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Everything posted by falcon62

  1. your exactly right it is up to the home coaches to decide to play or not, the thing is that we have only been scheduled to play 1 home jv game and when it was cancelled we tried to schedule a game with another team, then they cancelled due to the fact that there school had an outbreak of the flu. so get your stories together b4 coming on here and with your non sense. by the way im not a teacher i am a non faculty volunteer coach. i know i speak for the rest of the coaches when i tell you, you know nothing about what goes on day to day during the football practices and with the program in general. so with that said i am through listening to all you ridiculous comments. if something is really bothering you, you can come to the practices and voice your opinions there. Oh I See "A WANT TO BE BUT WILL NEVER BE COACH" if you know the history of LC you know JV games have been canceled every year for no reason. IF you are so in the know go to school and get your teaching license and then and only then will what you say "MAKE A DIFFERENCE." Till then what you say "DOES NOT MATTER---Duh."
  2. well i see what kind of person you are, not knowing anything about the LC football program. do you not know that if there is repeated lightning then we cant play DUH!!!!! and if the other coach from the opposing team calls and cancels then you cant say "i see what kinda coach you are" and run them in the ground like you do us. come on get a freakin life, and find something else to do. your just spueing with ingnorance, seem to know nothing.d as I stated I really dont think it has been lighting that much and have you ever heard of rescheduling-----I guess not. i would think it would be the home coaches decision if to play or not DUH!!!!!!!! Again appears you and the rest of the coaches dont want to take the time to play these games and as I stated earlier this has been going on for years with this staff. I hope you are a better teacher than you are a coach!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Come on blcoolio - I guess we see what kind of coach you are. Since when has weather stopped a football game. Another fact you fail to disclose is the JV games being cancelled is something that has been going on for years in LC. Since this is something that has been going on for a while, I tend to believe THE COACHES DON'T WANT TO FOOL WITH THE GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. a More of Coach T's faults and people wonder what has happened to LC program - not building for the future because coaches do not care!!!!!!
  5. I will tell you what I think is wrong: 1. No disclipine, players talking back to coaches, players doing things off the field that sets a bad example, especially for the younger kids in the community.This should not be allowed!!!! Players getting in trouble and just getting a slap on the hand when they should have been dismissed from the team. The reason for this appears to be because of the players parents and who they are in the community. 2. No excitement or energy from the coaching staff and this has carried over to the players and fans. the Pitt. This had been like a virus going through the team and causing the number of players to go down each year. 3. The failure of the coaches to constantly be talking to future players and getting them excited about being a LC Falcon. 3. Failure to play the substitutes when game allows.This builds next years team. This has been going on for years. Coaches are coaching for the "NOW" not the future!!!!!!! 4. To many coaches, administrators and fans living in th "PAST" and not the "NOW." 5. MOST IMPORTANT----poor coaching and the like of ablity to be able to adjust to todays changeing game and changing players I remeber coming the Pitt when it would be standing room only with close to a 100 excited, well coached Falcons roaming the sidelines. There would be excited screaming fans in the stands and players and coaches on the field giving a 110%.
  6. Lincoln County is ranked 48 out 55 6-A teams, can't get much worst!
  7. Just as everyone gets tired of seeing the same old negative comments that you make about the team and the coaching staff. Get a life, get a job, get off this site or go see the coaching staff. You have been invited out, and if the rest of us felt the way that you do, being a "TRUE FALCON FAN", we would have taken the opportunity to show up at practice and vent or voice our opinions to the coaching staff. The last time I checked Coach T. and the other coaches all seem to have an "OPEN DOOR" policy. Which you evidently need to learn how to use. Do you need me to come and open the door for you? If you like the coaches so good go with them when they leave!!!!!!!!!!! Why talk to Coach T he hasn't changed a thing several years and not going to start now!!!!!!!!!
  8. Dream On-----I bet you still believe in Santa Claus also. We could not beat a good 1-A team!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. You're exactly right about that! Get it done, Falcons!!!! Everyone gets tired of seeing the same old coaching and results over and over. 4 quarters or not Coffee County wins.
  10. Where's blcoolio this week no talk about how you are improving?
  11. "Has done" is the key------can't live in the past. Come on boosters and officials lets get the new coach!!!!!!!!!!!! START A NEW TRADITION OF WINNING AT LC.
  12. At least Im stating the truth, my gosh your in a district will only one other 6-A team and everyone else is 5-A and LC can't even stay in the game with them. THAT IS TERRIBLE SO THAT MAKES YOU A TERRIBLE COACH!!!!!!!!!!! blcoolio You got that right it wasn't a dream it was a NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!! Let's see the score was 45 to 7, I GUESS YOU ARE NO BETTER AT PREDICTING SCORES, THAN YOU ARE AT COACHING!!!!!!!!!!! Mecry Ruled Again when is this nightmare going to end????????????????????
  13. At least Im stating the truth, my gosh your in a district will only one other 6-A team and everyone else is 5-A and LC can't even stay in the game with them. THAT IS TERRIBLE SO THAT MAKES YOU A TERRIBLE COACH!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. ITS OKAY TO DREAM I GUESS -------SO DREAM ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Game will be over by end of second quarter.
  15. Maybe you're just lonely and this board is the only human contact you have. I think I'll just ignore you for the rest of the season...then maybe you'll go away. Have a nice life! Please do ignore me------because I sure don't want anything to do with you and blindness when it comes to what is happened. IT MIGHT BE CATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure not lonely I have plenty of people to talk to on Friday nights and during the week that feel the same way I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Lady have you ever heard of playing more than one sport if kids don't want to - so be it. That is were the coaches have to sale the program. Good example would be Oakland 3 years ago 31 players on the team and losing record year after year. New coach comes in sells program and seventy plus players dress in the fall and BY THE WAY THEY WIN THE STATE CHAMPIONSHIP. Explain that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds to me like the staff at LC is doing a poor job of selling the program and that starts with the head coach!!!!!!!
  18. You just dont get, you are obviously not from LC. The Pit is not full anymore due to the fact that there are so many fickle fans, just as your self. people want to talk and blame the coaches for the losses but really it isnt our fault. We didnt miss tackles, miss blocks, not hit the hole when it is there, so all we can do as coaches is teach them what they did wrong and try and correct it. then it is up to the players to take what we have taught them and use it to their best ability. then if they mess up again we start all over. you act like you could do some coaching, so if you would like i will step aside and give you my hat for a week and see if you can make a difference. What im going to do now is let the stupid be stupid and let the real fans come here and talk positively about Falcon Football. GO FALCONS!!!!!!!!! Let me correct you!!!! I am from Lincoln County and have been here all my live and I have seen the good, the BAD and the UGLY 2009 over the years. If anyone is stupid it would be you. The pit is not full because people are tired of all the crap and lackluster seasons. Something else it sounds to me like you might need to try a different profession. I know you are trying to make yourself feel better by putting the blame off on the players for not being successful. I quote: "We didnt miss tackles, miss blocks, not hit the hole when it is there, so all we can do as coaches is teach them what they did wrong and try and correct it. then it is up to the players to take what we have taught them and use it to their best ability. then if they mess up again we start all over". It is pretty ovivious that you and the rest of the coaches are not gettin the job done. Correct me----- I would think you as coaches would bench a player or players if time after time they kept doing something wrong. That falls under the disclipine problem----NO DISCIPLINE AND YOU LOSE CONTROL OF THE TEAM. If I'm not mistaking I would rather have eleven young players that want to play and do as coached instead of whatever the number is that think they can DO THEIR OWN THING. So in my book that makes you stupid and the real fans will not come back -----to you and the rest of the staff is gone and a new tradition of winning is started.
  19. Are you serious, there has been a tradition in LC for years, i guess having a winning season year in and year out, and winning region championships year in and year out ,going to playoffs year after year means nothing huh.falcon62 your just plain STUPID. oh yeah, i figured i wouldn't see you at the practice field yesterday. like i said b4 get your crap together b4 you come on here and talk the craziness your talking. as far as the people in the community talking, that is going to happen anywhere you go, when the team is winning everyone loves them, but when you lose only the true fans stick with the team. GO FALCONS!!!!!! Number one you were in a weak region and number two how far did you go in the playoffs ------- NOT FAR USUALLY OUT AFTER FIRST GAME!!!!!!!!!. Also how many big games did you win --------VERY FEW!!!!!!!. As for the people talking in the community and in the crowd that began several years ago!!!!!!!!!! That is the reason the home stands are never full at the pit. So keep tooting your horn if it makes you feel better, BUT THE FACTS ARE THE FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Maybe you're just lonely and this board is the only human contact you have. I think I'll just ignore you for the rest of the season...then maybe you'll go away. Have a nice life! THANK YOU, now if we can get rid of the coaches everything will improve next year!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Blah blah blah...your whining is getting old. Go meet with the coaches. Tell them what you think. You might make a difference then. There's no one on this board that can help you...so why are you still here? Darn sure the coaches are not going to help. I guess you are proud of being 0-5 so if you want to accept total disarray and being a below average team so be it. One thing is for sure I will still be here.
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