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Everything posted by TheFork

  1. Hillsboro=Clayton, Decision, his to make. May the fork be with you.
  2. Look to the east you must. Find a ridge filled with oaks. May the for be with you.
  3. Careful thefork must be. Certification, must have. The darkside, many options they have. Title 1, use they will try, to get the man from Louisana. May the fork be with you.
  4. Disturbance in the fork, there is. Abound, rumblings do. Checks of background, sketchy they may be. Homework, CR, dog ate it, he did. May the fork be with you.
  5. Anywhere else, better it is. May the fork be with you.
  6. Complete, your path to the darkside will be. May the fork be with you.
  7. From within, Overton would hire, I believe. Roots that deep, hard to replace. Outside interest, only from Maryville, would be considered. Only freshman basketball will the great Bubba give up. May the fork be with you.
  8. CR, what they do, good or bad, matters not to Antioch. No sigh of relief, no worries either. Told you so, never will I say. Remember, strong with the fork I am. May the fork be with you.
  9. Progressinwork, personal you can not take this. Celebrating, not a Woodward characteristic. Bad though, this hire is. Doormat CR always will be. May the fork be with you.
  10. Transfer,you should. May the fork be with you.
  11. Progessinwork, choice wanted by you, good,would be. Happen not. Theballrun, same, we are not hearing. May the fork be with you.
  12. To the north CR will go. Waiting on Clayton, Hboro is. May the fork be with you.
  13. Eggs,not count ,before they hatch. Job, up for, another, there is. May the fork be with you.
  14. Enjoyed the company of red and black, I did, when he helped the blue. Tough job, much pain, indure he must, if job he gets. Stratford, too far on the darkside it is, for me to see. Clayton= Hillsboro May the fork be with you.
  15. Stronger with the fork I thought you were. Darth Reese, a reason he is there. Search your feelings, you should. Questions Darth Reese asked, find out you can. Influence, much , he has on the ridge of cane. May the fork be with you.
  16. Darth Reese, afraid I am, hire he will be involved. Coach of college from north of the fork it will be. If Darth Reese involved not, from Overton or Blackman the hire will come. May the fork be with you.
  17. Happen, this will not. May the fork be with you.
  18. Movement there has been. Movement always there be. Sworn to secrecy I am. My source, trouble can find him not. Sorry. May the fork be with you.
  19. Certainly strong with the fork DM is. Much intrest,as dc, there is. Head coach, believe not. May the fork be with you.
  20. Progressinwork correct he is. Jabba=RC. Fork clearing. News I have. Post, not yet. May the fork be with you.
  21. Nothing have I heard. Nothing have I felt. Mysterious fork is. Searched I have. Nothing the fork has shown. Stand by last post I do. May the fork be with you.
  22. Theballrun, nothing, the fork has shown to me. Post of last fork same it is. Waves of green, effect on you, they have? May the fork be with you.
  23. Decided, not yet. 2 remain. Wrong was I. Jabba no bother east lit. Clouds over fork, they are. Jabba2 hired will be CR or Hboro. May the fork be with you.
  24. Progressinwork, into the fork of brentwood, I have been, a strong jedi, I have seen. From the hills of green, he left. To the hills of the east he went. MNPS another Jabba I have seen. Return he will, from the land of Irish. To East or CR clear I am not, but return, he will. May the fork be with you.
  25. Prgessinwork, your idea, too fast it is. Outstanding is Jay, however, big names, loom, several will. May the fork be with you.
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