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Everything posted by 4verts

  1. Saying Jeff County gets beat badly again, and stumbles home 5-5 and misses the playoffs will the new principal look to make a change?
  2. If your coach is your english teacher then I definately agree that he should be fired. WOW!
  3. Rewis! Really? Same guy who use to be at heritage? Bad to Worse
  4. I think sweetwater will be just fine. I congratulate them on hiring someone that will be a coach and not a good ole boy. They will be turned around quicker than anyone else in the district because of this hire. Meigs could learn a lot from sweetwater in this instance.
  5. Do you think the turnover is because they continue to hire the same kind of coach as opposed to hiring someone a little outside their comfort zone?
  6. So no one knows when they are going to name someone? Must be going to hire the Doc. They are not leaving much time for an outside hire to put a program in place. First game is just over three months away. To me it seems like they keep hiring the same coach, just a different name.
  7. Didn't Holiday interview earlier this year for another job for a team in the district?
  8. Is there any time frame when we could expect a new coach to be named? This is really starting to drag out.
  9. What about someone with ties to maryville?
  10. Who is going to get it? What is the timeline?
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