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  1. Forget all those people who said riverdale can't be beat. They got beat by Warren county six to zip, with a sophomore on the mound. An awesome sophmore at that. Riverdale can't hang when they get that pressure put on them. So forget all those people who say it can't be and and forget everyone who predicted Riverdale for both games,because it didn't happen they got "SHUTOUT".
  2. what other picthers does riverdale have besides Alex Watson? Any good ones? who will catch if Alex pitches i thought he was a catcher?
  3. anyone have any predictions on who will win, or what it will take for warren county to beat riverdale or vice versa
  4. edog is right warren co does have alot of sophmores that can play ball and i believe that warren county will do good if they continue to work hard and hit the ball well like they have been. warren county my be young but they'll get after you and will never quit battling.
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