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  1. Well if you don't make the call you not doing your job because you get paid to get the calls right and if he was out the box no matter what part of the game rules are rules. Simple. Umpires don't have the balls to make right calls because they are ready to get a check and go clearly in this case he knows the terms of rules Wasnt talking to you so you shut up buddy SHUT UP ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Well if you don't make the call you not doing your job because you get paid to get the calls right and if he was out the box no matter what part of the game rules are rules. Simple. Umpires don't have the balls to make right calls because they are ready to get a check and go clearly in this case he knows the terms of rules
  3. Call me a troll as you put it but this troll is telling the truth and knows alot more than you think I do and your coach might not be your coach next year . From Tssaa so keep on saying what you want. I think every words is true about Preston is a great coach but he also is about Preston .
  4. DC vs NS plus 3 umpires by NewellHartbaseball » Wed May 12, 2010 11:43 pm Well you need to get you stuff right lady if you would talk to your asst coach he will tell you that the two brothers are from bolivar. If you also talk to your asst coach that he coached him in college and me as well. They are 100% from bolivar and if you don't believe me you can ask you coaches I've always said that even in a loss, you should never blame the umpires for a few bad calls......I stand corrected. Tonight in Brighton, Dyer County beat Northside 11 to 3 in the first game forcing a 2nd game for the championship. Bottom of the 8th score is tied at 5, DC has bases loaded, two outs and the batter hits the ball to left center scoring 2 runners and DC begins to celebrate after the 1st runner comes across home plate. The home plate umpire calls the batter out because he says he stepped out of the box and we have to go to a 9th inning. NS gets 2 runs....DC doesn't score; therefore DC takes 2nd and NS gets 1st. It is KNOWN first of all that all 3 umpires are from Jackson; second of all there are NO visible lines showing where the box is! How in the WORLD can this umpire call this? There is NO WAY he actually saw his foot step out of that box. Plus....isn't there such a thing as a swinging bunt? Is it not the same as in softball with a slap bunt? TALK ABOUT BEING BLINDSIDED!!!! I am currently working on the video and will paste the link soon! i guess its o.k. to get on here and whine and say three umpires deliberately cheated dc because they were from jackson though isnt it?
  5. Well first of all he knows what he is doing is wrong and gas to do it to complete with Memphis . Second you don't know anything about me and him. Third stop crying
  6. Someone tell smallBALLS to be real Preston come on. But the list of the other three great guys
  7. You ask other people to stop crying. Y'all have been crying since Wednesday night. And as far as the best coaches that will tech them skill come on now. Like I said before me and Preston talk alot and he will tell you as he has told me before he is not even top 5. And y'all do ask players to come play for y'all but y'all will get caught soon and like your coach said if it happens it will just be time to move on.
  8. You say you not crying but that's what it seems like. You keep putting the umpires in your loss just take it and say you loss. Umpires don't lose games players do.
  9. Well me and Preston go way back and I have talked to him about what happened and no they are not from Jackson Sorry
  10. Man that's good if he really hitting 90 that just a freshman right
  11. There are some good teams up there hard to say who's the best they all play good ball
  12. TROLL--- TROLL----TROLL-----TROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Call me what you want But that just shows the kind of people from down there and I heard about the fan that got threw out you might not know that he is a coach of a Memphis team and him and Preston are friends so you can't go off his opinion either. And i did some research and called my friend from munford and he told me who was calling the game and I know of the umpires and your information is wrong they are not from Jackson they are from bolivar and work in the Jackson group. So your information is wrong and I heard that one of the umpires I don't know witch one knows your assistant pretty well so I think if he was going to cheat it would be for dyer. Just stuff to look into and think about before you post non factaul stuff.
  13. TROLL--- TROLL----TROLL-----TROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Call me what you want But that just shows the kind of people from down there and I heard about the fan that got threw out you might not know that he is a coach of a Memphis team and him and Preston are friends so you can't go off his opinion either.
  14. Amen. These dyer fan just don't know how to take a loss I guess and you said the flipped the bird twice that is no class at all. Tssaa need to make a rule that if fans cause trouble at the game it causes trouble for there team. This will stop a lot of mess and I bet you that guy won't put the entire game on there because then we will all see how they acted and what they said.
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