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Posts posted by CoachGonyeaSHS

  1. Hey coach, why don't you lighten up. (I'm trying, I'm almost down to 170lbs :D )


    This board isn't my hobby.  (No but sarcasm seems to be)


    Suggesting seeing a Dr. is constructive advice. (It was the sarcasm in your post)


    I don't think my remarks were snide. (most people who make them, come back later and use this as an excuse.  You know how many students tell me they didn't think they were being rude, but in reality they were.  Face it man, you were trying to make this kid feel stupid.  I usually don't go off like this, but when a kid who is seeking sincere help gets ripped on by a remark like yours, I'm going to say something.)


    And, yes...now I feel much better. Thanks for your concern. (That's a snide remark) ---> Glad to see your starting to see the problem you face.  Remember, admitting you have a problem is the first step in correcting it.  : )


  2. See a Dr...quit asking for medical advice from a message board.


    Your reply served no purpose other than to try to make someone feel stupid. You need to find another hobby man. This guy just wanted some advice from some people he felt he could turn to. Instead, you give him your snide remark. I hope you feel better.



    If you can't say something constructive, then refrain from posting.

  3. Just to add to the conversation, we (Ga.) have 16 teams in the Duals...top 2 from each region.


    Amen...Why can't we pull that off in TN? There are alot of good teams that never get the chance to get there each year. They do this in other sports. TSSAA would benefit greatly from this. The extra admissions, the extra concessions.


    Coach Gonyea SHS

  4. Since other teams are posting about off-season. I thought we might as well also. We will be hosting from ages 5 - High School. This will be our 5th year of running this team and we are looking forward to a big turnout this year.



    Be looking for more details soon.


    We'd also love to have former wrestlers who would like to help show up. We can use your help.


    Coach Gonyea

    Smyrna High Wrestling

  5. Smyrna and Hendersonville did not wrestle.


    Smyrna got destroyed by Page and Ravenwood.


    We had 7 starters out of our line-up tonight. Very tough season



    Spencer Sommers

    Adam Dedmon

    Randy Malone

    Matt Martin

    Rostum Prisayane

    Josh Taylor

    Alejandro Adame (Will not be back this season)



    If we could only get our full line-up on the mat....



    I will be bald by the end of the year..... :D

  6. gablefan,


    Not to be too harsh but if the state duals were to find out who has the best team,  we would not be divided into D1 & D2.


    Let the DI-DII split thing DIE!!!!! TSSAA has spoken, it will remain this way.


    Let the teams who win the state have the glory without an * next to their name. The winner will be State Champs....Period.

  7. I had heard that Trent had a season ending injury @ the Soddy Daisy Tourney. Can anyone tell what happened?


    From what I heard, Trent dislocated his elbow pretty severly. I don't know if it broke or not, but the movement in the arm was anything but normal.

  8. I find this system very disturbing with one thing in mind. There are no consistent scales in the state. My point being, if my guys weigh in on our scales and they weigh just fine, then we go to another school and they are over weight. Now, it will take them more than two weeks to get to their appropriate weight. Or, how about my guys weighing fine on our scales and then they go to a school who's scales are weighing light. My guy gets flagged for losing more than 1.5%. This system is well intentioned, but has many flaws that need to be addressed.



    Coach Gonyea

    Smyrna High Wrestling

  9. Are wrestlers allowing the ranking systems done by several people affect how they wrestle? Are they becoming a accurate predictor because some wrestlers believe they are the gospel truth?


    Anyone who is caught up in the ranking system, remember this, no one can predict your future except you. If some guy is ranked above you, does that mean you can't beat him? Last time I checked, 6 minutes was the real predictor.


    Lighten up wrestlers on the rankings and determine your own fate.


    These rankings are just some guy's opinion.

  10. 1. wasn't talkin bout yall

    2. i thought coach gonye just had good recruitment of strong guys

    3. don't be so quick to defend yourselve's, now you just look stupid




    You made a comment the night before this post at our match that our guy was on steroids. Then you carried on and told your coach not to shake our wrestler's hand. This is why we assumed you were talking about Smyrna. The whole issue is over though. I feel a need to defend my guys when they get attacked. They are hard workers and don't look for shortcuts.


    I understand your frustration, but our whole team knows that your initial statement was aimed at our team. Every guy on my team is willing to go get tested for Steroid or Drug use and promise me that they will test negative.


    Also, how does your statement of #2. have any relevance to this thread if you weren't aiming your initial comment to Smyrna.


    You are a great wrestler, just come back to win the next one and don't look for excuses to a loss. Help the loss make you better...not bitter.

  11. Yeah, the whole steroid thing goes hand in hand with watching your weight.  A kid having to maintain a certain weight all year, yeah it makes sense to use steroids, they don't make you gain weight at all.  Give me a break!


    It's an easy accusation to make. I have been accused of making excuses for losses before. I believe this ranks up their in the excuses category.

  12. I think they should test wrestlers for sterioids and clean the sport up.  I know of one team that is taking muscle enhancers or steroids or somthing, not to name them.  But i think they shouldtest.


    Let the sour grapes go. I know who you are referring too. However, let me be the first to tell you that Smyrna High does not endorse or use steroids. Every wrestler on our team is in a weight lifting class at SHS that makes them as strong as they are. Also, the gentlemen that you are referring too have an incredible work ethic and work out all summer long. We are sorry if their muscular physique offends you, but they put in lots of hard work to attain this.


    Work harder, then someone will accuse you of taking steroids too. By the way, have you seen our 103 lber. There is proof that Steroids are not a regular part of our work out at SHS. Also, look at the Brother of Pher and Adam, Brian, skin and bones, but is an intense wrestler who is winning matches left and right this year.

  13. Why did he forfeit at the Smyrna tourney?  Who has he beat and what places at what tournaments has he gotten?  I haven't seen anything on him.


    He didn't want to forfeit. However, the Trainer pulled him from the tournament due to a concussion. He was tied with D'Antonio Johnson until he got slammed to the mat(concussion). After that, he did not wrestle like himself.


    Smyrna has been so plagued with injuries this season. We should be back to normal by the end of this week.


    PS, Dedmon (Pher) beat Miller form Riverdale tonight.




  14. What I meant was in 2 years Smyrna will be up to where they were in the 2002-2004 years. I would like to see them do better though. Gonyea I was always the only guy that made you fell tall. Thats hard to do too.


    Gotcha, when you coming to see us...It's been a while.

  15. Did Smyrna have a bunch of guys not make weight? It is wierd to see them that low in a tournament that wasnt really that hard. Things certainly have changed since I was there. I think the graduating class of 2004 was the last good Smyrna team for a while. At least for 2 years.



    Yeah, we had the 3 top scorers for our team out for the tourney due to injury. Now, who the heck are you?...Just have my curiosity peaked...

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