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Everything posted by machiavelli

  1. i do believe the question at hand is, how would the santa fe pack responded had their "angels" got the t's for backtalking? my prediction? 4 topics with bad grammar and weak trash talk about how wayne county was handed the game. so either way, it stinks when there are bad calls, but with any sport you'll have that. and to the person who said a ref can't alter the game....refill your prescription.
  2. I like the avatars, but can we only use the ones that are available? Is there any way we can upload our own? If not, might this be a possibility in the future? thanks in advance. -m
  3. my guess would be that the boxes come with the post count. i too would like to know the tier system that you use on the subnics. 25 then 100?
  4. cool, does the ally provide the shoes/balls and/or resin bags also? or do the bowlers provide their own?
  5. santa fe fans talking smack = x stick to playing marbles and relish in the fluke.
  6. *holds hand to forehead*.....i predict that a team that starts with "C" will be the victor....but the real question is what's riverratbball's gonna drop? 30 and 10? post your predictions now !
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