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The Sports Guy

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Posts posted by The Sports Guy

  1. Since were are speaking hypothetically here anyway, allow me to construct 2 hypothetical regions.


    Region 11 is a tough AAA region, with a tough schedule. They have collectively played and beaten the best teams in region 11 AA & AAAA. The only losses that the top 4 have are against each other. All 4 are in the top 25 in all polls.


    Region 12 is not nearly as good this season. The top 4 have combined for 12 losses outside of the region. Most of their wins have been against other weak Region 12 opponents. The #1 team is ranked 63rd or worse in all polls.


    Question: Should the Region 11 #4 have to sit out the post-season, while the Region 12 top 2 go get their brains beat out in the first round?


    Sure, some teams might not deserve to make the play-offs, but the extra game allows 4 more teams in. This also includes 2 more teams in that just might deserve to be there.

  2. I don't know if you have read the thread about points scored/given up.


    I ran the numbers on West Greene, and they have given up 438 points this season. If the Panthers put up 62, they will have given up 500 points, or 50 points per game on average.


    I know that's a place in history that the Buffs don't want to achieve.


    I also know that playing at half speed against a team playing their hearts out will get someone hurt, so the Panthers need to come out full bore for the sake of safety.


    If Mark Hassler (#7) comes in at QB in the 2nd half, look for him to continue putting numbers on the scoreboard. This kid is a pure athlete. I have been told that this is his first year in a football uniform. It's impossible to watch him and believe that statement.

  3. Wow there is a lot of hostility on this thread. :( I think it's good to see this region be so good this year, that in order to win it, you have to win every game. That tells you that there are several really good football teams in it. CG has been fortunate enough this year to win the region. They may not be that fortunate next year, but they were this year. And for that good job to them. And as far as MVP goes, who cares??? All the players mentioned are great football players and it would be great for either one of them to get it. And besides, those players' TEAMS.....are all in the playoffs. That's the big thing right? Good luck to all the region 1 2A players and teams in the playoffs. It's been a fun year. And because I am a CG fan, take care of business this week against West Greene, then get ready for a good postseason. :D


    No ill will on my part shotdoc. I agree whole heartedly that every team has one or 2 great players that deserve to be observed.


    This is, however, a Cumberland Gap thread started by gapfan06 to celebrate the Panther's success.


    Either dukesofhazzard couldn't find the "New Topic" button, so he could celebrate the Rebels, or he was just looking for a verbal battle. First he needs to learn how verbs are used in a properly constructed sentence.


    I just can't tolerate being blasted by anyone that says " We is better than y'all am."





  4. the rebels have a hella good team this year...anyone that beats them needs some respect...cumberland gap good job..you got my respect here...the rebels didnt stop themselves they were stopped....cumberland gap was just pound for pound to strong i guess...but it wasnt cg defense stopping the huskies..so i know the d needs some work..congrats on all those wins cg...you all deserve everything you get..and i look forward to being on the same field with you next year... :thumb:


    I know that it will be a tough battle all the way, but if South Greene can get by CAK and Alcoa, and Cumberland Gap can get by Oliver Srings(or possibly Rockwood) and Loudon, we can see that rematch this season.


    I would love to see that happen, with the winner going to the semi-finals.


    Region 2AA is tough, but so are the Rebels and the Panthers!

  5. yeah so it just came to my attention that TSSAA only allows girls to be punters in football...crap...and i can't kick to save my life...and yes i am am MTSU fan...lol...oh well there goes that dream


    You can still go tackle that tree!


    If you are really that willing to give up on your dream, either:


    a) It wasn't much of a dream at all




    :angry: You weren't dedicated enough to play football to begin with.

  6. Again, do you get out of Claiborne County!!! Bryan Wright is by far the best defensive player in the conference. I feel Laws is the best on offense but also feel Caldwell at H.V. may be the best. Your guy may be third. As far as Clemons stooping Laws, S.G. stopped theirselves because their offense was so 1 demisional at the first of the season. Get out and watch some football!!!!


    I don't even know why I reply to such a poorly written post. Maybe while I'm out watching some football, you should be in the classroom studying grammer.


    I don't think the Rebels stooped theirselves, theyselves, or even themselves.


    The Panther defense, however, stopped a mighty fine Rebel offense.


    You can also feel anyway that you wish.


    May I still have my opinion, without trash talk from you?


    I try to show respect to all school systems, and the teams that represent them.


    By the way, does my profile say that I'm from Claiborne County? Maybe you could use some geography to go with that grammer class.

  7. I wasn't talking trash about the QB from Claiborne, I was just wondering if was hurt really bad. Didnt know how bad the injury was.


    I know that your question wasn't trash talk.


    I called the Claiborne field house, but haven't gotten an update yet. I left a messge for Coach Liles to call me when he can.


    Does anyone else know any more yet?

  8. Next subject, Clemmons MVP!!!, Laws at South Greene has over 1,000 yards rushing, and 20 touchdowns. It must be hard over there in Claiborne County to get out and see other people. If you did you would know there are better players out there. If he is region MVP your region is weak.


    I did see Laws play, and he is very good! He is one of the best in all of East Tennessee!


    I predict that South Greene will be way too much for CAK in the first round of the play-offs, and advance to face Alcoa in round 2. Congrtulations on a great season!


    But who do you think put the stops on Laws in the Cumberland Gap game? The Panthers leading tackler, and one of the best in East Tennessee is Zeth Clemons.


    Remember that one? It was 10-7. South Greene's only Region 1AA loss.


    The MVP should be the one that got his team the farthest.


    The best player on the best team in Region 1AA is Zeth Clemons.


    Period. Exclamation point!

  9. There have always been bad calls in high school sports, and there always will be! The officials are only human, and there will never be instant replay due to the high costs of the equipment and operating it.


    For the most part, I think the officiating is pretty good. They usually work as a team, and discuss anything that they think they can improve before, during, ad after the game.


    Sometimes you can get a guy that just isn't ready for the "Friday Night Lights". It falls upon his officiating teammates to either get him ready quickly, or get him out until he is ready.


    I have no idea how many officials have filed a report against another official, but I suspect that it needs to happen a little more often.


    To claim that an entire officiating crew made every call one way or the other is just plain nonsense. That would require collusion from all involved, and that is a criminal act.

  10. The first girl to ever score in a TSSAA football game was a place kicker from Notre Dame H.S. in Chattanooga several years ago.


    I don't remember her name, but it was big news for several weeks acrooss the state. She didn't make it on her first few trys, so the anticipation grew every week.


    If girls start in the K-2 program and develop the skills, knowledge, heart, and desire to play football, then more power to them.


    If a high school age girl just wants to try it as a novelty, she will find that it's not all fun and games. Bruises, lost teeth, broken fingers, and sprains occur daily. Everyone plays with pain somewhere at some time.


    If you don't like to taste your own blood, then tackling will not be as fun as you might think. Getting hit hurts as much as it appears.


    Try putting on a helmet and pads, and hitting a big tree in your yard. If the tree wins on day 1, try another sport. If you are still trying to move that tree after 2 weeks, you just might be a football player.


    Place kicking is probably the best way for a girl to compete in football.


    Boys usually have stronger legs, but a girl can develop accuracy just as well as a boy. Practice, practice, practice, practice some more, and then go show the coach what you can do with a pointed ball.


    Place kicking is not a 1 person job. The holder and long snapper will also have to want you to succeed, so make sure you don't go in with an attitude toward your teammates, or they will see to your failure.

  11. Who cares about claiborne


    PANTHER PRIDE!!!!!!!!


    I care about Claiborne! AND, you should too!


    Jared Liles is a fine player. I haven't heard anything about his injury, but I will try to find out tomorrow and let everybody know what's going on.


    OK now Gapfan06, I think you owe an apology!


    A real football fan never wants to see any player from any team badly injured.


    The only way to claim to be any better than anybody else, is to beat them when they are at the top of their game. And even then, you never ridicule another athlete.


    It's called SPORTSMANSHIP!

  12. West Greene has given up 381 points, with high scoring Cumberland Gap & South Greene still left to face.


    They could easily hit 550 this season.


    South Greene went easy on their cross-county cousins. 57-0


    That gives West Greene 438 given up, with only Cumberland Gap to face.


    We will see a lot of reserves in the 2nd half, but I still think the Panthers will have a hard time staying below 62 points to make it 500+ for the season.

  13. From Knoxville News Sentinel PrepsXtra:


    1 Wesley Smith/ SCOTT 1418 163 8.7 0

    2 Dennis Rogan/ FULTON 1364 174 7.8 0

    3 Justin Carden/ ANDERSON COUNTY 1342 193 7.0 0

    4 Lynn Haynes/ OLIVER SPRINGS 1332 234 5.7 0

    5 Rommel Hightower/ LENOIR CITY 1325 175 7.6 0

    6 Brandon Davis/ COALFIELD 1253 129 9.7 0

    7 Darius Ewing/ MORRISTOWN WEST 1165 143 8.1 0

    8 Dustin Lindsey/ ALCOA 1096 107 10.2 0

    9 Ryan Helton/ CLAIBORNE 981 118 8.3 0

    10 Nick Moore/ FARRAGUT 933 187 5.0 0


    Not all teams post stats, so there could be a lot more in East TN.


    The zero at the end is NOT TDs, it's longest run. Apparently nobody posted that stat.

  14. What exactly is a drop kick?


    Basically, it's a field goal without a holder. It counts as 3 points, and catches the defense by surprise. You can do it on any down, but if they were in punt formation, it probably came on 4th down.


    Don't expect to see many of them in your lifetime! It's almost a lost art.


    We used to do it in the sandlot all of the time back in the '50s & '60s. In fact it was not uncommon to see two kids drop kicking the ball back and forth for hours at a time intead of passing to each other.

  15. Since the tobacco in football issue has drawn so much attention, the Department of Agriculture has decided that football should not be played in tobacco patches due to the potential to harm both the Farmer, and his livestock.


    "Keep football in the corn field where it originally started", one source clearly stated.


    The next question will probably be: "Should coaches be allowed to eat corn on the sideline, without bringing enough for everyone?"



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