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Everything posted by NoCompetition2

  1. Did we stop them one time though? Im pretty sure we didnt. Maybe once. Lol. Do you think anyone we were missing on defense would have made enough of an impact to stop their running or passing game? Dont get me wrong I wish we would kill this team this year, but I just am telling it like I see it. Maybe I was a little more biased when I was in high school, but not anymore.
  2. Yeah I didnt realize a 8-2 season was a lack of confidence.
  3. I didnt see that, but I talked to one person on here who seems to think Knox Grace will be a easy game. He said they lost all of their offense. I really dont know much about them this year. If a preseason poll has them at number 2 then they must be halfway decent.
  4. I am sure Gordonsville appreciates the confidence you have in them.
  5. I think SP has a tough stretch at the end of the season. Does anyone know anything about the team from GA? I seen their record last year, but its hard to go off that when you dont really know any of the teams they played. Going through the GA team, Boyd, Polk, & Knox Grace will be tough. I see us going 3-1 at best. At least we will have Whitwell before that stretch to get our minds off the murder Signal Mountain is going to give us.
  6. I think its more about who they play. It is a bold statement, but its not impossible. I dont think it will happen, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I know they will be glad after the SP week is over with.
  7. I hope so if they have the same schedule. No reason for any team to only win 1 game with that schedule.
  8. The funny thing is if they win 2 games then that's an improvement from last year.
  9. Cute pic but yeah those guys are not going to come out for awhile. They had the easiest schedule last year, and still found a way to lose almost every game. The sad part about it is that most of those losses were not even close either.
  10. Me and TT do not agree much, but I think I agree with him on his prediction. I am not going to call mine the truth or anything because I have been wrong before. Rather he wants to admit it or not he has been too. I think the wing t will be perfect for SP, and maybe even make Boyd & Knox Grace a toss up. If I had to make a prediction I would say those 2 teams beat us though, and Signal will not even be close. They are just on another level. I tried to say that last year but some people thought we still had a chance. Yeah I have a chance to win the lottery too if I play it.
  11. I know you dont coach anymore Roy, but I still refer to you as coach. Yeah your right he should listen to you more often.
  12. Your joking. You know who Tony Horton is. You know you didnt drive by. You know you parked in the parking lot, went in & observed. Maybe even instructed Coach.
  13. Richard Simmons is outdated. This generation prefers Tony Horton. Sorry Roy.
  14. I agree that we will have the best backs. I did hear that our offensive line is going to struggle though from a important source.
  15. With another year of cheating, looks like Signal will be missing the playoffs again.
  16. If you are referring to me which I know you are I still have my original name. I am on here every other day, and if I have anything to say to you this year I will say it to you on my real name. I dont have the time of the day to go create other names for Coach T. As for your arguments I am sure they are true, but you are always going to be biased to that group because that was your group. I cant fault you with that. They were great.
  17. Yes to question number 1. Yes to question number 2. I assume it would not cost anything, but you never know. You think im joking but im not.
  18. Wow. I dont think North Sand Mountain will be able to contain the speed if SP brings their A game since it is just the 1st scrimmage.
  19. I have seen you talking this Gordonville team up. I am not saying you are wrong, but what makes you so sure of this huge amount of confidence you have in this team? When expectations are put on a team to win the State when they are not used to that pressure they could easily fold. I also think Mr. Lankford & a few other guys from SP will have something to prove this year. We might struggle against bigger schools in the regular season but when playoff time comes around I think this team will do more than make a decent run.
  20. This will be tough on the Warriors after coming off one of their worse seasons ever. I dont think anyone had high expectations for them so they will be alright.
  21. Congrats to Coach Boeck. He will improve your program rather you think your program needs improving or not. He had no talent these last couple of years at Marion County. When he did have just some talent we seen what he was capable of.
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