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  1. Thanks Brandon. The whole situation is over, we stood up for what we thought was right that's it folks! Whether you agree or not doesnt make a difference to me anymore. bigsexxy actually i don't know who you are.
  2. Dragonball, You dont know me man....Or you would know that I dont have a brother. The other Swaggerty and I are not related. Nice DMX quote...
  3. Phillis S. for farragut is the real deal, trust me...I tried all summer to get a kid to hit one by him but it never happened.Oh well i guess there's always next summer.
  4. hey they're eagle eye, actually it was 6 bro lol. And yeah they wont last WHOO HOO beat almight campell county not to mention they broke they're 6 game losing streak...(watch your language) Ahh i never knew everyone cared so much.. makes me feel all warm inside.
  5. BBALL85, Thank you whoever you are. Finally a fellow student speaks the truth.
  6. LOL, OUCH! IM SORRY I've disturbed the precious coach T. community but give me a break you have no idea what coach cox said and you have no idea why i decided to skip practice. Please Mr. how bout you post reply's on things you actually know about. This isnt Jeff County....I DONT CARE WHAT HE DID IN JEFF COUNTY. Apparently you dont know how everyone feels about Ole Gaines in Fountain City, you should come to one of the games and ask some people. MAXIUM ATTITUDE MAXIUM EFFORT (G.COX ORIGINAL) H
  7. lol ok man, BIG UPS TO LARSON I LOVE SEEIN THE BOBCATS GET STOMPED!! Mind your own business there smallsak
  8. This is Swagg..Lake Party? Are you someone from the Stars?
  9. Big Ups to Larson, I enjoy seeing the bobcats get stomped.
  10. Ok Your right im sorry...what was i thinkin?
  11. Owlsbaseball you really don't know any of the kids on the team soo i dont see you being able to call them slackers. Thanks for the comment though that really helped! I was on the team and i hadnt missed a practice in 3 1/2 years, i dont see that as slacking. The kids skipped practice for a far more better reason that just to be getting out of practice cause they are slackers. \ I guess i handed my slack to Coach Cox cause he'll have to pick up the rest, 3 weeks is whole lot of slack lol. Oh yeah one quick update since the whole incident happened central has lost 11-1,17-11, and 11-1......How many will they go?
  12. LOL You parents really know how to make a guy laugh...
  13. Guesswho...start believing cause im one of those kids. h
  14. Central High School Baseball bringing that "Pride and Tradition" to a ballpark near you! LOL. I would like to say i truely feel blessed to of been a part of a real "quality program" and would like to give a special shout out to Mr. Gaines Cox from good ole Jeff County for making my highschool baseball years everything i thought wou
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