays or so the entire game, yeah it's going to be close. Smyrna is no pushover team. They were very good and would give any team in the state a very good game. The first half LC's offense again played very conservative and just tried to pound the ball against a stacked box to little success. The second half they opened things up, but by then it was almost too late as our defense had played almost the entire first half and was starting to tire. The offense still hasn't opened up completely or played to the capacity they played during the regular season. I look for another very close and exciting game next week as the number has already dropped to 8, and Middle Tn holds 4 of the remaining spots. If you want to see a really good game, I know OR and DB will likely be exciting as well, but come to The Pit and scout what you'll be seeing when one of the two head to your hometown.

  16. Upsets...  Brentwood over Franklin  Wrong!

                    Grundy Co. over Macon Co. Don't Care! LOL!

                  McMinn Co. over DB Wrong!

                  Oak Ridge over Jeff. Co. Wow...One right!

                  Franklin Co. over Riverdale Wrong!

                  Northwest over Stratford  Another Don't Care!  :justwrestle:

                  Smyrna over Lincoln County  Wrong! (barely)

    Heh.........not doing too well?

  17. Yall can dispute this all you want, but The Dobyns-Bennett Indians have the most wins in the history of Tennessee High School football (661). And for this being a "down" year and being in the third round of the playoffs isn't too shabby either. And I would bet that the winner of OR and DB this week will win the next game too.

    Well, we'll see in a couple of weeks then won't we? It's going to be either riverdale or lincoln county heading to either OR or DB. There's your clash of East vs Middle right there. I've seen OR, LC, and Riverdale play this year. OR may have shaped up since the beginning of the season, but at that time they had a long way to go to step up to the level of LC or Riverdale. Good thing for OR or DB is the winner of the LC/Rvrdl game may be suffering from emotional exhaustion as that is one of the biggest rivalries year in and out for each of them. This will be their second clash this season, and both teams will spend every ounce of energy they have into winning this next weeks game. That combined with the East home field advantage may be enough to tip the scales some. The crowds won't be that much of an advantage cause regardless both middle teams travel well and are supported by their communities very deeply. I was at the LC/Smyrna game tonight and they've got a good number of atheletes most teams would love to have just one. Two boss hogg linemen(both likely going to Div I), a quarterback that's likely the best all around athelete in the state(if you see him play you'll agree, everyone who's seen him play does), a couple of receivers/DB's that can outright just fly(a 99 2/3 yd pass to the tight end and a 64yd game winner to one of the receivers/DB's tonight), and a tailback who's not been playing to par and is still averaging 100+yds per game even when they stack 11 in the box. After tonight I know both the quarterback and the tailback have 1300+yds rushing this season, and neither have played more than 3 quarters really all season until the playoffs. Riverdale is much the same caliber, and hitting on all cylinders as well. East TN, get ready for speed and size you haven't seen all year. Believe me....Either LC or Riverdale is coming, and they'll be ready to talk the walk as they walk by you laying on the field defeated.

  18. Edminston carried the offense on his back and refused to even show hints of giving up. Edminston was the difference in winning the game and not winning the game. he may not have been the best quarterback on the field(that's a close debate), but he was certainly the most talented athelete on the field. He wanted this win more than anyone else on the field with the possible exception of Smyrna's tailback. Smyrna's tailback was great at making people miss tonight and refused to go down without forward progress. He was running like Gregory was at the beginning of the season. Now Gregory is running like he's scared of getting hurt or that he's become confused/indecisive. He hasn't been hitting the holes with a full head of steam, but just trying to tip to the lines like everyone else has said. He hasn't wanted to block and several times let people run right by him tonight to run Edminston out of bounds when his block would have likely sprung edminston for another 10 yards or easily more. I don't think Gregory's head is in the game like the rest of his team, and I encourage the rest of his team to let him know THEY KNOW he can do better than the effort he's been putting forth. There in the forth quarter he had several runs where he looked like the old Gregory from the beginning of the season. We're going to need that from him every time now through the rest of the playoffs else we won't be in them past next friday night, or the next night he runs like he did tonight. I have to give Smyrna their credit do. They came into town with an excellent gameplan, executed it very well defensively, and almost came away with the big upset. Both offenses struggled to execute consistently and had to rely on mainly on big plays to score. Defenses on both sides deserve all the recognition because they are what made the game what it was. Punt/kick coverage....You're going to have to shape up and do much better in all aspects to help us any little bit you can next week against riverdale. They won't have #7 running the ball back (who gave us complete fits in trying to catch/tackle him) but will have someone just as talented no doubt. Don't let us falcon faithful down. I look for a more balanced attack from here on out as I expect a number of opponents to start stacking the box against us and making us beat them with the pass. Maybe they'll catch tape of Chanze and Dobbins running after the catches they made. Lets hope they do and with a few passes to keep them honest they'll know better than to stack the box, or pay the price. My hat's off to both coaches as they both coached an excellent game. Officiating....I can say that there were a bunch of missed calls for both sides(mostly holds), but at least it stunk equally for both teams. If you missed the game, you likely missed one of the most exciting games in all the playoffs, if it doesn't turn out to be the most exciting game(it'll be darn hard to have a game more exciting and emotion filled than this one tonight). I'm just hoping to try and get a copy of the game on tape. I got a bunch of friends that would love to see it, as well as I would love to watch it again(If anyone knows where I can please let me know). Let's go falcons, Gotta do it again against riverdale! Oh....Just so all you falcon faithful know, On the way out I heard Wolke show a lot of class and praised us for the game we played. He was disappointed they lost, but wished us one thing for next week.....I think the quote was "I hope you all beat the crap out of riverdale next week" With that said, I think we may have won ourselves another group of followers and believers, at least for the next week or so!

  19. You can't overlook 'The Pit' in Lincoln County.

    It may have been around since the 80's but it's really nice for a stadium owned and maintained by the high school. The stadium is pretty loud cause we usually have excellent attendance. Anyone that's been there will agree with my statement and knows the atmosphere is unlike any other.

  20. In the mid-state...


    1.) Cedric Wilkerson (Northwest) RB

    2.) LaMarcus Coker (Antioch) RB

    3.) Josh Garza (Sycamore) QB

    4.) Patrick Turner (Goodpasture) WR

    5.) R.C. Smith (Gallatin) OL

    6.) Travis Sikes (CPA) WR

    7.) Marsalous Johnson (Smyrna) RB

    8.) Chad Gregory (Lincoln Co.) RB

    9.) Joseph Ruddle (Wayne Co.) QB

    10.) Chris Wooden (DCA) RB/LB

    11.) Jeremiah Crutcher (Hunters Lane) QB

    12.) Curtis Steele (Centennial) RB

    It's josh gregory for lc, not chad.

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